View Full Version : 35 Herrett?

07-31-2017, 09:36 PM
How involved is it to form 35 Herrett from 30-30?
Thanks Aaron

07-31-2017, 09:54 PM
Easy as pie. Run it through a FL die / expander button and you are done. Also need to do the regular trimming, champhoring, flash hole uniforming, etc.

07-31-2017, 10:14 PM
takes a little more than "regular" trimming
and there is fire forming

07-31-2017, 11:53 PM
Thanks guy's, sounds easy enough!

Now to find some dies.

08-01-2017, 07:35 AM
I have both the 30 Herrett and the 35 Herrett. I cut mine to just a hair long after I run it through the expander with a power miter box and finish trimming like any other cartridge. Saves MUCH time trying to trim it all with a hand cranking trimmer.

country gent
08-01-2017, 11:06 AM
When forming for a contender the shoulder is the critical part of the operation Set your die so the case shoulder provides a slight tension when closing. Otherwise it a simple neck up operation I have polished my ball to a mirror finish to smooth operation a tapered expander is even better. I use a file and trim die to rough cut the brass and a 32 tpi jewelers saw. I cut to +.010 then trim with trimmer. You need to remove around a 1/4" from the case when formed.

08-01-2017, 02:34 PM
First you have to buy the dies and they are not cheap these days. I have watched them on auction sites and they bring about twice the price of a standard die set. Don't forget to anneal the cases after forming or after the first fire forming.

08-01-2017, 02:44 PM
Improper forming will cause misfires. The shoulder is critical. Once case is fireformed, back off the resize dies about .1".

08-01-2017, 05:51 PM
When forming for a contender the shoulder is the critical part of the operation Set your die so the case shoulder provides a slight tension when closing. Otherwise it a simple neck up operation I have polished my ball to a mirror finish to smooth operation a tapered expander is even better. I use a file and trim die to rough cut the brass and a 32 tpi jewelers saw. I cut to +.010 then trim with trimmer. You need to remove around a 1/4" from the case when formed.

Setting the Full-length sizer a little high, then trimming to proper length, will allow a second fine sizer die adjustment that causes a tight fit at the shoulder when closing the action to fire-form... You should adjust till the case barely allows the action to close. A "snap-fit" on a TC-type action will pay off in both long-term fit and accuracy.
If your newly formed case allows the action to close easily before fire-forming, you've pushed the shoulder further back than you needed too... Back the FL sizer die off to find a slight shoulder "crush-fit" for optimal long-term results.