View Full Version : 🎯 continuing mods in my PC procedure

Walter Laich
07-29-2017, 06:10 PM
First, I ran across this modification on the forum and can't remember who came up with it. If it was you, reply so I can thank you as personally as possible on a forum.

After I swirl and violently shake the bullets, PC and ASBBs I pour it into a plastic colander which I have enlarged the holes so the BBs will drop through--88¢ at wallyword.

That leaves me with the coated bullets which I gently pour into a homemade mesh basket that fits my oven. Made it out of a mess pizza rack, again from wallyword. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Wilton-Bake-It-Better-Pizza-Screen-16-Inch/134251036

I spread the bullets out so they don't rest on top one another--touching is OK.

Bake as usual = from cold oven set PID to 400° and 22 minutes which gets me 10 min at 400° which works for me

Pour out onto an 88¢ metal tray and if any are sticking together separate them with a gloved hand. At this stage not at all hard to do.

Great thing is the bullets don't show as many marks as when I used hemostats to pick them out one by one and it's so much faster.

probably don't cook as many as when I carefully place them on the tray but time saved in the swirl and dump is a great trade off

now for pictures:
88¢ colander with all bottom holes and first row on sides enlarged. Used Dremel tool with pointed grinding stone. took a bit of time to clean up plastic from holes but not hard

the mesh baskets made from pizza tray (one basket per tray) pop rivited the corners after cutting mesh from other ring with a air grinder. used blocks of wood to help make bends even:

ID of pizza tray $3.97 from wallyword:

finished bullets in tray (once again 88¢) hard to tell but very smooth and no major marks in finish. colors are a bit different as I added more powder about 1/2 through coating process

07-29-2017, 07:14 PM
Looks like you've got that under control - good job!

07-29-2017, 07:37 PM
With the right powder (some work better than others) I do 7 to 8 pounds of boolits per tray load using this method.

07-29-2017, 08:22 PM
Good job