View Full Version : How is your day going ?

07-29-2017, 02:49 PM
How is your day going ? is everyone trying to work with you ?


Pine Baron
07-29-2017, 03:30 PM
Well sir, that put my day into perspective. Doin' great, not a care in the world.:bigsmyl2:

07-29-2017, 04:13 PM
So far my day is going great.

Son in law is putting a new roof on part of my old house.

He also offered to put new brake pads on the wifes car next week and do some plumbing in our main bathroom.

We're getting all the info for our trip to see the ARK in KY tonight.

Things are all coming together just fine, my wife and I are truly Blessed even tho I have health problems.

Could things be better? Well yes.

Could things be worse? Sure could, but we're happy to be Blessed as we are.

Praise God for all things!

Preacher Jim
07-29-2017, 04:17 PM
Hang in there Boaz next Friday is coming.

07-31-2017, 09:42 AM
I think next Friday is a month away Jim !!

08-01-2017, 08:53 PM
Every day is a challenge to all of us, whether we realize it or not. Most of us are innately a bit lazy, and call a "good day" a day where things went like we WANTED them to. A "bad day" is a day where we got challenged, and didn't much feel up to it at the time. But God wants us to LEARN! He wants it so much that He gave his only Son to be a sacrifice for each of us who'll simply accept the wondrous gift He's arranged for us to have, if we'll but simply take it. It's when we're challenged that we learn, and we're at our best .... or sometimes our worst. But even when we're at our worst, there's a lesson to be learned from that, if we're not too haughty and self-obsessed to learn it. What a wonderful Lord we serve! He cares for us even when we get all tied up in our own selves! Could there be a more loving and faithful and wondrous God than that?