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View Full Version : May get to shoot all my favorites this year

Ed Barrett
11-13-2005, 11:30 PM
I got a button buck with my .303 Savage 99 Saturday. I can use a doe tag for it, and save my buck tag for something a little bigger. This year Missouri in my part of the state, the northwest, has unlimited doe tags that you can keep buying right through the season. Saturday 5 of us took one horned buck one button buck and 2 does. The only on who didn't get one was the 16 year old we were all rooting for. Today, Sunday I got froze out on my stand both ways, we had a 35 mph wind out of the north. I'm going to try the 45-70 Monday and walk in the cedars and honey locust since I will be the only one hunting that area. I really like being retired!!!
I'll try to get some pictures up.

11-14-2005, 05:16 PM
Yes we need pictures. Hay st. Joe you useing the 45PP bullet. ;-D

Ed Barrett
11-15-2005, 09:23 AM
Yes we need pictures. Hay st. Joe you useing the 45PP bullet. ;-D

Yes I'm using the paper patched bullet in the 45/70, with a fairly stout load of RX7. Cast from 20 to 1 lead tin it's about dead soft. Accuracy with lighter loads is better, but I can still do 1.5" inch at 50 yards and the bullet is running at J-word speeds. You can tell when it goes off. Had rain yesterday and more today so we butchered 5 deer last night. The other retired fellow and me will package and freeze today since it's supposed to rain today. I will try to get some pictures.

Noticed an interesting thing yesterday, on of our group shot a doe with a .44 mag in a H&R sinlge shot cast 200 grain ACWW, he shot it in the shoulder and the bullet ran 2 feet down along the back messing up one loin almost completely. Recovered the bullet and it had a piece of bone imbedded in the tip about the size of a pea but otherwise look undeformed. Considering it made about a 90 degree turn I thought it was interesting. My .303 Savage bullet passed right on through after breaking a rib on the way in and on the way out disintergrating the top of the heart. The rest of the "autopsies" were with condom bullets so not very interesting.

11-15-2005, 09:34 AM

My hunting load for my 1886 carbine is the RCBS 405 ACWW GC bullet over a stiff load of H4895 for an 1850 fps muzzle velocity. With the steel crecent buttplate and the carbine light weight, let me tell you that you know when it goes off. Is your load hotter then that?


Bass Ackward
11-15-2005, 10:04 AM

My hunting load for my 1886 carbine is the RCBS 405 ACWW GC bullet over a stiff load of H4895 for an 1850 fps muzzle velocity. With the steel crecent buttplate and the carbine light weight, let me tell you that you know when it goes off. Is your load hotter then that?


A ..... mine is. :grin:

Ed Barrett
11-16-2005, 10:35 AM
The 45/70 is shooting a paper patched that's 397 grains with patch and lube. I'm pushing it at 2300 fps out of a Gibbs bolt action. It is cast from stright roof flashing lead. At lower velocities it gives a little better accuracy but for hunting I pepped it up to where accuracy is good enough for hunting as I do it.
Weather Tue. was rain freezing rain and snow. None of the snow stuck around here. Very cold today.

11-16-2005, 01:55 PM
So your shooting a pure lead (roofing lead is prolly close to pure) 400gner at 2300 fps. As my Dad would say a ma doe na Im a bet you dis will make em a hole.
I have shot a couple criters with soft (30/1) not pure lead PP boolits and mama mea datsa nica biga hola.

11-18-2005, 10:54 AM
Very interresting Ed. going off ling for 2 weeks about . Hope to see a story from you when i get back. Good luck to you Ed.

OBTW " Considering it made about a 90 degree turn I thought it was interesting. "

Could the turn come because it is a short bullet???

11-18-2005, 06:26 PM
WHat was the 303 load?

Ed Barrett
11-20-2005, 09:58 PM
The .303 savage was 24.6 grains of IMR 3031 pushing a 180 grain gas check seated with the gas check just in the bottom of the neck in a formed Rem. 220 Swift case.

Sat. got a button buck with the 45-70 and a paper patched bullet (a little overkill) broke one rib going in 3 ribs going out and is most likely still heading towords California. From the hole going out it expanded well. Left gore about 10 feet from exit hole, deer went down right on the spot and twitched a few times. I'm going to have to find bigger game for the paper patched bullet.

11-21-2005, 10:12 AM
Sat. got a button buck with the 45-70 and a paper patched bullet (a little overkill) broke one rib going in 3 ribs going out and is most likely still heading towords California. From the hole going out it expanded well. Left gore about 10 feet from exit hole, deer went down right on the spot and twitched a few times. I'm going to have to find bigger game for the paper patched bullet.
I can verify that they work very well on elk and agree about the deer.:-)-JDL

Ed Barrett
11-21-2005, 10:53 AM
Got a call from a friend Sunday night and he got a buck 8 point with the same bullet I used unpatched in a .454 cassul rifle, a Puma 92 like mine. He cast it out of 3 parts WW and 1 part lino. He said his was a through and through shot and the buck moved about 10 feet and folded up. Since my back surgery I don't get to do too much walking, so when I hunt it's from a stand. I sure would like to walk some spots I know of with that 454 carbine. I will be Flying up to Illinois Tuesday for Thanksgiving. I will try to get out for muzzle loading and anterless only portion. I hope everyone has a good holiday with their families.

12-03-2005, 08:54 AM
Thanks Ed. I very much enjoyed the report.