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07-24-2017, 06:10 PM
After shooting and shooting the bull, was headed to restaurant fro dinner, I got rear ended.
Was stopped for traffic and the guy didn't even slow down.
Luckily we were all going slow, stop and go.
Bumper is total lost.
Haven't crawled under to check for any other damage.
Now have to wait for their insurance, geico, to get back to me.
Heard lots of horror stories about geico.
I'm feeling OK. Little stiff neck, but not bad.
Just go the truck, now got to fix it.

Petrol & Powder
07-24-2017, 06:24 PM
They make vehicles every day. When you get right down to it, - it's just stuff.

A lot of people get really stressed about vehicle damage but my advice is to keep it in perspective. You're not injured, the ball is in the insurance company's court right now but that doesn't mean that's the last say.

Wait for the insurance company to make an estimate and go from there. Chances are good it will only be as stressful as you want to make it.

Sorry about your truck. Dealing with insurance companies is a pain, dealing with body shops can be frustrating but in the end; stuff can be replaced/repaired - people are a little harder to fix and impossible to replace.

Good luck.

07-24-2017, 06:28 PM
If your truck is fully insured, get it fixed through your insurance company and let them deal with the other insurance company. Once it is settled and your insurance company gets paid from the other company, they will refund your deductible. That is what we have done anyway.

07-24-2017, 06:46 PM
Geico is the worst. They force repair shops to hurry due to what they pay and they use used parts to fix everything. Used parts come from vehicles that were totaled out for scrap/salvage, how straight you think those control arms, knuckles, and struts are? I would do anything to not deal with Geico

07-24-2017, 07:12 PM
I'm glad you are fine, that's what's important!
A few years ago my wife went to the post office, not another car in the parking lot, but she managed to total out her van. She woke me up in tears, just bawling her eyes out! "I did something really stupid! I can't believe how dumb I was, I did something really stupid!"
At this point the van wasn't even on my radar! She finally told me what happened, I asked if she was alright and after she told me she was, I just laughed! "It's just a stupid car honey, as long as you are fine we'll be alright!"
It sucked but could have been a lot worse, just a matter of perspective I guess.

Petrol & Powder
07-24-2017, 07:16 PM
The insurance company doesn't dictate the shop you use. The insurance company makes an estimate for the repair. They pay YOU the amount it takes to repair the vehicle and return it to the pre-damage condition. If that amount is less than what is needed, you negotiate with the insurance company. A good tactic is to get more than one estimate before the repairs start, particularly if the vehicle is drivable.

07-24-2017, 07:22 PM
Sorry you got hit. Good luck with geico, my SIL is having a awful time with them when she got hit.

07-24-2017, 07:24 PM
In the past year and a half, I've been hit from behind twice while completely stopped in traffic or at a red light. Both times the driver that hit me was texting.
In the 1st accident, my Achilles tendon on my left leg was torn but it did not show up for a few days, due to the fact that I felt a little banged up and didn't move much. When I walked a few days later was when it showed up fully. It will never completely heal.
In the 2nd accident, my wife's rotator cuff was torn, which required surgery 9 months later.
That driver had no insurance, no license, and he took off before the cops arrived. Luckily I have insurance on my policy against uninsured drivers.
I don't really like lawyers, but I like insurance companies even less, so I finally had to hire a lawyer to deal with the games and **** they were tossing my way.
Don't sign off on anything yet. Document everything. Don't trust the insurance companies even when they sound like they're your best friend.
Get the neck checked by a DR just so you have it on record.
Both times, the damage to the car was minimal, about $500 each time. It doesn't take a high speed collision to cause bodily damage.

Tom W.
07-24-2017, 07:30 PM
Geico isn't bad. We currently have it and just got some hail damage repaired. My first car was insured by them in the late 60's and my parents cars were insured by them. You want bad? My son was preparing to make a left turn, was stopped, an a guy in a Jeep went by and hit him in the left rear of the truck. My truck. Somehow it was his fault, sayeth the local LEO. Of course people with money generally get the clean end of the stick. I got an estimate from my insurance company, Allstate, an got the truck fixed. A week later I got a letter in the mail saying that Allstate insurance was going to drop me, but I could sign up with Allstate Indemnity for just $1500 a month! First and last claim with those people.

Petrol & Powder
07-24-2017, 07:41 PM
abunaitoo - IT'S A TRUCK. No one is seriously injured. sawinreneck is totally correct.

Inconvenient ? = you bet.
The worst problem you'll deal with in life ? = not even close.

Glad you're OK.

07-24-2017, 08:32 PM
I'm reminded of a old saying "its a mild heart attack to everyone but the person having it,to them it's a heart attack"

I'm glad your ok and hope your truck gets fixed with no hassles

country gent
07-24-2017, 09:02 PM
It is a hassle to deal with theres no denying that. Talk to the insurance and see whats required, some require it is seen by their adjustor others require 3 estimates. Also at a certain age most companies may require used parts for body parts and some other parts. If you don't like what they offer then you can talk to them or turn it over to a lawyer to handle it for you. In most states you have 2 years to make the claim or do something. Ive had to go this route with a claim against Nation wide on a car accident. Like said it is a hassle and a pain but More important is no serious injuries to deal with. Glad your Okay and will wish you the best. I would get an estimate onmy own so when their adjustor shows up and starts looking a quoting you already have a good idea of cost and parts needed.

07-24-2017, 09:10 PM
Not really worried about the truck.
It can be fixed.
It's just all the BS I'll probably have to go through with geico.
Developed a sharp pain in my left leg. Don't know if it's from the hit.
If it doesn't go away by tomorrow, I'll try and see the doctor.
The guy was probably on the phone.
Hope i don't run into any problems with geico.

07-24-2017, 09:14 PM
Oh I wasn't making light of it at all!
I came home from a 12hr day years ago, cracked open a beer and was watching the idiot box. The door bell rings and there's a kid standing there telling me my trucks on fire! I call 911 and grab the hose. Cop shows up and we are going like mad to get this put out, it's less than 6 feet from my house! Finally got it out and sent to the shop. Two weeks later I get it back, 4:30am Sunday I'm on my way to work. Turn north on a divided four lane highway and almost immediately have to plow it into the ditch to dodge the drunk driver coming head on at me, in the far right lane!
It went back to the shop on my dime, again.
I gave up on worrying about having nice cars or trucks after that. After all I've been through with vehicles, '67 Fairlane 2dr hardtop wasted by grapefruit sized hail, the '85 Chevy Silverado I totaled out in six months, an '87 Suburban, TWO WRECKS within an hour, and my '97 F150 burning up then getting ditched the day after I got back, I gave up!

07-24-2017, 09:35 PM
From experience contact YOUR insurance company get your truck and yourself fixed. Let your company deal with his insurance.

Wife got hit a couole of years ago. The og insurance tried to low ball us badly. I finally contacted our insurance and we ended up getting way more fro them and all of our deductible back! Make sure you are healthy.. even if it is a year!........

07-24-2017, 09:48 PM
Sorry to hear this but glad you were not seriously injured. See a doctor, if just to have a record if anything turns serious.

07-24-2017, 10:01 PM
That depends on your state laws. IN MN they have to use new parts.

Geico is the worst. They force repair shops to hurry due to what they pay and they use used parts to fix everything. Used parts come from vehicles that were totaled out for scrap/salvage, how straight you think those control arms, knuckles, and struts are? I would do anything to not deal with Geico

07-24-2017, 10:06 PM
We have Farm Bureau insurance on the house and cars. I always check the cost every year with some of those " We can save You hundreds of dollars " come on adds from other companies and they can't seem to even match the rate we get, let alone save us any money at all. We have had three claims in ten years or so. One where the other driver got a ticket, one where I backed into someones car in a parking lot, obviously my fault, and one where both cars got hail damage. All were handled well and without drama or undue stress. I recommend them. Glad you are safe.

07-24-2017, 10:08 PM
That depends on your state laws. IN MN they have to use new parts.

New does not mean OEM. Just pointing this out. In some cases I'd rather have a used OEM part, like a bumper. Instead of a new aftermarket part.

07-24-2017, 10:43 PM
My wife's car was totaled last winter and the driver at fault had Geico. I must say that the process went ok, we were offered fair value for the car, her medical was paid, and we got a rental of our choice. I had to be very direct a couple of times but I would sure rather deal with them again rather than some fly by night company.

Petrol & Powder
07-24-2017, 10:58 PM
In ANY event, it's just a truck,

People are important, stuff is just stuff.
Wait for the adjuster to give an estimate. Maybe get an independent estimate or two if you think that one is low; and go from there.

The OP is in that weird time between the accident and the repairs when you feel like you should be doing more. Your world gets upset and you're waiting on other people to act (insurance adjusters, body shop managers, rental cars, parts suppliers, etc.).
It's inconvenient. It upsets your routine. It seems like a big deal and in the end it's just STUFF.

I've watched dozens of people go through this and I've been through it. More often than not it turns out OK. I've also seen people take these events and make them more complicated than they need to be.

Your car got bent.
They're going to give you some money to replace your car or repair your car.
Life will go on. Make it as frustrating or non frustrating as you wish.

07-25-2017, 01:11 AM
Any time you can walk away from a crash, nothing else matters. Possessions and money are nothing compared to your health. Back in February, I had the worst crash of my life, but was able to go home that night. I swerved to miss a deer (which had a high probability of going through my windshield in the car I was in) and I found out what it was like to roll three times down an embankment at 65 MPH. I had a nasty bump on my head and one heck of a black eye, but I survived.

07-25-2017, 05:16 AM
I'm glad to hear you are alright. I've never had to deal with an insurance company, but I know it can be a pain.

07-25-2017, 08:38 AM
Sorry to hear you got hit. As someone else mentioned though, the important thing is that you didn't get hurt. I worked ambulance and fire rescue for many years and saw far too many that weren't that lucky. It's a hassle, I know, to deal with insurance companies and getting a vehicle fixed - but it will all work out and stressing out over it isn't going to speed things up. In the end, cars/trucks can be replaced - people can't. It will all work out and soon be behind you. Good luck!

07-25-2017, 09:46 PM
When I had my car accident Geico was okay to work with, they took my docs recommendation for neck surgery and said go ahead. The other guys insurance on the other hand was NOT good(SafeCo). They sent in reports I had seen their doctors when I never even talked to them on the phone. Ended up costing them an extra $50k in bad faith dealing when we took them to court and presented the evidence that I was home at the time(I had a chat log with a friend on Google Plus with the IP of my home computer) when I was supposedly having a medical exam in their office...

07-25-2017, 11:01 PM
I have Geico Insurance since 1985. Many claims over the years and never a problem with claims. In 32 years I had 15 claim between me and the two boys. Most claims here minor fender benders or weather related. They always paid well. In 2006 a Ford Excursion crossed over the line and destroyed my 1990 truck and a Dodge Durando. I saw an adjuster the next day, he said geico would pay and collect from other guys insurance. I had a check the next day for more than I paid for the truck.

Get your insurace to work the claim and do not deal with the other guys insurance.

07-26-2017, 03:15 AM
Is that a good ting, or a bad thing?????

07-26-2017, 10:32 AM
We were stopped in a construction zone and got hit by an uninsured millennial going 50 mph. He left 10 feet of skid marks. Was texting.
$30,000 later in medical bills and a totaled Mercedes E320 later, we are still treating. I took a bath on the car.
Good news? Let's hear it for the German Engineers. If we had been in any other car we probably would have been killed.
Bad news? The kid will get away scot free. He doesn't have a pot to pee in so the insurance won't go after him.

07-26-2017, 11:02 AM
I worked at a Ford dealer years ago. Never a problem with Geico. I still do business with the adjuster for Geico now.
Never buy Farm Bureau insurance. They won't pay ?

07-26-2017, 11:19 AM
Fish4bugs - my 1st accident (hit from behind by a texting driver) was a nightmare. The driver was from NH (it happened in MA), his reg was expired, and his insurance was out of Maine. The 2nd happened in Seabrook - the texting driver had no insurance, no license, and he took off before the cops got there. Now I have to fight with my own insurance company.
Alaska has a $10,000 fine for texting while driving. I wish MA and NH and everyone else would follow.

I'm with you on the Happy Warrior post - don't want to read non-gun related posts, don't come to Our Town.

07-26-2017, 12:45 PM
I'm with you on the Happy Warrior post - don't want to read non-gun related posts, don't come to Our Town.
Not to worry - the Mods took care of his post and him.

07-26-2017, 01:06 PM
Fish4bugs - my 1st accident (hit from behind by a texting driver) was a nightmare. The driver was from NH (it happened in MA), his reg was expired, and his insurance was out of Maine. The 2nd happened in Seabrook - the texting driver had no insurance, no license, and he took off before the cops got there. Now I have to fight with my own insurance company.
Alaska has a $10,000 fine for texting while driving. I wish MA and NH and everyone else would follow.
I'm with you on the Happy Warrior post - don't want to read non-gun related posts, don't come to Our Town.
One thing I learned from my accident is that MedPay was way too low. I upped it to $25,000 and that is probably still too low.
Since we are still treating we haven't started trying to settle up with our insurance company's uninsured motorist coverage.
That is when the REAL fun starts. We are basically suing our own insurance policy.

07-26-2017, 01:27 PM
That's exactly what I'm doing now with the 2nd accident. I got a lawyer to help with the BS, not to make money. The lazy lawyer I hired got his head handed to him by a Maine insurance adjuster in the 1st case, but at least it's over and didn't cost me for medical bills.

DerekP Houston
07-26-2017, 02:28 PM
I'm a geico customer and I had to go through this mess when I totaled my Mini. They'll probably low ball you a tad like they did for me but otherwise it was standard insurance. Statefarm I had as a teen actually kicked me off my parents insurance for getting in a fender bender in inclement weather. I haven't had any issues with them, they insure my boat too.

Hope you start feeling better soon and get this headache behind you. I'd 2nd the suggestion to go get checked out anyways. Easier to pay a copay now than fight for treatment down the road with no paper trail.

07-26-2017, 03:13 PM
I carry 100K/300K in uninsured motorist. One thing I learned from my medical issues is that its better to be overinsured than underinsured.

DerekP Houston
07-26-2017, 03:15 PM
I carry 100K/300K in uninsured motorist. One thing I learned from my medical issues is that its better to be overinsured than underinsured.

dang, yall make me want to review my policies. Not a bad point considering how much I'll be commuting.

07-26-2017, 03:55 PM
The Geico's web site you can find what changes you make would cost without talking to an agent. Even if you have good medical insurance they do not pay till car insurance pays.

dang, yall make me want to review my policies. Not a bad point considering how much I'll be commuting.

07-26-2017, 04:55 PM
80% of auto accidents are rear-enders. I got it from 20K# of truck while at a light. Concussion & all. My truck totaled. Wife got rear-ended a while back, not much damage but funny. OP demanded cops take her to hospital and she ended up paying her own bill. She was very belligerent but an off duty EMT saw the whole thing and went to check on my wife. Autonomous braking systems should reduce insurance costs.

07-26-2017, 04:58 PM
If your truck is fully insured, get it fixed through your insurance company and let them deal with the other insurance company. Once it is settled and your insurance company gets paid from the other company, they will refund your deductible. That is what we have done anyway.

+1 That's what your insurance company is for. let their lawyers handle it BUT you should choose the repair shop

07-27-2017, 01:26 AM
I went past an Asian guy arguing with his wife in a section of road that was 4 lanes, 3 blocks later it narrows to 2 lanes and has a stop light. I stop for the red, look up at my rear view mirror to see the argument coming at me at 30mph. Dude never touched his brakes. I was driving a 79 Jimmy with skid plates front and rear and he had a Chevy Citation with that low sloped nose. My rear axle finally stopped him and my bumper was poking through their windshield.

He jumps out and started screaming at me "What you do? What you do? Your Fault!"... then the town cop who was sitting in the gas station lot 20 feet away walked up. Dude starts screaming at the cop until he was told to shut up and get out his license and registration. Cop takes my info, asks if I have any damage and I tell him some more rust fell off. He said let me call a tow truck and get you guys separated after I get pictures taken. I looked at him and told him I can put it in 4 low lock and just drive off his hood. Cop gets pics done, tells me to try and move, I drive off ripping the guys hood and fenders off with me because they were already a crumpled mess. He started screaming even louder then the cop turned around, cuffed him, stuffed him in the back of his car and came back to finish.

Guy had an expired license, no insurance, and the car wasn't his. Thankfully I had no real damage, a few more scrapes on the bumper and missing rust and on that thing who would notice. I only carried bare minimum and no collision so nothing I could file, it was a $800 Jimmy so not worth the cost of collision. But that accident drove home the need for collision on anything worth carrying it on. Guy who hit me ended up in jail for a year and a huge fine, plus his brother claimed he stole the car but not sure if that charge stuck. I was young and indestructible then so ignored the neck aches but I am sure that accident contributed to my neck issues that the last accident really messed up.

07-28-2017, 05:37 AM
::twisted: Insurance companies can be a royal pain and then some.However, when the BS starts to get too deep,I usually just call the state insurance commissioners office and file a formal complaint against not only the company but the adjuster too.Amazing how fast the tune from the insurance company changes.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

mold maker
07-28-2017, 07:55 AM
Yesterday after lunch, my Daughter was stopped behind traffic at a stop light, when she got rear ended. Very little damage to my 06 Gran Caravan, but she and a passenger both have stiff necks as a result. There were two Deputies at the light in the oposite direction that witnessed the event. It was the first acccident for my 52 year old Daughter.
It willl be interesting to see the how the wheels of justice and the ins. co. work.

07-29-2017, 12:47 AM
Get those necks checked well! Neck injuries can be for life as I well know(3 inch titanium plate in mine)! I was a year older when I had my first accident that left me with the messed up neck.

mold maker
07-29-2017, 02:23 PM
Necks check out OK, and damage less than deductable. What's one more dent in an 11 yr old van with 166K miles? I'll just consider myself lucky.

07-29-2017, 02:32 PM
Just curious - if your daughter was not at fault, why should she have to pay the deductible?

mold maker
07-30-2017, 11:27 AM
Good question, but it's the first time I was ever involved and didn't think of that. I'll call the ins. co. back in the morning. It might have been because of obvious prior damage to the effected area.
The van is a family hauler and has had several minor finder binders that affected nothing but pride in appearance.

07-30-2017, 11:39 AM
When I got hit (NC resident) my insurance company said they didn't want to know anything about it and I was better off if they didn't know. My ins. agent said it was up to me to deal with the other folks ins. company. That was NATIONWIDE INSURANCE.

I switched to FARM BUREAU and when I got hit my agent took care of everything. He even carried me to pick up parts to repair an AC call I'd been on.

daniel lawecki
07-30-2017, 12:24 PM
I have American Family and never had any trouble and agent went over and beyond his duty.

07-30-2017, 12:41 PM
I was hit once in an older car that had older damage. The insurance adjuster checked out the car, determined how much damage had been done on top of the old damage. The insurance company then said that they'd give me X amount of money to have it fixed (I think it was a few hundred), or I could keep the money, not have the car fixed, but it would be devalued by that amount. I kept the money (it's all legal).

07-30-2017, 09:53 PM
Went to the doctor on Friday. Neck and back are OK, but started to have a sharp pain in the left leg.
Doc said I had torn something. Nothing they can do. Just has to heal on it's own.
Said if it's not better in a month, call back.
Taking Aleve when sore. Doc asked if I wanted something stronger. Not for me.
It's not as bad as Wed, but still have pain when walking.
That's why I'm home and not at the range.
Can't even drive the truck. Painful to push the clutch.
Cat is happy I'm home.

07-30-2017, 10:24 PM
What I would do (and what I did)...
Call your insurance agent or company and open a claim. It doesn't have to go anywhere, lawyers don't have to get involved, but, with a pain like that, create a paper trail. You should not have to pay for DR visits, Xrays, etc. And a second opinion is not a bad idea.

07-30-2017, 11:45 PM
Torn something or pinched a nerve in the spine that is affecting that leg, spine is not something to ignore(speaking from experience!). If it persists more than a week ask to see a neurologist.

08-01-2017, 02:15 PM
I filed a claim with my insurance company, the same day I called the other insurance company.
Doctor said kind of the same thing. Could be a pinched nerve in the back.
Just have to wait and see if it gets worse, or better.
It's feeling much better.

08-01-2017, 09:12 PM
Go see a neuro. Md. Vehicle can be fixed with bought parts, your body can not. Make dag gone sure " any future medical" is written in any settlement.

08-05-2017, 05:28 PM
Leg felling much better.
Hope to make it to the range tomorrow.
I kind of gave up on the insurance company calling back.
Found a used bumper still in good condition.
Had to push out a few dings, but it fit and looks OK.
Just after I finished, insurance company calls.
Going to see the adjuster on Monday.
I'll take the old bumper for them to see.
One part needed from the dealer.
Called today...$60.00 for a plastic trim part. Rip off.
I'll see what the adjuster says.

08-07-2017, 04:10 PM
All three times we have had to work with Geico,we havn't had any problem.

08-07-2017, 06:59 PM
I was a little surprised with Geico. Everything went really smooth.
He took a few pictures, went to the computer, cut a check and that was it.
Told him I didn't expect them to cover it, so I got another bumper and replaced it myself.
He said it wasn't a problem. He understood how people feel about insurance companies.
He said they estimate for new parts only for repairs.
So I got way more than I thought I would.
He said it's what the claim was for, so the rest is mine to keep.