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07-29-2008, 05:56 PM
Yesterday eve I rode my 4 wheeler down to the local public range a few miles away, and in about an hour picked up about 50 lbs of range lead. This morning I did the same thing, and was planning on smelting it this after noon and going back again this eve and tomorrow morning, smelting every thing I picked up late in the morning before I have to go to town mid afternoon.

I smelted everything I picked up yesterday, and just didn't have it left in me to do the other 50 lbs from this morning. It is 98 degrees with out the heat index, and with creeks full of water on 3 sides, and all with in spitting distance the humidity is through the roof. I quit with the first batch from last night. I got 38 lbs of lead, and over 7 lbs of copper. I get $2.85 a pound for my copper, so if I can pull another 7 lbs for a total of 14, that will more than pay for the 4 wheeler and lawn mower gas for the next week or so, and maybe a pound of powder. :drinks:

Best Wishes from the Boer Ranch,


07-29-2008, 06:17 PM
That is a great idea Joe!
I enjoy getting out like that and for you to combine that with gathering lead makes it even better. Ever think of getting some kind of tow behind trailer that has a screen attachment so you can pull up to the backstop, do some mining then jump on the wheeler for the ride back ome?


07-29-2008, 06:53 PM
How's the shoulder?

07-29-2008, 07:28 PM
Fantastic , sounds like a well made PLAN

uncle joe
07-29-2008, 07:34 PM
Hey Other Joe :-D
what do you pick up the lead with? I went to where the cops pratice (hesitate to call it a range) to do the same and pickup some brass the other day. I can pick up a few pounds of lead just lying on top of the ground but if I want more I think I'll have to have some mining equipment, you got a sure fire quick way of picking it up and separating it from the dirt?
Like up your way it's hot as hammered hell as an old friends dad used to say down here.
ps my old buddy at the scrap yard called me today and said he had 140lbs of ww waiting for me :mrgreen::mrgreen:
good luck mining

07-29-2008, 08:16 PM
I've got a bunch I picked up off the berms at our outdoor range but haven't smelted any. How long did it take to melt compared to ww?

07-29-2008, 11:03 PM
Crabo, the shoulder is getting stronger and it doesn't hurt all of the time like it use to. I will never have full use of it, but now that the pain is down to the bearable level I feel 100% better. Thanks for asking.

No 1, I may need to go that way with mining equipment at some time in the future, but right now I just walk up to the berm with my bucket and sit down. With in an hour I have picked up 50 to 60 pounds of bullets and maybe only had to stand up and move a few feet one time. About the same distance the other direction is the old range that was abandoned about 5 years ago when the one I am going to come on line. I talked to one of the conservation agents who takes care of the range and ask about mining the old one, and he told me to go for it. It looks like I will be building a screen system for the 4 wheeler.

Uncle Joe, I as you have figured out just pick them up with my hands. It has rained a good deal over the last week and there are bullets everywhere. Even when it is dry, there is still bullets everywhere Every time someone shoots they unearth hundreds of bullets that just roll down to the bottom of the berm waiting for someone to pick them up.

TS, It doesn't seem to take as long to get them to start melting, but I have found for me is the key is getting a good piece of hickory to stir them with. Slowly stir them once you see dross forming at the bottom of the pot until all of the jackets are floating on top. Also wash them real well before smelting. The dirt works as a heat shield and keeps them from melting qiickly plus it is a PITA to scoop out. Just don't have a brain fart like I did and dump wet bullets into molten lead. I found it works well though to shut off the heat and let the lead solidify some and then put the wet bullets in the pot.

Best wishes all,
