View Full Version : A prayer for the USS Gerald R. Ford and crew, etc.

07-22-2017, 02:02 PM
Gentlemen, I was once a sailor for a while, and it's difficult or maybe even impossible for those who've never sailed on a warship to fully understand or appreciate the feelings a man can have for his ship. But there really IS a very special and unique feeling sailors DO have for the ship they sail on. In my own case, we decommissioned my ship when we got back to San Diego, and I was really pretty surprised at the sorrow I felt as we decommissioned her. Fighting ships really do have their own special meaning for those who serve on her, and if it saves their lives, also for those who finally realize the importance they really have as floating and mobile representations of our beloved country, and all it's supposed to stand for. Imagine yourself being an oppressed, abused people, who are being put upon by those who mean them harm. What a wondrous thing to hear, that a US Navy fighting ship is on the way! It's salvation, hopefully, headed for the rescue of you and all you love and hold dear! They also strike fear and caution in the hearts of our enemies, too, and that can never be anything but good for us all.

So if you will, please join me in praying for the USS Gerald R. Ford, and all who helped see her come to life today, and all who sail upon and serve her.

Lord, thank you for the mighty USS Gerald R. Ford, and all her capabilities. Thank you for all the men and women whose hands helped shape her and make her all she is. Thank you for those in our Congress and their helpers who provided the funding to build her. Thank you for the leaders of our strong and diligent Navy who will man and control her, and direct her on her missions. Thank you for a good President who pushed through the last measures to bring her to life. Thank you for all this and so very much more. Thank you most of all for a nation who at least once paid homage to you, for without you, all is for naught, and is in vain.

I pray humbly and earnestly that you will bless this ship, and all who man her and serve her, that she might represent your will and receive your blessings in the process. She is intended to go in harm's way, and we pray a special blessing that you will protect her, and shield her from harm. Bless this mighty ship, and use her as an extension of your will, that relative peace might prevail in this realm, and help us all to learn to live without war, if possible. And when not possible, guide her with your loving and mighty hand, and let her prevail in all her endeavors. Bless all who sail upon her, and all our other ships of the Navy, and keep them within your bosom, and guide and protect and touch them, one and all.

Lord, you have given us a great blessing today - a mighty ship to protect us, and defend us when and if necessary. We thank you, oh Lord, and raise our praise to you for this great blessing. We honor you and praise you for giving us this great gift. May your name always be praised and honored, and your will be done, for the entire length of her service and existence. Thank you, and Amen.

07-22-2017, 05:58 PM
Well done Dennis
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Prayers sent

07-22-2017, 11:26 PM
Prayer sent.

Pine Baron
07-23-2017, 06:54 AM
Thank you Dennis for bringing this here. A proud moment yesterday at the commissioning of the USS Gerald R Ford. I join all in this prayer.

07-23-2017, 09:15 AM
God Bless those who serve on USS Gerald Ford.

07-23-2017, 09:38 AM
Completely agree with every post in this thread.
God Bless and God Speed

07-23-2017, 10:35 AM
Thank you Dennis , you did well to bring this here .

Lord bless and protect all that serve to protect us . Watch over them Lord and keep them safe from harm . Amen

square butte
07-23-2017, 12:48 PM
Amen to all the above