View Full Version : What to do to remove clear coating from blued finish?

07-19-2017, 09:33 AM
I acquired a Remington model 1 1/2 trapdoor and 2 old 12 gauge side by sides from a friend. He got them from his father in law who had coated them with some sort of clear, maybe the spray can stuff.
When I got them I thought that the finish on the guns was flaking and crumbling, but when I started to clean them up I found that the flakes were little bits of the clear stuff that was breaking down.
I have worked on them a little with mineral spirits, lacquer thinner, hoppes, etc but the parts that did stick are really stuck.
The good part is that when I do get a patch cleaned up, the finish underneath is like new.
Anyway, if anyone has an idea on removal, it would be appreciated.

07-19-2017, 09:42 AM
You might want to try acetone.


07-19-2017, 11:21 AM

* Klean-Strip Aircraft Peeler Basecoat & Clearcoat Remover is specifically formulated for use on delamination problems where top coat of paint is separating from the original factory applied primer.

◦ Works in 5 minutes - just spray it on and blow it off. No sanding required.


07-19-2017, 04:39 PM
I found it, Klean-strip EAR322, at an automotive paint shop.
Lot of others had the deer in the headlights look when I detailed what I wanted.
Little less than $13 out the door.
Remeber I was going to try aircraft paint remover on some old autos, but never got around to that particular to-it.

07-19-2017, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the information, I have Acetone and will try it first. Depending on how it goes, the other two sound like just the thing.
Thanks again len

07-20-2017, 06:48 PM
0000 steel wool.

07-20-2017, 07:19 PM
Just tried the KleanStrip on a savage stock.
Sprayed liberally and wrapped in plastic bag from grocery store.
Plastic bag was suggested by the counter person at paint shop to keep active chemicals on stock.
After about 25-30 minutes I unwrapped and and finish literall came off in large pathches.
Used scrubbrush with some truck cleaner and stock cleaned up then with final flushing of water.
The final rinse was again, the suggestion of counter person.
I was impressed with ease!

Texas by God
07-20-2017, 10:35 PM
Good deal and tip! Getting paint off of blued steel only- I've always used Berryman's B-12 carb cleaner- but not on wood or plastic.
Best, Thomas.