View Full Version : S&W Model 66 barrel swap Question

07-29-2008, 01:07 AM
So here's my problem: buddy at work has a model 66 snubbie. Typical snubbie lots of fire and noise not as much bite as bark.

The two of us figure we can do a barrel swap and spend some time looking for a 6 inch 66 barrel and, eventually, find one.

Now I've set back barrels before so the basic mechanics are not in question.

In this case I ordered the parts for the longer barrel, an extractor rod and center pin". The books gave seperate part numbers for these pieces but did not list a seperate number for the extractor/ratchet.

I am now 3/4 of the way into this conversion and find out that the new "center Pin" Bought as marked for barrels over 2 inches, is to "short?" The stop on the pin works the extractor but does not go through far enough to protrude from the back of the cylinder. This pin has the "locator tab" in a different position than the original just not far enough different!

The question: Did I get a wrong part? Does anyone have the correct measurments for the center pin on a 6 inch model 66?

I have no problem returning this part to Numrich I just want to be able to tell them exactly what I need to finish this project off.

The extractor rod fits perfectly by the way.

Has anybody done this conversion?

08-04-2008, 07:02 PM
I suspect that you got an older center pin and probably the wrong part. Check out Brownell's as thay sell nw S&W parts.

08-04-2008, 08:45 PM
I did do some research in my Brownell's catalog and came up with what I think is the correct part number. I placed an order this morning for both the pin and the tool to face off the barrel throat area.

I believe I did indeed order the wrong part from Numrich, not their fault I should have taken a magnifiying glass to the page when I ordered. The same part number I ordered today was in the Numrich catalog one line item up.

08-04-2008, 11:22 PM
Barrel swapping for S&W can be lots of fun, eh? When I did some parts swapping on my N frame, changing it from a 45 Colt to a 45 ACP, I ran into much the same things. Of course, you guys aren't messing with changing the cylinder; that adds in even more variables with things like hands, floating hands, pinned vs D extractors, etc. Hang in there, I suspect you will eventually come up with the right combination of parts. I fitted my B/C gap using the lathe, but that tool you got should do the same thing. How about a pinned vs non-pinned barrel? Another variable, but one fairly easily dealt with.
Good luck,

09-02-2008, 03:34 PM
Time to update this thread!

Got the part and the tool I ordered from Brownell's Tool did good work and I have a tight .005 cylinder barrel gap. I also did the 11 degree throat as the barrel had almost no throat showing, less than .030!

Now for the fun part: the Center Pin. Second shot at it and I missed again! Got almost the identical part as I did from Numrich! Just slightly shorter on the long side.

Called this morning and spoke to a tech guy. He says that Brownell's is only stocking the current center pin part number 074720000 ( this is S&W part number) He did some looking and suggested I needed an "obsolete" center Pin part number 049890000!

Brownell's doesn't carry this part.

He did suggest a few places that might have it. I have called one and If he does not respond I will call Numrich again, they were one of those suggested, and see if I can't get the right part at last.

I post this so if anyone else tries this they'll be a bit better informed as to what the need to buy before they get started!

In the end I may have to figure out a way to turn one of these on a lathe. I think I may need to farm that out as I don't have the tooling to cut a .120 diameter pin that almost 4 inches long!

So I have my buds gun 99% done and All it will take to finish it is a drop in pin.

I'll keep everyone posted as to how this works out!

Dave Berryhill
09-02-2008, 06:06 PM
Did you call S&W or Brownells technical suppport? If you haven't done so already, try ordering direct from S&W.

09-02-2008, 09:02 PM
It was a Brownell's tech, Monty, that I spoke with.

He gave me the part number he suspected was the correct one for this project as well as a couple of people to call that might have it in stock.

I have placed a call to his first suggested party and left a v mail with my info and needs. The phone message did say that if he did not call back he did not have the part!

Message was left 9:30 am Calif. time so I'll figure by 9:oo tonight if no call he hasn't got the part!

Next stop is Numrich, I start a search of the current catalog tonight. As far as calling Smith & Wesson? The part number is "obsolete" This is manufacturer speak for we ain't wastin our time makin that no more!

So one more time I will ask if anyone has an old 1960's K- Frame "Center Pin" I'm interested lets do the PM thing with diamensions!

Dave Berryhill
09-03-2008, 07:54 PM
I'd still try S&W. They still do repairs on a lot of their older guns and you've got nothing to lose but a phone call. Another option is Jack First. I've ordered lots of old/obsolete parts from them:

09-03-2008, 09:53 PM
tried Smith, as I thought the part number the Brownells guy gave me didn't fly in thier system.

His suggestion was to send it to them maybe one of thier guys had a part I needed stashed in his parts pile.

Yeah I can see that happening in this century.

It was a good suggestion and I firmly belive in exhausting all ideas!

I also called Numrich, no way to get any dimensions off any parts but they did have the part number supplied by the Brownells guy.

$8.40 for the part and $5.75 to have it shipped! Think I'm gonna do some more looking. I see myself with $40.00 of center pins and none of them fit!

Might just take a whack at fitting an extension to the one in the gun now. Back end works I just need to make the front end longer.

Where's my Super Glue?

09-07-2008, 08:26 PM
O.K.! I got'er done!

I took the existing original center pin amd turned the end down .014 to .104 diameter for a length of about .183. I then made a stainless steel "coupler" .375 long .123 diameter with a .104 diameter hole all the way through it. I then cut about .700 off of an extra pin that didn't work and turned it to the .104 diameter as well. The "coupler" now butts up against two shoulders and has no sideways movement required of it so it should work.

Slipped the three pieces together and did some trail and error fitting and I got a center pin that works!

I then degreased everything with brake cleaner and alcohol, broke out the Loctite stud and bearing mount ( the red stuff) and put that pin together ( permantly I hope).

I will try to shoot it some time this week or next weekend depending on my work load.

I have never cut stuff this small on my lathe before, I have a 1940's Southbend 9 inch, and I took Buckshot's advice and bought a 5-c collet chuck for it.

Hat's off to Buckshot for the tip, I'd have never been able to do small work without it!

Now I'll have to find me a follower rest! With one of those I could have made the whole pin!

Which I may have to do some day.

09-21-2008, 11:16 PM
Here's the last entry from me!

Took the Model 66 to the range today and fired 50 rounds of target wadcutters and 75 rounds of a 150 SWC ( RCBS MOLD) loaded on 14 grains of WW 296!

Worked Great! no problems, hangfires or ejection issues! Also no problem with my custom center pin and I got that gun pretty hot!

Sight were with in reason: the gun shot 3 inches right and about 2 inches low. This is easily within the rear sights range of adjustment!

I did make a slight adjustment to the rear sight but only to get in centered. The owner and I will have different eyesight and points of aim so I didn't waste to much time re inventing the wheel He'll have to go shoot it!

I will return it tommorow! Thanks for all the input guys!