View Full Version : this furum is kinda mod-happy lately.

07-16-2017, 09:49 PM
Not sure I like the stuff I am seeing from certain mods lately.. I have been on this earth too long and contributed to the interwebs way too much to feel harassed here. So I get banned... then I get to look and learn but not help. wicked smaht. just disappointed. rant over.

07-16-2017, 11:28 PM
And this will help ?

Instead of starting conflict wouldn't it make more sense to ask the mod you have an issue with what's up ?

Simple fact of life is this is a private forum the mods do What the owner wants , you don't have to like it .

Acting like a petulant child won't get you anywhere .

MT Gianni
07-16-2017, 11:46 PM
Life ebbs and flows and runs in cycles. Take it easy and life is good. Piss upwind and you get wet. Like baseball the hard part is when the strike zone isn't constant. Generally speaking things get tighter when circumstances require them to. Find out why by PM to a mod, be neither arrogant nor condescending and you should get an answer.

smoked turkey
07-17-2017, 12:24 AM
Good advice for us all. This is a happy place. I enjoy it and want to keep it that way. I think if it gets to you too much take a break and perhaps in time things will get in better perspective for you.

07-17-2017, 12:30 AM
Been on this forum over 5 years. Not long compared to some. Got my hand slapped once. I might not have agreed with it, but it's not my house. The moderators operate as per instructions from No.1. His house, his rules. I'm happy to be welcomed as a guest.

07-17-2017, 01:30 AM
Whining about getting a reprimand can be a short trip to a permanent voyage. You must have screwed up, so suck it up, take your licks, and move on.

07-17-2017, 04:38 AM
I love rants where the OP slants the truth to meet their needs. Here is the skinny - One of his recent post in S&S was not in line with forum rules. A mod contacted him to let him know this and I am almost positive the mod ask Max to get the post in line or the post would be deleted then I am completely positive the mods last words were something along the lines of "if you have issue with this please contact No_1". No infraction was issued not even a warning infraction HOWEVER, I take issue with this post because it is designed to bring unwarranted negativity to the forum so guess what Max - Yep you just earned a vacation.