View Full Version : For thought and meditation

07-14-2017, 06:45 AM
"He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent."

—2 Peter 3:9

When I first heard the gospel, I thought, “I can’t do that. I’m not the religious type.” I wasn’t raised in church. I didn’t think I would fit in with Christians or in the church. I thought it wasn’t going to work for me. But I was wrong. Christ did everything for me that He promised He would do.

There are people who say, “I’ve tried the whole Christianity thing. I went to church and all that. I tried it, but it didn’t work for me.”

But I would suggest the problem is not with “the whole Christianity thing.” It’s with them. They are talking about God, and God works in every life that is truly dedicated to Him.

It would be like someone who is really sick going to the doctor. The doctor tells him, “You have a virus. You need to take this medication, and if you will do this, it will knock it out in a few days.” But instead of taking the medication, he throws it in the trash. He gets worse and worse. And he says, “I’ve tried the whole doctor thing, but it didn’t work for me.”

No, he didn’t take the medication. He didn’t do what he was supposed to do. Don’t blame the doctor.

Anyone who says that Christianity did not work for them either has never met Christ personally or did not do their part. Christ works for everyone. There are no exceptions.

There can be a point of no return. Am I suggesting there could come a point when God would not forgive someone? Not as much as I am suggesting there could come a point when they wouldn’t want to be forgiven because of their hardened hearts. God does want to forgive them. But they must come to Him.

07-14-2017, 12:30 PM
Wow! Strong medicine indeed! And so completely, irrefutably true! Many CLAIM to have "tried religion," but ... if they HAD, they'd have come up with quite another response.

People who simply don't WANT religion to work for them, will always find ways to make it "fail" for them. But it's their own attitude and decisions that determine this, and NOT any inadequacy of Christianity that keeps it from "working" for them. Christ reaches out His hand to everyone, but not all will take it. Some reach out half heartedly and half way, but never really intended to take His hand, so .... what else COULD result but it's "failing" for them. But it wasn't Christianity that failed them. It was they who failed Christianity. As G. K. Chesterton said, and has been very widely quoted, "Christianity has never been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and been left untried."

And some just don't want anything "difficult." They want things EASY! And the easy thing will always be to follow our own wills. It's difficult to follow the teachings of Christ, but it's never been found to not be worth it .... when truly tried, at least. Excuses for not really trying it abound. Reasons for submitting ourselves to the will of Christ, rather than our own, exist in abundance, but those who simply don't WANT Christianity find them elusive and obscure. Mostly, just because that's what they WANT to think.