View Full Version : Thought George might have been here...

Any Cal.
07-11-2017, 12:34 AM
I DONT load cast for rifles. Well, I dabble, but that is as far as it goes. I have fun, but my groups are not good.

For the last couple days I have been at it, still getting atrocious groups. Last night, I started sorting boolits by weight. 1 pile of heavies went in one relatively empty spot on the reloading bench, 1 pile of lighter ones went in another relatively empty spot... something didn't seem right.

Amongst the mess was my press, check, I was tripping over the lead pot on the floor, check; where is my Luber? In fact there was a clean spot, (should have noticed that right off...), with a lube sizer die sitting there. Moving some boxes of primers and empty powder cans around confirmed that my Lubersizer was gone. Just gone.

Was it George?

Any Cal.
07-11-2017, 01:08 AM
Today after work the spousal unit was talking about something, didn't catch most of it except 'package in the car'. Weird, I didn't order anything...

Well, there was a package in the car, well wrapped, with the name George scrawled across the top, and Any Cal. across the middle. This was pretty exciting to me, 'cause I figured I was right- it was George made off with my dad gum Luber. What did he go and do that for?

Anyway, I am guessing George had been hitting the hooch pretty hard, cause he left all kinda stuff in that box! Now I gotta say, George is a straight shooter and done me a good turn, 'cause that Luber was broke, and he done fixed it fer me. That out the way, though, he sure left a lot of stuff in that box with the Luber, and I'm kinda hopin' he don't notice.

See, I ended up with this old Mosin with a really nice bore. And wouldn't you know it, but in that box there was a mold that would fit- wait for it- you know where I'm going with this. And of course, George wasn't using that mold with his bare hands, he accidentally dropped the whole shootin-match in that thar box! I mean, George was likkered up good, there was brass in there- who has brass layin around when they cast? His bench musta looked like mine before he dumped half of it in this here box. I mean, it's good this was all in a package with my name on it, or I'd a thought I stole all this stuff in my sleep.

So anyhoo, I'm just gonna use this stuff and take care of it. Should George come back by, guess we'll have a drink and talk about guns. He sure done me a good turn. And I guess to all y'all, if you see him, say "Hi" from Any Cal, but mebbe don't mention any of that other stuff to him, at least for a little bit.

07-11-2017, 08:05 AM
A broken luber is bad enough, but, to have it missing is enough to make you cry.

07-12-2017, 08:20 AM
One of Georges' minions told him, I was shooting factory bullets in my 45-70 ( shame on me.)
Next thing I know a large package arrives, marked GEORGE. New 405 grain mold and a house load of new 45-70 brass.
George out did himself, need to set out some fine drinking bourbon! THANKS GEORGE.