View Full Version : Some short thoughts from G. K. Chesterton

07-09-2017, 06:22 PM
"The toleration of things once counted intolerable by spirited self-respecting people, is based, like every bad thing, upon a bad philosophy." G. K.'s Weekly, Apr. 11, 1928.

"At all epochs in history people point to some one man; they say he is capable. Let him, they say, take the helm. The theory of the strong man argument is that we should all look for the strong man; the theory of democracy is that we would all BE strong men ourselves." Manchester Guardian, Jan. 21, 1907.

"I have no earthly objection to paying the income tax myself. I only say that an honest man who confesses all his windfalls and claims all his exemptions has provided the Government with something like a small autobiography." Illustrated London News, April 12, 1913.

"The obligation of wealth is to chuck it." New Witness, Oct. 14, 1915.

Pine Baron
07-10-2017, 09:50 AM
" the theory of democracy is that we would all BE strong men ourselves." Seems to me the theory, is proved in practice.
How are we doing?
I think it takes ALL of us to hold up our end.

07-10-2017, 04:48 PM
Amen, PB. And what worries me most about our land today is the prevalence of self-interest and near exclusion of things that really matter, because they're eternal, in stark contrast to the things we "moderns" seem so obsessive about. Chesterton is primarily known as a Christian "apologist," but he commented on just about everything, including human nature and politics, but he always had their relevance to Faith at the center of his concerns and comments about them. He was quite a man!