View Full Version : Jerky Recipe (with no added sugar)

07-07-2017, 12:22 AM
This may seem silly, but I dislike all the sugar that's found in most store bought beef jerky, or other jerky recipes. I don't really enjoy eating sweetened jerky.

So here is my no sugar jerky recipe:

3 lbs of lean beef or venison. Trimmed slices.
1 tspn, or more of Chipotle powder. (makes it spicy)
1 tablespoon of iodized table salt.
1 level tspn of pink salt. (Prague powder curing salt)
1 tspn of ground black pepper.
1/3 cup of vinegar. (I use apple cider vinegar)
1/4 cup of soy sauce.
1/8 cup of A1 steak sauce. (1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons)
1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce.

Marinate the meat inside a large Ziploc freezer bag with the liquid and spices mixed together for 24 hours stored inside the refrigerator.

24 hours later, (after the marinade soak) lay out the pieces of meat on trays in the food dehydrator. Dehydrate the meat until pleased with the consistency. Typically for 6-8 hours. Some like very dry jerky, while others like it to retain a little moisture and be tender still.

If you don't remove a large portion of the moisture from your jerky, be sure to refrigerate your jerky after you make it. The dryer you get your jerky the longer it will last, and it also becomes harder to chew.

Hope someone else enjoys it as much as I do.

- Bullwolf

07-07-2017, 10:07 PM
I am with you, I detest sugar on beef. My jerky is grass fed organic beef so I go minimalist for flavors, salt, pink salt, black pepper. sprinkle liberally on the slices then stuff into a Ziploc and fridge for 2 days. It will form a brine after 12-24 hours that will reabsorb into the meat if left to cure longer. That brine is flavor! Love to see salt crystals on the jerky so I go heavy on salt.

07-10-2017, 04:36 PM
Copied for the wife