View Full Version : Time ? Just thought .

07-04-2017, 12:19 PM
I often reminisce , at times it's bad and at times it's good . Either way it takes time to build enough memories to be able to pick through them . Time is reality and very elusive . Time is amazing , created by our Lord for us to use as a gage to measure many things . GOD is timeless , he needs no such gage ...just another concept we can not grasp .

You can not hold time in your hand . You can not hear time . You cant not smell time . You can not see time . You can not taste time . Time evades all our senses . But we know it exists . We obsess over all things concerned with...time .

Our bible speaks of time often , I'll not quote exact verse but ;
There is a time to sow and a time to reap
Our lives are mentioned as seasons
Once a man twice a child
Our days are numbered
Redeeming the time
It is even a vapor, that appeared for a little time, and then vanishes away.
My times are in your hand

Just off the top of my head that's enough , there are many many mentions of time .

SO ! Having been given a finite numbers of days how has your use of that allotment been going ? Personally I'm sorry to say I have wasted much time . I haven't done enough . I have failed to use my time wisely for my GOD . How bout you ?

07-04-2017, 12:36 PM
A lot of wasted time

But then again I'm not convinced by it. God dosen't need us, he uses us,and if we are listening he will show us what he wants us to do. When I get ahead of him and try to do his work on my own,I either screw it up,or I where my self out chasing my tail????

07-04-2017, 03:27 PM
The true waste of time for me was worrying and fretting about things I had no control over. Thank God he taught me to trust him in all things.
About God giving man time, humans are the only animals in creation that keep time and God even gave him the clock to keep it by!

Preacher Jim
07-04-2017, 09:17 PM
God is in control of our days and the plan for our lives. I set aside to days to waste this week. Wife and I have enjoyed just resting during our rest the Lord sent us to minister to a lady who had large section of intestine removed in emergency surgery. A fellow came who has been away from the Lord and wanted help to find his way back. Wife finished music for Sunday worship and we took a long drive along the river. Yep wasted time.

Wayne Smith
07-05-2017, 07:49 AM
As long as I am available to God no time is wasted. When I am so self focused that there is no time for God, all time is wasted.

07-05-2017, 12:22 PM
That is an excellent thought Wayne! Along those lines, when I was a youngster an elder told me, "if you need help with something, ask the busiest man you know". That congregation's leadership was wonderful at seeking members to do good works for folks.

07-05-2017, 06:10 PM
I know and have read the story of how time supposedly began after the Big Bang, but truly, I cannot really wrap my mind around it fully. Even more difficult for me to understand is a realm that's free of time, such as God seems to live in. He can see both backwards and forwards in time, while we are locked into the present because of our finite realm of existence. God is not so limited. I can't help but wonder if God didn't create time so we could learn better, given our limited abilities to perceive and imagine and know? But folks who understand it more fully than I do have basically been working on the concept most all their lives, so I guess it's no big surprise that I can only "get" a limited degree of it, even after having it explained. I believe God is MUCH more wondrous and huger and more able than we have the ability to conceive of. What an awesome and wondrous God we serve!