View Full Version : Call it pride or whatever, but I have difficulty asking for prayer.

07-03-2017, 05:47 PM
I am in the eighth week of a back injury, that turned into sciatica about six weeks ago. Thinking I could throw it off, I just "cowboyed up" and went along. I finally had to seek medical help, but can't get into the see the Dr. until July 7. The pain has escalated beyond anything I can bear. I can only hobble a few steps, cannot stand, lay down or sit in most chairs. I have not slept more than an hour a night in well over a week. Two trips to the ER have resulted in nothing more than partial relief for a couple of hours. I have reached the end of my rope with this thing. I am starting to lose my bearings in this maze of agony and pain.

Therefore I will lay aside my cursed pride and ask for your prayer support. Pray that God will give me the strength to endure the pain until a solution is found and healing is on it's way.

07-03-2017, 05:57 PM
Lord I pray to you to help our friend Char-Gar endure the pain and suffering that he has, and in your mercy that you grant him relief , rest , and complete healing as soon as possible - Thank you - Amen

07-03-2017, 06:30 PM
Prayer sent for strength, relief and solution to your problem.

07-03-2017, 06:57 PM
I will pray .

07-03-2017, 07:00 PM
took alot for me to ask when I got taged by my bull and could not let work know or I would have been let go, worked for me and I can't thank everybody enough so here's hoping it works for you. shame the drugies have ruined a emergency rooms ability to dispense pain meds. praying that you come thru this.

07-03-2017, 08:17 PM
Anti-inflamities like Relefan and serious prayers work for me.... prayers sent sir.. been there more then I like to admit...many many many days in bed, bordering on 12 months a couple of times... in Jesus name sir.

07-03-2017, 08:44 PM
I to pray that you find comfort soon and a speedy recovery ensues. Hang in there, better times are ahead.


07-03-2017, 08:47 PM
Pain messes with you after a while. I will pray for a quick recovery.

07-03-2017, 09:18 PM
Prayers for you Char-Gar

07-03-2017, 09:20 PM
In the powerful and precious name of Jesus I ask that brother Char get a good night sleep, that you would temper the pain and bring healing into his body be it by your power or the wisdom and training of a doctor. I ask father not because he deserves it, but because you are a merciful God who tells us to bring our prayers and supplications before you. Honor his humbleness.

07-03-2017, 09:26 PM
Prayers sent brother. I just had the shots in my back and they worked great. I went thru this myself for 3 years before I finally convinced the Drs that I was not acting. Pain is no fun to have. Will continue to pray for your quick and complete recovery.

07-03-2017, 09:57 PM
Lord I lift up this brother of ours and ask that his pain be releaved and made bearable. I pray a solution be found to relieve the cause of the inflammation if these nerves. I pray you give him strength to endure what is set before him. I think you for his example to me in his expression of humility and faith in your great healing and comforting power. In Christ name

07-03-2017, 10:09 PM
In the powerful and precious name of Jesus I ask that brother Char get a good night sleep, that you would temper the pain and bring healing into his body be it by your power or the wisdom and training of a doctor. I ask father not because he deserves it, but because you are a merciful God who tells us to bring our prayers and supplications before you. Honor his humbleness.


07-03-2017, 10:21 PM
I'm also praying. Jesus is greater than pain, and I'm asking Him right now to wrap you in His arms.

Pine Baron
07-03-2017, 11:13 PM
Prayers sent for relief and rest.

07-03-2017, 11:32 PM
Prayers sent,hang in there:coffee:

Der Gebirgsjager
07-04-2017, 12:29 AM
I will pray for you, sir.

Wayne Smith
07-04-2017, 08:52 AM
I'll be praying Char, for both your comfort, structural healing (it's a nerve in the back being agitated by the spine in some way), and for the MD's who will be working with you and advising you. In this case knowledge is power, learn as much as you can about what is happening in your lower back and what you can do about it.

07-04-2017, 09:20 AM
Charles, I'm terribly sorry you are having to endure this. I've lived with this same pain off and on for about 10 years. At one time or another, I've used the oxys, percs, prescription strength ibuprofen and a few others. Once or twice a year now, the muscles in my back go into spasm and for the better part of a week I'm stuck in bed and for another week to ten days on crutches.
Once I get to the point where I can make it unassisted more than a few steps, anti-inflammatories and massage helps more than anything else. Only problem with massage is it has to be repeated at least a half dozen times a day. That moderates the pain just enough to keep you sane.

Finally, I couldn't have gotten this far with the pain without prayer. You have mine for your back and sciatic nerve pain.

07-04-2017, 11:07 AM
Thanks you for your prayers. I got the first decent night sleep in weeks last night. Please continue until this issue is resolved.


07-04-2017, 12:53 PM
Glad to hear you got some rest - I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.

Preacher Jim
07-04-2017, 09:10 PM
Lord the family of cast boolits has joined to lift our brother Charles to you for pain relief and healing of this problem. You Lord are our only source of help in times of trials and we ask you to help Charles.
In Jesus name Amen

07-04-2017, 09:17 PM
Lord the family of cast boolits has joined to lift our brother Charles to you for pain relief and healing of this problem. You Lord are our only source of help in times of trials and we ask you to help Charles.
In Jesus name Amen


A few hours of decent sleep work wonders both physically and mentally.

07-05-2017, 06:18 PM
Char-Gar, I've been where you are now, and I can fully understand what you're going through. I too had to "wait my turn" for surgery, and that period was the hardest I've ever spent on this earth! But I got through it, so I'm sure you will too. They gave me morphine, but I couldn't take it because of some side effects, so mostly, I just stayed in bed, afraid to move, most of the time. I look back and still don't understand how I got through it, but .... I did. And you will too, and you can't believe how much better you'll feel after the surgery! I'm guessing they'll fuse the vertebrae? When they do that, be SURE to do EXACTLY what the docs say, and you'll never ever, ever have that pain again! It might occur in another location, but that one will be forever cured. At least you have that to look forward to. God be with you my brother!

07-05-2017, 06:24 PM
Prayers sent for you, buddy.

Ken in Iowa
07-05-2017, 08:21 PM
Prayers sent for you, buddy.

From Iowa too.

07-06-2017, 07:34 AM
Father, Please come to the aide of Char-Gar and give him relief from his back injury. Please bring him comfort at this time and continue to give him comfort until his back is healed. Father, You are the one we come to for help because You are our Father and Fathers help their children. Please grant this prayer and the prayers of those praying not only for Char-Gar but for all the people that come to us to ask for prayers. AMEN

07-06-2017, 08:33 AM
Prayers sent

07-06-2017, 07:54 PM
Praying for you ... sorry to see you in so much pain.

07-06-2017, 09:11 PM
Tomorrow is the day, hopefully your Dr. can provide the solution to your pain Charles.

07-06-2017, 09:47 PM
I just seen this thread.
Prayin for you (and your family), Hopin you get some more rest.

07-06-2017, 11:32 PM
Tomorrow is the day, hopefully your Dr. can provide the solution to your pain Charles.

Yes, I am off to the back Doc at 2 pm. I feel certain this will be a process with imaging and all sorts of tests. But thanks to the prayers of good people, I have made it this far and am sanguine about the future.

Thanks again to all who offered up prayers, God has heard them and has been gracious to me.

Pine Baron
07-07-2017, 06:49 AM
Char-Gar, may God lead you through this and provide a healing solution. Keep your eye out for the angel he will send, He always sends an angel.

07-09-2017, 06:13 PM
God be with you my friend!

And your OP has had me thinking about "pride," and how we manifest and use it. And in my life, too, I've always felt I was supposed to be self-sufficient and self-reliant. Now, I realize that we're all dependent on each other, whether we always choose to acknowledge and perceive it or not. "Pride goeth before the fall" keeps echoing in my head! I've long been hard to "humble" enough to recognize that I am NOT the determining factor in how things go and how they work out. Yeah, I'm supposed to give my best efforts, but I'm FAR from being the determinant! And when I humbled myself more appropriately, I've found I fare a lot better, and find more assurance and reassurance in life. Us old dawgs may learn slow, but .... when we do, we generally learn pretty well! So harken to the words of Christ, and less to your own strength and prowess. Things tend to work out better, especially at our ages! Funny how that works, ain't it? :)

07-09-2017, 10:30 PM
The visit with the spine doc went well. He was able to give me a cocktail of meds to allow me to get some rest. I will have an MRI and then back to see him in a couple of weeks. I will then know whether it is injections or surgery.

Thanks one and all for the prayers.

07-09-2017, 10:41 PM
Steroid injections helped me heal, praise the Lord. Facet joint disorder is what I was diagnosed with and the injections were directly into the facet and the Anesthesiologist did the injections with the aid of Fluoroscopy. Pray you're getting better by the day.

07-10-2017, 02:10 AM
Greats news...hopefully the injections will get the job done.

Thank you, LORD, for blessing Charles.

Pine Baron
07-10-2017, 09:39 AM
Thanks for the update Char-Gar. God's will be done. Did you see the angel?

07-10-2017, 05:00 PM
Thanks for the update and still praying for you for a full "fix" of the problem. Half-measures really don't seem to do well, and certainly not for long. I am SO glad I got mine fused! But I'm no doc, and best advice is to listen to the docs, and if you're unsure, to get a 2nd opinion. One of my docs is also a friend, but I've never let that stop me from getting a 2nd opinion. That old saying "Two heads are better than one, even if one is a goat's head," seems to apply here, I think? When I first hurt my back, my GP wanted me to have surgery right then. I loved the guy, and respected him greatly, but told him emphatically "NO! Not until I ask around and see what kind of results surgery is bringing right now." I may not be the brightest bulb in the sockets, but that was one of my best decisions, I think! 80% of the people I talked to who'd had back surgery back then (1981) said they were either no better, and a significant portion said they were even worse AFTER the surgery! Not being bright, I mulled it over, and finally decided no surgery for me - at least not at that time. Back surgery was in its infancy and "learning stage" at that time, really, and I wasn't inclined to volunteer to be another guinea pig for their learning curve! So 30+ years later, I finally HAD to do something, and .... gee golly wow am I pleased with the results! A neurosurgeon did mine, and I believe pretty strongly that they do the best "back jobs" out there, compared to orthopoedists. Not really sure why, but of those I've talked with for the past 30+ years, that's been a pretty consistent pattern in the reports I've seen.

There is nothing more disabling than not being able to get around, and a bad back will do it, and eventually, make it near impossible to even go use the bathroom! So proceed carefully, and God bless your doc and you, and give you great results.

07-11-2017, 11:10 AM
My Doc is a Neurosurgeon with a good reputation. The MRI is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

07-11-2017, 03:49 PM
Praying for a clear image that will lead to a happy permanent solution for you.

07-11-2017, 04:29 PM
When you quit eating or drinking because it hurts too much to get off the floor (beds were too soft) you know you're in pain.
I truly feel for you and pray for your recovery.
Sawbones didn't help me, A naturopathic chiropractor got me lined out and functioning. My muscles were so tight I had to get inebriated before my first few visits (I didn't drive) so he could get my back to move and straighten it back out.
Not to scare you, but once you've had a bad back injury you will be highly susceptible to re-injury. You'll need to pay attention to and change how you do some things (i.e. keep back straight, lift with knees, don't twist rapidly, no jerking, stretch a little each morning ...you’ll find what works for you) I'm not saying it will disable you, I did 30 years as a contractor after it happened. You just have to always remember and be careful (which only limits reoccurrences) My family could tell when my back went out again, the grand kids would say "grandpa your crooked again" if it didn't get better in a few days it was back to the chiropractor.

07-11-2017, 10:19 PM
Let the neurosurgeon tell you whether cortisone injections are a good bet for you. Mine told me he didn't think I would see much benefit from them, but they should be tried before resorting to surgery.

With regard to stretching, I do that very carefully in the shower under a stream of hot water. Better to underdo it than to overdo it.

07-11-2017, 10:45 PM
Heavenly Father, bring peace and comfort to our brother Char Gar, and ease his pain. Give wisdom to his doctor, and all those who are involved in his treatment. Amen.


07-12-2017, 08:20 AM
Lord I know you are a merciful and compassionate Lord. I know your eye is on the sparrow and each and every one of us. I do not know your will in this but I expect that this is not a manifestation of that will. I expect this is normal wear and tear on the human body. I do ask if you can to help and heal my brother. Bring him back as close as possible to how he was before.

Let him heal and overcome this trial so he can go back to helping you.

I ask this in the name of God the Father almight, his Son our Lord Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

To God be the glory, forever and ever amen.

07-12-2017, 03:18 PM
Hoping and praying you're doing better, Char-Gar. This isn't one of those one-and-done prayer situations. God bless and keep you.

07-12-2017, 05:20 PM
Thanks for the prayers. I had the MRI today and it was not fun. Laying on a bad back motionless for 1/2 hr. was a challenge, but I got er done. Now I wait 8 days until I can see the spine doc again. Thanks again.

07-12-2017, 08:55 PM
Just keep remembering that verse "This too shall pass." It won't help the pain, but just knowing the pain isn't permanent sure helped me sometimes. A little, at least. Not knowing, we always tend to imagine the worst, and that makes the pain go deeper. I know a little about this because it surely helped me bear some of the pains I've had. Some good drugs can usually assuage the pain, but I never found anything that would eliminate it. But then, when your back is ailing like yours, it's probably good to have something to keep us from injuring it further. Bull-headed old pharts like some of us can be CAN make things worse, and that is NOT good! Praying for remission until you get it fixed, though.

07-12-2017, 09:09 PM
No stretching until the MD tells you
My favorite positions were on a hard mattress:
On my side, knees bent and a pillow between knees
on my back, knees bent and a pillow under knees ( when I use this position, using my arms I try to scrunch stretch, put a little traction on my back by shifting my shoulders up/away from my legs. Nothing drastic, a little goes a long way

07-19-2017, 01:00 PM
With MRI disc in hand, I hobbled into the Spine Docs office. He inserted the disc in the player, looked through the various images and then started to point things out to me. He showed me spurs and places where there should be cartridge but was none or very little. I asked him if he had a name for this.

"Sure" he said, "You are falling apart.". I remarked that was a hell of a medical diagnosis and he replied, "What do you expect, you are 75 years old." So he gave me an injection in the spine and it has helped quite a bit. I don't really know what the end game is, but I was able to cook breakfast this morning for the first time in months.

Onward and upward......

07-19-2017, 01:40 PM
[QUOTE=Char-Gar;4104048]With MRI disc in hand, I hobbled into the Spine Docs office. He inserted the disc in the player, looked through the various images and then started to point things out to me. He showed me spurs and places where there should be cartridge but was none or very little. I asked him if he had a name for this.

"Sure" he said, "You are falling apart.". I remarked that was a hell of a medical diagnosis and he replied, "What do you expect, you are 75 years old." So he gave me an injection in the spine and it has helped quite a bit. I don't really know what the end game is, but I was able to cook breakfast this morning for the first time in months.

Glad to hear that you have some relief...and a definitive diagnosis...[smilie=b:

07-19-2017, 01:43 PM
My father in law had terrible osteoarthritis in his spine and suffered greatly from it. Because he also had a mechanical heart valve anti-inflammatory drugs where contraindicated because of his heart medicine. He took morphine every night just to sleep! The situation he was in wasn't what he left us to remember.

He left us with so many prayers of thanks giving and strength, yet he always asked God to grant us reasonable health. I remember my son asking him why he didn't ask to be healed? He answered that it was unreasonable to ask to be 25 again!

Work where I do and you'll soon realize how many are cut down long before 75. (I'm sure you do) God's blessings for you is my prayer.

07-19-2017, 02:15 PM
Good news friend! The injectable steroid should provide more relief over the next several days. A bit surprised he didn't offer something to take by mouth with it and use periodically, maybe every several months. Of course docs gotta eat too and that may require another visit. Dexamethasone is relatively mild and is a common prescription, cheap as dirt too. Yes, good news and thanks for the update. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexamethasone

07-19-2017, 04:44 PM
Char-Gar, at age 75, you're in a position where some docs don't think it's "worth" doing a fusion on you, and indeed, there may be multiple discs and spurs that are in need of addressing. But watch out for that sort of attitude in your doc, because many will live into their late 80's and even 90's, and at 75, that leaves 15 years in which to bear pain or receive really effective treatment. Docs have a habit of thinking they can predict what's going to happen in the future. It's a real occupational hazzard. If the pain gets rough again, and I fear it likely will, you may need to talk to some more docs, and find one who's willing to solve the problem for you once and for all, like with a fusion or whatever. Just be sure to watch for this.

When I go shopping for a doc, it's their general attitude and outlook I tend to focus on the most, since I cannot know enough to evaluate their skills or their experience. But I've long been trying to evaluate folks' attitudes and sense of morality. If a doc has his head screwed on straight in that area, it's a lot more likely that he's got the kind of attitude that older men like us need for them to have for us to get a really "fair shake" from them. Just a FWIW. Still praying for you, brother.

07-19-2017, 04:56 PM
Prayers sent. I've been dealing with the same type of problems for the last 6 years after a motorcycle accident. Not fun at all

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Loads of Bacon
07-19-2017, 07:57 PM
I know your pain sir. You NEED to get a copy of this book: https://www.amazon.com/Back-Mechanic-Stuart-McGill-2015-09-30/dp/B01FKSGJYC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500508598&sr=8-1&keywords=back+mechanic+stuart+mcgill

07-19-2017, 10:25 PM
Glad to hear that you have some relief...and a definitive diagnosis...[smilie=b:

Ain't that the truth!

07-24-2017, 12:14 PM
The steroid injection helped considerably. I can get around the house without much pain unless I stand very long in one place. I can sleep without meds. Yesterday, I drove my car for the first time in five weeks. We drove down to South Padre Island for a good seafood lunch and back home.

Life is now bearable. This injection is not a permanent cure, but at five days it seems to be holding all right. Thanks again for all your prayers.

08-09-2017, 04:39 PM
The steroid injection helped considerably. I can get around the house without much pain unless I stand very long in one place. I can sleep without meds. Yesterday, I drove my car for the first time in five weeks. We drove down to South Padre Island for a good seafood lunch and back home.

Life is now bearable. This injection is not a permanent cure, but at five days it seems to be holding all right. Thanks again for all your prayers.

Just got back from a 3 week trip through eight states (went through some, both coming and going) and was thinking about you Friday morning the 21st, when I drove through El Paso headed for San Antonio.

Really glad your life is back to a semi normal.

08-09-2017, 05:11 PM
Char-Gar glad that the injections have helped and glad that you are able to get out.....I loved the technical medical terms your doctor used thought....keep the faith and we will keep the prayers ah' commin'....Paul

08-11-2017, 03:06 PM
Char-Gar, glad you're able to move again. I know I can't be as glad as you are! You've never stated so explicitly, but I've long had the impression you're not the kind of guy to take being a "shut-in" very happily! Keep on keepin' on, brother, and if the shots wind up losing effectiveness, take heart, because back surgery now, has become a pretty well established art form. Just make sure you've got the best surgeon available, and you can't believe how surgery can change your life for the better! Still praying for you.

08-11-2017, 03:16 PM
Char-Gar, glad you're able to move again. I know I can't be as glad as you are! You've never stated so explicitly, but I've long had the impression you're not the kind of guy to take being a "shut-in" very happily! Keep on keepin' on, brother, and if the shots wind up losing effectiveness, take heart, because back surgery now, has become a pretty well established art form. Just make sure you've got the best surgeon available, and you can't believe how surgery can change your life for the better! Still praying for you.

The shot has worked well. The spine doc says right now I don't need surgery. They can give two or three of these shots per year and no more. There may be surgery down the line, but not now.

I try and keep going. My big issue now is extreme fatigue due to to few red blood cells (anemia). This is cause by kidney failure. I get shots for that which helps. I also have low grade multiple myeloma. They call it "smoldering myeloma" as it hasn't taken off running yet. If or when it does, then I will be in for chemo.

I am up and going as much as the anemia will permit. It doesn't take that much to take all the starch out of me these days.

Long story short is the pain is under control for now. However I am in the short rows for certain. That said, I am quite happy, my faith is strong and life is good. I may have a few years left or a few months, but frankly that does not concern me much.

08-11-2017, 06:52 PM
I will keep praying brother.

08-13-2017, 08:43 PM
Might not concern YOU, sir, but it surely concerns those of us here and all about you that have come to love you. We NEED you! So please plan on staying yet a while longer, if you will! :)