View Full Version : 4th of July Ribs Today

07-02-2017, 09:04 AM
With the 4th on a Tuesday, and me doing my traditional recoil therapy, won't be time Tuesday.
Slathered with yellow mustard and Magic Dust Rub and resting in the fridge of 5 hours.


07-02-2017, 10:02 AM
Sounds Great!

Enjoy the eats!


07-02-2017, 10:10 AM
I have a grass-grazed brisket thawing. I've never cooked one before. it'll hit the grill tomorrow or Tuesday.

07-02-2017, 10:13 AM
What time should I come?

07-02-2017, 10:14 AM
thinking about buying a smoker ..

07-02-2017, 10:06 PM
I have a chuck roast thawing to put on the Traeger, and am going to get 2 slabs of spare ribs Monday. The chuck I will take to around 150ish(just after the stall) then wrap in foil to finish. Pulls like pulled pork when done.

07-03-2017, 07:23 AM
I have a 10 pound brisket lathered in yellow mustard with my spices in the smoker already......sounds like the eating is going to be greatttttttt!!!!!
Have a wonderful and safe 4th and lets reflect and pray for our military and first responders......

07-03-2017, 10:41 AM
I have a grass-grazed brisket thawing. I've never cooked one before. it'll hit the grill tomorrow or Tuesday.
Brisket ...it's what's for breakfast.
especially when you start it too late in the day (yesterday)...it finished about 5am this morning.


07-03-2017, 11:21 AM
No cooking on the 4th for us. Sat I had 2 briskets, 1 pork shoulder, 1 goat shoulder and 4 racks of ribs in the smoker. All turned out awesome.

07-03-2017, 10:05 PM
baby backs were only $1 more than spare so grabbed 2 slabs of them for a change of pace(less bone/cartilage loss so end wise a tossup in price), and a pork butt along with the pulled chuck. Going to be good eats tomorrow and lots of leftovers for me to freeze for lazy summer meals.

Snow ninja
07-03-2017, 10:15 PM
We're gonna try the brown sugar & pineapple brats handmade by my local grocer/butcher tomorrow.

07-04-2017, 06:48 PM
Was working on my new counter top for my outdoor kitchen yesterday and got myself pretty sunburned while pressure washing the patio and Corian material that I'm restoring. Today, just *walking* outside hurt when the sun hit my sunburned head and back. Know how it feels when you've been sunburned and you grab a shower and the water hits the sunburned area? That's what my sunburn feels like with just *light* hitting it. That's what you get when you have ancestors from Ireland and northern Europe. :(

So, I decided to go with a quick grilling solution for a change. Put a side of pork ribs in a pressure cooker along with some salt, garlic powder, black pepper, basil, and a bottle of the last dregs of beer from my keg that is only producing foam. Let it cook for 15 minutes at 15 psig this morning and set it aside. Around noon, I fired up the grill with some oak for flavor, gave the ribs a nice searing, and then started basting and turning with some of my BBQ sauce. Also made some BBQ beans with bacon and onions.

Our dog got to eat all the pork bones, so she was *very* happy -- crunch, crunch, crunch...

07-04-2017, 11:39 PM
Food was a hit, I am hot and sore from the work, and tired! I nailed the pulled pork and baby back ribs, they were BBQ contest quality! Pulled beef not so much. I wrapped it at 165 and took it to 205 and it was still a bit chewy. Ended up slicing it and I will thin slice the leftovers for sandwiches after I take it from the freezer to eat that day.

Lance Boyle
07-06-2017, 08:40 PM
Mary I hear ya. I'm beat. I came down with a summer cold but the show must go on.

First problem is my only flat shaded spot is forty yards from the house. I must have made a hundred trips back and forth. Mom uses a walker and is on O2. My sister has some issues but is mostly lazy/pushy and kept asking for a million things. As a host I made the trips but I think the lord was testing my patience and my feet. I let myself get dehydrated too. I was drinking Gatorade but not enough.

The butts were perfect, I did a rack of baby backs as an app with some smoked brats. Also cooked 14 half chickens in the cornell BBQ marinade. Got rave reviews. I ate the last half chicken for lunch. I still have many salads left. Hell even the ones that were supposed to go home with their makers. I put most of the second butt in the freezer.

07-06-2017, 09:21 PM
I had 8 individual servings of butt I vac bagged and froze(that tastes so good mid winter!) and the bag of beef.

07-09-2017, 11:19 PM
I had 8 individual servings of butt I vac bagged and froze(that tastes so good mid winter!) and the bag of beef.

The idea of having to freeze your BBQ so that you can eat some in the winter just seems funny to those of us in Texas.

Fire up the BBQ / grill in December or January? Awh, 'ell yeah!

07-10-2017, 03:05 AM
I will fire it up in winter but not for an all day cook, to hard to control temps in MN winters! Ribs and chicken and sausage I can do mid winter.