View Full Version : Breech seating in a martini cadet?

06-30-2017, 08:27 PM
Hi guys I have never breech seated ammo before.

Am I right in thinking that you seat the bullet into the rifling with a tool and then place the loaded (with powder and a wad) case in behind the bullet?

How deep do you seat the bullet? Till the case mouth touches the base?

Does the bullet have tapered bands that increase from bore size at the front and grooves size at the back in step?

Most importantly is a breech seating tool for the cadet doable/practical? If so who could make one?

country gent
06-30-2017, 10:59 PM
How much you "push" you need depends on several things. a tapered bullet or straight, alloy hardness, and load used. On the martinis action a simple pusher will need to be goose necked due to the action restrictions on length. There are some good books out there on this and the shutzen style shooting. Randolph S wright has one on shutzen shooting that may even have some on breech seating. Not sure if theres any where to lock in a lever style seater in the martini action. In the sharps high walls and others the guides for the blocks are used to lock it in place. A simple goose necked pusher with an adjustable stop on it and a strong arm would seat a lot of softer ( 20-1 or so) bullets nicely with a good hand fitting handle on it.