View Full Version : Just thought

06-30-2017, 06:07 AM
It's five am , I'm sitting here drinking a cup of coffee thinking about the one's that come to this place to be with others of like mind . We all have some different thoughts maybe read a different translation of the Holy Bible but we are still the same . Our thoughts are more alike than different though , we seek each other out to reinforce and strengthen our resolve and belief in the one true living GOD that is our heavenly father . We allow one another to have their own thoughts knowing that we are all on a separate path leading to him .
I personally gain strength from all of you . I wanted you to know that . We support each other in our discovery and goals as to what GOD would have us do in our life . Shouldn't that be the way for all ? I have learned much here , I have seen concern , care and compassion here . I have seen others willing and ready to go out of their way to help others in need . I don't know many places I can go to find these things anymore . I believe the help we give each other helps us take another step down the path to our Lord .
Thank you

06-30-2017, 06:36 AM
10-4 Charlie!

06-30-2017, 06:39 AM
Outstanding Charlie! I could not have said it better and I appreciate and learn much from the thoughts of others. Paul

06-30-2017, 06:49 AM
I agree. Thanks

06-30-2017, 07:07 AM
Thank you for the morning thought. In today's world I think that is is to bad that believers in Christ let so many of the minor points of our faith divide us from having fellowship with each other instead of coming together and having fellowship around our belief in the risen savior, Jesus Christ. May God bless you all today as you go about your business and may the love of our Lord shine through you all.

Pine Baron
06-30-2017, 09:07 AM
Thanks Charlie, I love you brother. We are so much stronger together, than we could ever be apart. Go in Peace.

06-30-2017, 09:14 AM

This forum influenced my decision to become a believer. I have been a believer for about a month. I am at the very start of my journey but it has been an awakening.

I have been able to reconnect with the love of my life. We parted about 18 months ago. We have been seeing each other for a few weeks. She has come to church with me twice and I had tears in my eyes both times. I never knew she was a Christian. She knew I was a rabid atheist and never mentioned her faith to me before...afraid I would dismiss it outright...and I probably would have. She is shocked at my acceptance of Jesus and God, and the changes it has made in me.

Yesterday, she told me I am back in her heart. The most humbling words I could have heard from her. I have asked her to be my wife, but she remains reluctant. I hurt her badly the last time we were together.

God has given me wisdom I lacked. I have forgiven her for the pain she caused me. God has shown me the weaknesses, selfishness, and fears I had that contributed to the breakup.

Many of you prayed for me and I appreciate it.

I would love to sit around a campfire with all of you and just talk.

Pine Baron
06-30-2017, 09:30 AM
Don, I have joyful tears in my eyes for you. Keep on track, brother, there is hope for us all.

06-30-2017, 09:39 AM
"I personally gain strength from all of you . I wanted you to know that . We support each other in our discovery and goals as to what GOD would have us do in our life . Shouldn't that be the way for all ? I have learned much here , I have seen concern , care and compassion here . I have seen others willing and ready to go out of their way to help others in need . I don't know many places I can go to find these things anymore . I believe the help we give each other helps us take another step down the path to our Lord ."

Exactly how I feel. Exactly.

06-30-2017, 10:10 AM
Like I've said before- Don Verna, your coming to Christ is the best news I've heard all of 2017!

06-30-2017, 11:08 AM
Thanks, Charlie...

Preacher Jim
06-30-2017, 11:33 AM
Don I am so blessed by your post may the Lord give the two of you a fresh start with Him leading.

06-30-2017, 01:07 PM

This forum influenced my decision to become a believer. I have been a believer for about a month. I am at the very start of my journey but it has been an awakening.

I have been able to reconnect with the love of my life. We parted about 18 months ago. We have been seeing each other for a few weeks. She has come to church with me twice and I had tears in my eyes both times. I never knew she was a Christian. She knew I was a rabid atheist and never mentioned her faith to me before...afraid I would dismiss it outright...and I probably would have. She is shocked at my acceptance of Jesus and God, and the changes it has made in me.

Yesterday, she told me I am back in her heart. The most humbling words I could have heard from her. I have asked her to be my wife, but she remains reluctant. I hurt her badly the last time we were together.

God has given me wisdom I lacked. I have forgiven her for the pain she caused me. God has shown me the weaknesses, selfishness, and fears I had that contributed to the breakup.

Many of you prayed for me and I appreciate it.

I would love to sit around a campfire with all of you and just talk.

Don in a thread a while back I said I was envious of you but I didn't explain it . I still remember walking down the isle during the invitation to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior . I was seven years old , I felt the Holy Spirit within me . I remember the elation , the peace and joy that only he can give . That was over a half century ago .

Brother f you think now is a good time it only gets better .

07-01-2017, 12:48 AM
Don, I have joyful tears in my eyes for you. Keep on track, brother, there is hope for us all.

"I personally gain strength from all of you . I wanted you to know that . We support each other in our discovery and goals as to what GOD would have us do in our life . Shouldn't that be the way for all ? I have learned much here , I have seen concern , care and compassion here . I have seen others willing and ready to go out of their way to help others in need . I don't know many places I can go to find these things anymore . I believe the help we give each other helps us take another step down the path to our Lord ."

Exactly how I feel. Exactly.

Like I've said before- Don Verna, your coming to Christ is the best news I've heard all of 2017!

Thanks, Charlie...

Don I am so blessed by your post may the Lord give the two of you a fresh start with Him leading.

Y'all took the words out of my mouth.

07-01-2017, 07:35 AM
I see this community as a true blessing from God and I am truly thankful for all of you. The fellowship I have found with everyone here is more than I could have ever expected. When I decided to learn about casting I joined to maybe learn a bit but I never thought I would find a community like this. I don't make it to the Church house nearly as often as I should, but almost every day I find myself reading through the chapel, praying for and with my fellow Christians from all over the world. Different denominations and sects all coming together the way I believe God intended us to do. I've been in several churches during my short 27 years, most have been dominated by church politics and obsessive behavior where practice is only skin deep and ritual and appearance were more important than fellowship. There is none of that here. Although I don't know any of you well enough to even call you by your names, I view you all as brothers and sisters in Christ and I will continue to fellowship with you as long as I am able. I am thankful for all of you. God bless you all.

Wayne Smith
07-01-2017, 02:12 PM
Don, my one suggestion is to give her time. She has to see that you have changed, that you salvation is not temporary (think of the parable of the sower - and look it up of you haven't read it to understand it) and that the Holy Spirit has truly taken over. Once she sees this ... .

We still sin, but the Holy Spirit changes us as quickly as we allow Him. Romans 8:28-29 tells us that we will be made like Christ - it doesn't say how that may happen. It can be a calm conversation or He may be dragging me by my heels, but He will change me!

07-01-2017, 05:22 PM
Thanks, Charlie, and amen to every reply. This place has been a real boon to many, I think. As evidence of that, look at how we have become able to discuss the theological aspects of our various sects, and yet, have remained scholarly, even when devoutly attached to our own beliefs! This isn't easy in our day where what is constantly "modeled" all around us is bitter fights if someone sees something different than another.

And as to our differences, I've long looked at God as a huge diamond, with many facets, and these facets can only be viewed partially, because our minds simply aren't big enough to see all of Him in one glance or viewing. He's simply too big. And we've been left with the soundest advice and instruction that man has ever received in our whole history on this planet, but it requires work and thought to decipher it just right, and any given passage may have many applications and meanings. I've long sought out those who thought differently than I do, because there, there is opportunity to understand others and maybe even get a new insight on scripture and its more complete meanings. I guess I've always been a little out of step with those around me. But I've always tried to remain honest and, not always successfully, focused on the simple Truth of whatever is at issue. The search for Truth never ceases, because there's so much of it out there for us to learn. It surely keeps me humble!

You folks have all meant a great deal to me - all of you. It is SO good to have a place where folks can come to really discuss earnestly and honestly and without adverse effects, the things that mean so much to us and that we sometimes may not fully understand as we want to, or maybe don't feel all that confident about. Edification is the learning of new stuff, AND the confirming of what we've come to believe in the past. Our search never ends, and personally, I thank God for that. You folks truly humble me, so very often. Thanks. It matters.

07-01-2017, 05:30 PM
Almost forgot: And Don, the Lord truly works in very mysterious ways, His wonders to fulfill. Don't be surprised if He's not yet through with you. His love and grace is amazing.