View Full Version : Old Rock Chucker, new Auto-Prime system

06-29-2017, 10:11 PM
Will this primer system fit my 1982 model Rock Chucker?


06-30-2017, 12:21 AM
I've been eyeing this primer set up off and on since last year. I just read the reviews on it on Midways site. I believe I'll steer clear of it for the time being.

I didn't know it even existed until last year. I was immediately curious. I've owned a Rock Chucker or two for 35 years now and always wanted a faster way to prime the cases. My first Dillon (RL450) ruined me. From the photos, they appeared to be very much alike.

I'm sure glad I grabbed up 3 'like new' LEE hand primers the past couple of years. My first one lasted many years, given the fact I have 3 now, I don't see ever needing to buy another one.

While less expensive than the RCBS Bench Mounted primer tool, I think I would go the extra money and buy the bench mounted primer system from RCBS instead of risking it.


06-30-2017, 05:53 AM
I've been eyeing this primer set up off and on since last year. I just read the reviews on it on Midways site. I believe I'll steer clear of it for the time being.

I didn't know it even existed until last year. I was immediately curious. I've owned a Rock Chucker or two for 35 years now and always wanted a faster way to prime the cases. My first Dillon (RL450) ruined me. From the photos, they appeared to be very much alike.

I'm sure glad I grabbed up 3 'like new' LEE hand primers the past couple of years. My first one lasted many years, given the fact I have 3 now, I don't see ever needing to buy another one.

While less expensive than the RCBS Bench Mounted primer tool, I think I would go the extra money and buy the bench mounted primer system from RCBS instead of risking it.


I have bench primers and hand primers. I sometimes like to try new stuff and the old style primer system on my RC doesnt work very well, even though its all new and just replaced.

I'm a big fan of the "slide prime" on the Redding Big Boss and thought this might be as good if it fit my RC. And I would have another way to prime if needed.

06-30-2017, 10:33 AM
The Midway link says it is for the Rock Chucker Supreme.It uses a different setup than the older Rock Chuckers.

06-30-2017, 11:33 PM
I would steer clear. This is a knock-off of the Redding T7 system...which sucks. Why you say? Well, for starters it blocks the front of the press and limits access. Second, pulling back and then pushing ahead is counter intuitive. Finally, that large vertical primer tube block you vision of the shell and what is or is not in it.

07-01-2017, 05:53 AM
Thanks for all of the input men, I decided it probably will not work for my press and I probably wouldn't use it much even if it did.

07-01-2017, 01:49 PM
I've tried a few different primer seaters in my old rockchucker and just decided I like sitting in front of the TV with a LEE hand primer. Just what works best for me.