View Full Version : For thought and meditation

06-29-2017, 06:49 AM
But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent.

—Acts 6:1

I find it interesting that in the days of the early church when many were being saved, when miracles were being performed, and when the church was growing by leaps and bounds, people started complaining. Acts 6:1 tells us, “But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent.”

Doesn’t that sound like today? You see, the devil is rather clever. He tried to stop the church through persecution. But instead of arresting their development, he helped them get on with the job of being what the Lord had called them to be. The church, instead of cowering in fear, became a lean, mean, preaching machine.

Then he tried to infiltrate the church through Ananias and Sapphira, two blatant hypocrites, and the Lord dealt with them. His next strategy was to try and stop the church through division—to divide and conquer. He slipped into their ranks, and people started complaining about the smallest things. It wasn’t really a spiritual issue; it essentially was a clash over culture.

And we still have that today. Every generation has the musical style they prefer. They have the clothing they prefer. They have certain cultural mores they think are important. Sometimes they are built on a biblical concept, and at other times they are simply a personal preference. But we should never divide over these things.

It’s okay to have personal preferences. It’s okay to like one thing over another. But it is wrong when we divide from a fellow Christian over something of that nature.

People will leave churches over the silliest things. They don’t like this change or don’t agree with that. They get hung up on the smallest issues. Maybe the problem isn’t so much with the church as it is with people. Let’s not divide over minor issues

06-29-2017, 05:39 PM
Amen! We're one body - the "body of Christ" - and little else really matters. We can interpret the Word differently, and be mistaken, but Christ loves us still. We ought to be able to love each other, despite our different takes on various issues that are important to our understanding. After all, who among us knows it all? So probably, good will of one Christian for another, even though they differ in some respects, should tie us together MUCH more securely than little things should ever tear us apart. We can work out differences, even if we just agree to disagree on most of them. But when we depart one from another, we not only weaken ourselves, we weaken the "body of Christ" on this earth, and become ever less effective in carrying out His Divine will for us as a result. Christ never intended for His words to divide folks who believe in Him. It's us, and our wills and other traits that allows that to occur. Following Christ has never been easy, but in our modern, divisive world, it may well be harder than ever?