View Full Version : Prayers needed

06-28-2017, 06:20 AM
I am having a crisis. I am 64.5 and this morning I woke with the whole right side of my head hurting. I have a wisdom tooth coming in. Ain't life grand.

Sorry, for the next week or 2 I may be a little distant. I may be sarcastic as heck, I might growl a little. If I do please slap me up longside the head and remind me that while I may be in pain it is no excuse to be rude.

And any prayers would be gratefully accepted.

It is just pain, but it is pain that gets ya where you live.

Thank you brothers.


06-28-2017, 06:40 AM
I am praying Ghosthawk . Hope you go to the dentist and get that resolved , been there done that .

06-28-2017, 06:45 AM
Father on this beautiful day I would pray that You take the pain away from Ghosthawk's head. Please guide him and aid him as he navigates the issues facing him for the next few weeks. Father, You are the great healer and the great leader and I request comfort, removing the pain and guidance for Ghosthawk. AMEN

06-28-2017, 06:59 AM
Father God we lift up Ghosthawk to you this morning. May you give him comfort from this pain he has. Guild him as he seeks relief. Through you all thing are possible. Be with him and may this be resolved for your glory. In the name of your son, Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

06-28-2017, 07:09 AM
Although it won't seem fitting, I tell my child that pain means you are alive and to embrace life while figuring out what is causing the pain. It is more of a distraction to get her thinking. For us grown ups it is a reminder that we are still living and breathing and to focus on the Lord for comfort and aid. I know your pain as I just completed 3 root canals on the same tooth due to a bone infection. Praying for you to have strength and comfort but also resolution. Tooth pain is the worse I think.

Good Cheer
06-28-2017, 07:32 AM
Once upon a time I was in a really little town in Alabama and the wisdom teeth were being ignernt as all get out. So off to the dentist I went. And we're sitting there talking while I'm sucking gas getting ready to be whittled on, gonna do all four of them at once. So while we're solving the problems of the world I ask about how much it's gonna cost and we settle on a price. Later I asks him about how can he tell when I've had enough gas and he says, "When you're more worried about how much it's gonna cost instead of how much it's gonna hurt." And I laughed 'cause he was right, I'd had enough!

Well, GhostHawk, hope you can keep your humors in shape and best wishes on getting it took care of.
Prayers are on the way.

06-28-2017, 07:45 AM
Prayers sent

Pine Baron
06-28-2017, 08:28 AM
Ghost, please go get yourself to the dentist. Within 24 hours you'll be wondering why you didn't do it sooner. Prayers sent .

06-28-2017, 10:48 AM
Ghosthawk; prayers for healing and comfort/may God's relief come quickly. Pumpkin, your soap
making buddy.

06-28-2017, 11:36 AM
Ghost, please go get yourself to the dentist. Within 24 hours you'll be wondering why you didn't do it sooner. Prayers sent .


I hate going to the dentist but there are times when there is no choice. I have had all four pulled and now visit regularly to keep the teeth I have left in decent shape. Poor teeth can have a serious impact on overall health.

Preacher Jim
06-28-2017, 12:11 PM
prayer will continue till you are healed

square butte
06-28-2017, 12:43 PM
Prayer sent up for Ghosthawk

06-28-2017, 03:17 PM
God be with, take care of, and hold your hand through this, Ghost! I had a wisdom tooth come in sideways, and had to have it cut out. Even when I was still 10 ft. tall, bulletproof and immortal, that was a real ordeal! I would REALLY hate to go through it at my age now!!! God bless and keep you. Get yourself to an oral surgeon ASAP. That's almost surely the only "cure" for you now, but I'm not a doc, and let one tell you what to do. Then just do it, and let God hold your hand through it all. And your wife and other loved ones. Peace be with you, my friend.

06-28-2017, 09:18 PM
I had one that was impacted cut out once. They had to put me under, took a week before I could really eat. I do know I am wishing I had made them take all 4 out while I was there.

The prayers are working. Pain comes and goes. Asprin helps for a couple of hours.

Mood is mostly good, but with flashes of "I wanna kill something"


My wife went digging and found me an old bottle of Hydrocodone. Been expired for 7 years. But they still work.

I hate dentists. I totally hate the lack of control. They say it won't hurt but it does.

Goes all the way back to when I was 7 and dentist was an old russian. Said tooth had to come out, he ended up on top of me with his knee in my chest prying every which way before that tooth came out.

Pretty much screwed me up for life where my teeth are concerned.

Fear is not always rational. It is never easy.

Thanks for the support guys.

06-28-2017, 10:26 PM
Ghost, please go get yourself to the dentist. Within 24 hours you'll be wondering why you didn't do it sooner. Prayers sent .

This brother!!