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06-25-2017, 07:49 AM
David's "Lost" Opportunity

In I Samuel 24 we find Saul seeking to find and kill David. He had determined in his mind that David was a threat to his throne and he was going to put him to death. David knew that Saul was unjustified in his intent. David knew that he had already been anointed King of Israel and he knew that it was just a matter of time before all this would come to pass.

But now his opportunity had presented itself. Saul was sleeping and David was there, in a position to take the life of King Saul. Yet with all the justification in the world, David restrained himself and simply took a piece of Saul's garment. The Bible says that he even felt remorse for doing that to the King.

You see, David believed God. He knew that he would be king and he was willing to wait for God's timing. There were times he wondered if God had forgotten him, but he remained faithful to God's plan and as it turns out, God's plan was best.

Think about Abraham. God had promised that he and Sarah would have a son who would produce a nation of people numbered as more than the sands of the sea. Abraham decided God had waited too long and took Sarah's maid and had a child named Ishmael. The Bible says that Ishmael would be a wild a** of a man and that he and his offspring would mean trouble for all nations. We have seen that come to pass as Ishmael is one of the fathers of the Arab race.

If God has revealed his plan for your life, trust him to make it happen. He has his own timing and methods and will fulfill his plan in his time. Never try to rush God along by taking things into your own hands. Always follow the guidance and timing of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Scripture for reference: I Samuel 24:1-15

Good Cheer
06-25-2017, 08:13 AM
Haven't made visiting the chapel a part of my day. Really just bumped into it.
So, will post here what was posted in the politics section.

After being relocated there are times I've asked the better 2/3's if she still is astonied that we're here and she says yeah, so to speak it's still something to make her head spin. What He can do when you are willing to say yes... it's so good to be a part of.

06-25-2017, 08:39 AM
Thanks for a great lesson and start of the day, Amen.

06-25-2017, 08:47 AM
Thanks for that wonderful reminder.

06-25-2017, 09:21 AM
Thank you rl69 .