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Texas by God
06-24-2017, 07:05 AM
I was set to cut 65 acres of Coastal Bermuda and Kline grass for hay today but a monsoon arrived around 4am and it's still pouring buckets. Oh well; I'll work on guns and reload ammo today!

06-24-2017, 07:52 AM
Praise God for the rain that makes the hay grow! We are in need of some water out our way.....Loading ammo is a good thing as well....went to the Dillon and started to set it back up for .45acp and guess what no powder funnel for it....lost in action so I am waiting on a new one....what is a man to do?

Texas by God
06-24-2017, 08:31 AM
Ask your wife! Just kidding. I once asked mine why is it I never find projects for you to do? I received THE LOOK.

smoked turkey
06-24-2017, 09:23 AM
Yep. I've also seen "the look". I try to avoid it but not always possible.

06-24-2017, 09:57 AM
Tex - sometimes the Lord provides for reasons unknown so maybe it was just "meant" for you to relax and reload today? Hopefully your hay will be a heavy cut. We've had odd weather up here it seems like but have had enough rain off and on to make things grow well. Our old neighbor got a good cutting of hay a week ago. Yesterday we drove out by our old house (we just moved in to town in to a condo from the farm a couple of weeks ago) yesterday as I had some things to give to a neighbor's kid who is graduating this year from HS. I have the farm rented to a nice young fellow - graduated from MSU - 4th generation farmer and is up on all the "high tech" stuff nowadays. Usually he rotates between corn and soy beans but this past year he put in winter wheat. When we moved a couple of weeks ago, it was still all green. Yesterday it was a nice golden color and was really something to see it waving in the gentle breeze we had. As my Dad always said, they got the threshing machine out on the 4th of July and got it ready to go so it won't be too long and the wheat will be harvvested I'm sure.

Good luck with your hay and your reloading - I'm sure the Lord will bless you with time for both!

06-24-2017, 04:05 PM
I have seen "THE LOOK" on numerous times over 40+ years....trying to equate "THE LOOK" to Love Looks?

06-24-2017, 04:30 PM
My wife has an Italian ancestry, so I get the "evil' eye!:shock:

06-24-2017, 05:49 PM
That ought to be some choice, sweet hay when you get 'er cut!

06-24-2017, 07:34 PM
I have it on good authority that the Laser was invented by a scientist that had the misfortune to look his wife square in the eye when she was giving him the LOOK!!! When he woke up on the kitchen floor the next morning he had the idea wandering around in his fried brain. True story, sort of, maybe, well could be!
Ole Jack

Texas by God
06-24-2017, 07:53 PM
4-1/10th" of rain, it'll be too wet till next weekend- when "The LOOKER" and I will be in Baja California. It'll be knee high to a NBA center when I get to it!
Best, Thomas.