View Full Version : Prayer, praise, and needs are the focus of the Chapel

Preacher Jim
06-22-2017, 07:57 PM
Fellows if you want to debate go to the pit.
This is a place for healing, Help, and lifting our brothers and sisters before the throne of The Lord for His help.let's center on that and preach at church or on the street corners.

06-22-2017, 09:14 PM
Amen, and WELL SAID.

We are not here to split hairs, debate the fine details of theology.
We are here to help each other. And I don't think telling someone else what he believes is wrong is helpful.

Now I will admit I stayed out of that thread. I did not read it. I did not need to. I was warned. Danger Will Robinson, Danger!

You are ALL my brothers, but we don't need to fight like it.

Thank you Preacher for being brave enough to step up.

06-22-2017, 11:41 PM
I agree wholeheartedly Jim! I like this being a place where differences are set aside for the greater good.

06-23-2017, 08:50 AM
I would agree Jim .

06-23-2017, 08:55 AM
If you look at the Pit headings, it is no longer an area for religious discussions.

It's great when people post little lessons and tid-bits here. But are errors to be unchallenged? Are differences of understanding not to be discussed? If that is the rule, make it a heading.

Pine Baron
06-23-2017, 09:08 AM
Discussion, yes. Contentious debate, no.
Go in Peace.

06-23-2017, 09:38 AM
Discussion, yes. Contentious debate, no.
Go in Peace.

One person's discussion is another person's contentious debate.

When the link you attached was posted, the Pit was for religious discussions. It is not anymore, going by the headings anyway.

Preacher Jim
06-23-2017, 09:50 AM
Chapel will not be a turned in to a pit discussion area. WARNING you can be banned from chapel for trying to turn this into a pit type area.
all of you are fellows I respect and care about but this is a place with a purpose. I stated it in the title of this thread please keep it what Robert set it up for.
Robert personally approved the daily Bible reading and uses them.

06-23-2017, 10:48 AM
I am new to Chapel and am not sure what this is about but I will say that if you believe that the bible is the word of God , written by man but inspired by the Holy Sprit. That God is a trinity, God the Father , God the Son and God the Holy Sprit. That the only way to God is through his son the Lord Jesus. That Jesus came to this earth and was born of a virgin. That he lived a perfect life . He was crucified by man to pay the price for our sin. He died and was buried. He arose on the third day and is now seated at the right hand of God to intervene for us. All I had to do was admit that I am a lost sinner and that the only way to God is by excepting the free gift of salvation through his son Jesus Christ. That once I am saved nothing that I do will take me from my Fathers hand. These are some of the Major things that I believe. I can call others who believe this my brother. I do not worry about our minor differences. I just ask that all my brothers and sisters use this place to lift each other up before God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ the Son so that lives can be changed and prayers can be brought to the Father. Encourage one another in all things and look to be a blessing to all you come in contact with. I find joy and comfort in this area and pray that others do also.

06-23-2017, 05:38 PM
Jim, it's your and Rob's decision to make, of course, but I am a bit confused, I guess. Part of our belief is that the more learned and experienced among us should illuminate those who have more recently come to light. This is simply "study(ing) to show thyself approved." Are we to cease any and all discussion of theology? I need this to be clear, because I'm not clear on where the borders are now. If you can define it a little more clearly, I and I think others would appreciate it greatly. We've no intent here to run the show. Just to know where the "walls" are. Thanks for any clarification you can provide.

Preacher Jim
06-23-2017, 08:53 PM
Dennis this may be above your head but Jesus called us to be witnesses and seeing The Lord answer prayer and the great things he does everyday to help His people is a far better witness than all the hammering and convincing we try to do.
As long as man is trying to interpret scripture we will have differences of opinions but seeing Jesus at work in individual lives is beyond debate. When the Lord heals no man can deny He is real.

06-23-2017, 10:16 PM
"When the Lord heals no man can deny He is real. "

Amen, and to God be the Glory.

06-24-2017, 01:39 AM
Jim, this is not to be disagreeable in any way, is it possible to have a sub forum for the purposes not outlined here where theology can be debated?

06-24-2017, 05:47 PM
I too think this would be a great asset to the Board! And you're right, Jim, this probably isn't the best place for discussion of scripture, but what Christian doesn't want to further his understanding of the Word? There are many here, and you're among them, who know more than the "average Christian" does, because you've been truly and more deeply "in the battle" than most of us could have been, with our respective occupations. Edification is something Christ always encouraged, so maybe a separate section where discussion, civil argument might be allowed would really enhance the edification of many. I think most of us here have proven that we can disagree agreeably, so this doesn't seem to compare to the "pit."

What say you? Good interdenominational discussion CAN be a big benefit to us all, irrespective of what denomination we adhere to. I've never learned anything from folks who think just like me. It's those who see something differently that have always brought me to understand things better, whether it be to understand their stance better, or my own through theirs.

We've got some very scholarly posters here, who know Biblical history MUCH better than I and many others here do. And this would be a great help to many in furthering our edification in the Word. Simply re-reading the Bible for the 50th time gets repetitive after a while, and we NEED others with different perspectives to enlighten us to other possibilities within the meaning of the words. Char-Gar's synopsis of the history and development of the Jesus phenomena is just one example.

So I guess I'm just asking "pretty please, can we have a section directed at edification and sharing views?" As I said, I think we've demonstrated rather clearly that we're capable of behaving ourselves in such endeavors here. So it's up to you and Rob. I for one would appreciate a section like this, especially after the religious section of the pit has been closed. Without the "trouble makers" that have consistently dwelt there, I think it'd be a real boon to the site. So many believers here! Such fertile ground for our edification in a way that we don't get elsewhere! Just my 2 cents' worth, anyway.

Preacher Jim
06-27-2017, 09:12 PM
Attention new sub forum of chapel set up to have your discussion of doctrine and theology.
IT WILL BE CIVIL. arguments will lead to points and banning from the area. You all asked for this and Robert and I have set it up for you to have your discussions. Keep them out of the chapel and in there place.
God bless all of you
also no posts over a normal lenth I will edit out anything to long.

06-28-2017, 03:31 PM
Thank you Jim! Thanks greatly! There are too many very knowledgeable and thoughtfilled folks here for me to not avail myself of their wisdom and knowledge. I sincerely appreciate this.

Preacher Jim
07-06-2017, 11:32 AM
you will notice some items move to the sub forum for discussion. this is not a reflection on them or the material just more appropriate there. discuss and enjoy.

07-06-2017, 01:20 PM
Thank you!