View Full Version : Lost a dear friend yesterday

06-22-2017, 03:46 PM
I asked you all to pray for my dear friend Mike, who was going through chemo for cancer. And thank you for all your prayers. But yesterday, the Lord decided to end his suffering, and take him home. He leaves behind his wonderful wife Bonnie, who has one tremendous voice, and often sings for the church, and a number of children and step children.

Mike was always one of those people who ... well, "what you see is what you get." There was absolutely no pretension within him. In his earlier days, he was pretty adventurous and daring. He built and raced cars, and for a while, boats. He also worked in the oil fields when younger, working his way up to driller. He could fix anything with any kind of engine in it, either fuel or electric. He always thought of himself as a dumb, country redneck, but when he asked me to teach him how to tie flies, I told him that he'd catch on quick, because he'd really been an artist all his life. He did a double take and made me explain my words, and I explained that his manner of working on anything was that of an artist, because he actually saw, mentally at least INTO the things he did, and figured out what to do and how to best do it. It took a while before he believed me, but he knew something separated him from all the "parts changers" that have so long marked and been characteristic of mechanic work. And I told him early on that teaching him to tie would make me a better tier. Again he recoiled, but later, it proved out, and he never really understood it quite fully, but just accepted it, and finally found I wasn't just saying things for effect.

He had many stories, and a fishing trip with him would be one long and interspersed monologue of some of his more humorous adventures. And he didn't mind being the butt of his own jokes, either. He was truly a humble yet assertive man, who saw everything as either right or wrong, whether it be how his work was done, or how he or others behaved. He was the best fishing partner I've ever had, despite the fact that, at least according to me, he liked to fish too much "on top" of the fish. We had our differences, but we always disagreed agreeably, and neither of us ever cut back on the straight truth of what we believed. I think he respected that in himself, and demanded it of others.

I could go on for hours about ol' Mike, but ... why? He was a very rare bird, and a very dear friend. He married a woman who had married early to a man she thought she loved, and was loyal to, bearing him two children, but he abused and neglected her and the kids unmercifully. She was quite reluctant to try again with another man, but Mike just simply won her over, and the more he found out about her, the more he came to love her, and he determined that she'd NEVER again have to worry about any sort of abuse. They did marriage RIGHT! And she thinks he hung the moon! If you will, please pray for her and their kids. His step kids love him just as much as if he'd been their natural father. He earned it.

There'll be a really big hole left in all who knew him, but he'd suffered greatly through the chemo and radiation. And suffering and not being able to get out and do things was NOT something that came easy to him. But he did it, and I think he did it so he could be with his loved ones and they with him yet a while longer. But we all have our appointed time, and yesterday was simply his. I will miss this wonderful friend tremendously, and I doubt I'll ever find another fishing partner anywhere nearly as pleasant and enjoyable as Mike was.

Thank you for any prayers you can render for Bonnie and the children. He's meant a great deal to a great many folks for a long time, now. He's left some awfully big shoes for someone to fill in his absence. I can't help but wonder who will even try. Thanks for all you folks have done in praying for him. I wish it could have led to a longer stay here, but the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord, forever. Amen.

06-22-2017, 03:49 PM
Prayers sent for Bonnie and the children.

Pine Baron
06-22-2017, 04:12 PM
My condolences BW. Prayers for Bonnie and family

06-22-2017, 04:49 PM
Blackwater, sorry for the loss of your friend. Prayers for Mike's family.

06-22-2017, 05:16 PM
Sorry you lost your friend.

Prayer sent.

06-22-2017, 05:23 PM
If you will allow an old fool, Mike's essence, the intellect of his soul (his spirit) has moved into the next dimension, the one the flesh cannot enter. He is in heaven. Not to diminish that those who love him will certainly miss him, and grieve, but considering the expanse of time and our short carnal existence, it won't be for long.


06-22-2017, 06:49 PM
Amen, Gary. Mike's search for Truth and Faith was earnest and unrelenting. I have no doubt whatsoever that he's in Heaven with the Lord right now, awaiting all his friends and loved ones. His unrelenting earnestness and simple, unafraid and discerning desire to KNOW God more and more intimately was THE root of his life, and has been for some 15 years or more. Even our preacher said that today at the Senior's luncheon. Mike was the kind of guy whose earnestness and unwavering search to get ever closer to God, was, very simply, both humbling and inspiring. I'll miss the inspiration he provided for me, but I'm glad he's no longer suffering. He really suffered through much of the chemo and radiation, but never once lost faith or his attitude of fighting his cancer to the utmost of his ability. He never really cared about himself, and always seemed more concerned about the other guy. He was the kind of guy who'd literally give you the shirt off his back if he thought you were in need of it more than he was. He'd always figure he'd be able to find or make another, whereas you might not be. That's just the kind of guy he was, always confident he'd find a way to make most everything work, and unrelenting when he met obstacles. Not many are like that these days, where everyone seems to always seek the "easy way out." He could tell you more by simply listening to a motor than most parts-changers of today can with their computers! And that's not an empty claim, eihter, because I've seen him do it a number of times.

His kind has always been a rare breed. I think they're getting rarer and rarer now. I'll miss my friend greatly, but I'm glad he's where there'll be no more pain and no more not being able to do what he wants to do. Blessed be the name of the Lord, forever. Amen.

06-22-2017, 09:56 PM
It sound like all who knew him we're quite blessed to have him in their lives. I will add the family and friends to my prayers.

06-23-2017, 08:43 AM
Sorry for your loss, Prayers for the family.

06-23-2017, 09:46 AM
Blackwater....losing a close friend is like losing a family member so my prayer is for you and Mike's family....May the good Lord hold Blackwater and Mike's family in His hands as they go through the grieving process. Mike is now with the Lord and yet we feel a loss and miss them. Father I pray that You grant my prayer and heal these people. AMEN

06-23-2017, 05:58 PM
Thank you all. Mike was just the kind of guy who I thought needed and warranted having at least a few words spoken about him here. Thank you all for the prayers you rendered up for him during his treatments. I told him about you all, and he was very humbly thankful to know some really great folks who didn't even know him were praying for him. I wish I could tell you more about Mike. He was truly one of a kind, but no more sincerely and devout man ever sought to know the Lord more deeply than Mike did. He couldn't seem to comprehend the generosity of Salvation, though he himself was one of the most generous people I've ever known. I think he understands fully now, though, because I know, and our preacher commented yesterday, that we KNOW Mike is with the Lord now - no longer limited in his ability to go and do all the things he loved so much to do, for himself and for others. I've never seen a man enjoy doing for others the way Mike did. And there wasn't a miligram of pretension in him. He was, as the old saying goes, "plain as an old shoe." He was also very scrupulously moral and ethical, and he was this way all through his life. Even in his younger days, when he used to like to fight, he had some strict ethical rules about fighting that he always observed. He never really realized this, though I tried to point it out to him once.

His memorial service is tomorrow, and we'll say our last goodbyes to the body he wore while he was here, and our first official "hellos" to him in his new form. He always tended to see the humor in everything, and I'm sure he'll be looking down, laughing at some of us with tears in our eyes for our loss. But he'll understand, and he'll empathize with us, and I think he'll probably whisper in our ears, "I'm great now! Just wait 'till you get here with me!" That was always just the way he was, and I don't think that changes when we go from this world to the next. It's how I think of him, at least. A lot of folks will miss Mike a lot more than they realize just yet. One young member of our church, Preston, loved him because any time Mike came by in his boat, Preston always knew he'd stop and take him fishing. Mike would hold onto the dock and wait for Preston to go ask his Mom or Dad, and then he'd run back and jump in the boat, and they'd be off to yet another adventure! Preston is a really great young kid, born to a great Mom and Dad, and I think he'll miss Mike a great deal. Mike always had a gang of young kids around him at church because he passed out Jolly Ranchers or other sweets to them. He always made sure he had some before going to church. He loved giving stuff so much! Especially to kids, but also to anyone. He got more pure joy out of giving something of himself to others than he ever did in getting the things he wanted. His wants and needs were very simple - a good woman, a decent home, and a big shop to work in. That's pretty much it. His wife is a true Ga. peach, and has a powerful and wonderful voice. Hearing her sing anything is a blessing, and seeing her lean her head back, and just let herself go in a song, is something powerfully inspiring to see and hear!

He's been a great blessing to many, and always taught by example - the way we're all SUPPOSED to teach. God bless my friend Mike Blythe, and I thank Him for Mike's presence and influence in my own life. He'll really be missed, but he's in a much, much better place now. He always loved laughter, and I suspect he may have Christ himself smiling right now. He was just that kind of guy.

06-24-2017, 07:05 AM
Blessings for Mike's family. True friendship is a gift of God.


06-24-2017, 08:07 AM
Prayers sent

06-24-2017, 05:24 PM
Thank you all. Your sentiments really mean something to me, as I know they did to Mike when you all prayed for him.

His service was today, and it truly was one of those "celebrations of a life." He never liked funerals, and didn't go to them because the ones he'd been to were such, somber, sad, foreboding events. He was specific in his will how he wanted it to be, and our preacher did a masterful and wonderful job of complying with his request. We had it in the dining hall, rather than the sanctuary, with a luncheon afterward. The place was full! He'd acquired many, many friends from all walks of life, and wherever he went. People of worth just seemed to attract him, and he to them. It's a good thing all of them didn't attend or even the parking lot wouldn't have held them all!

I'd never stop talking about him if I tried to tell you who and what Mike was, so I won't even try. I'll just say thanks for all you did for him, and in particular your prayers. The week or two before he left us, he'd been talking to our preacher about how to pray. He wanted to pray the "right" way, and didn't think he knew how. The preacher told him pretty much what I'd told him some time ago, that it's just opening up your heart and talking to Him and saying whatever is on your heart to say. I'll never see anyone more thankful for all the blessings in his life than Mike. He's marveled at how blessed he truly was - that God didn't take him back in his very "adventurous" years, that he had the love of his life in Bonnie, that she sang so beautifully (he'd always loved good music, and had never been a singer himself, so he was really awed by Bonnie's voice any time she sang), for his kids and grandkids, and for even the simplest things, like a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Not long ago, he told me he just didn't understand folks who don't stop and take in a really beautiful sunset.

The great things he inspired and instilled in myself and his family and other friends will live within us always. We are SO richly blessed to have had Mike in our lives! God bless Mike Blythe, and may we all join him when our time comes. Thank you all for so many prayers on his behalf.

06-24-2017, 06:20 PM
I'm praying for this family . My condolences to you Blackwater . Losing a friend is hard .