View Full Version : 57 snider again ARGH

charger 1
07-24-2008, 05:04 AM
Ok so I had this 57 that thot thumb sized groups at sub 70 yds. So you realize I just had to sell that. Oh ya, too easy I guess. It didnt matter what you did... Anyway its sale brought a member of our gang some luck who much needed luck. So this new to me one has got the bore. Look fellas it will not group irregardless of what ya put in it. I'm down to asking a question this stupid,,,READY.. Are some of them better shooters when held in hand or on sticks so as to square them to your shoulder as opposed to sand bagging where it can kind of roll off the top of your shoulder.. My thumb groups have went to looking like a fly sh1t on the paper. Yes snugged everything. Yes HOLY black tried. Yes to you name it

ANY THOUGHTS ON HOLD.. PS how critical are some of them to staying in that 1200 fps range? I feel I maybe on the plus side

07-24-2008, 07:55 AM
As a rule guns will not group better from sticks, bench or offhand. They will shoot to different points of aim but not group too much differently, or enough to be significant. I ahve seen BPCs go sour and found that a good cleaning in which I use a lead remover can sometimes help. Most of those old rifles were not exactly consistant in bore diameter. You may have one a little over bore and while black can slug the barrel on firing it won't be as precise as a bullet that fits. With black you have to use appropriate BP lube or you won't hit a barn. A good way to check is to look at the fouling at the last foot of bore. Bad lube fouls very hard in this area. Try different bullets.


charger 1
07-24-2008, 11:04 AM
No bore fouling. I'm going to start over with seating depth and differ it slightly for a few groups

07-24-2008, 12:30 PM
Where, on the barrel or forearm, are you resting the gun?
Have you tried placing the barrel on the sticks (or sandbag) so that the 'null point' is the contact location?

charger 1
07-24-2008, 03:26 PM
You know what guys. it turns out an oal of .015 longer than the first gun was the ticket. right into one hole again

07-25-2008, 01:53 AM
You know what guys. it turns out an oal of .015 longer than the first gun was the ticket. right into one hole again

.................Dang, you're a lucky scudder!


charger 1
07-26-2008, 05:59 AM
Well I went through some hickups with this girl, but I'll say this, American Pioneer powder is a very reliable product. It does what it does exactly the same with every pull of the trigger. I'm hooked.. And CLEAN, Unreal. It sure made working through the issues with this gun a whole lot easier. Perhaps this post belongs somewhere else, but I thought I'd put it here since APP had such a large part in me getting this to go well. If their plain jane is this good, I cant imagine their Gold version