View Full Version : God's attitude

06-21-2017, 10:52 AM
I mentioned the difference in attitudes between Old Testament God and New Testament Jesus in another thread. Didn't want to derail the discussion so I'll ask here.

I've been to several churches down here in the Bible Belt. All the same. They paint the Lord as this stern stoic figure of stone. There's truth in it but just hint at his sense of humor or anything joke related and you'll get a blasphemer beat down.

Maybe it's different in ya'll's neck of the woods. I hope so.
I was talking to a local church deacon and just mentioned casually "Wonder what makes The Man laugh out loud?" He gave me a disgusted look and quit talking to me.
Really? If he's all about forgiveness and 'be of good cheer' seems like he'd much rather see us laughing and happy than all the crying and moaning you'll see at a oneness Pentecostal church.

Anyone capable of that much love has got to be able to laugh at something funny.

06-21-2017, 11:06 AM
To denigrate or bash anyone's church in the Chapel is uncalled for . Peoples beliefs are their own . We are here to share the commonality of our belief . You are only trying to agitate . Take it to the pit .

06-21-2017, 11:06 AM
Of course God has a sense of humor. I am not sure what makes him laugh though.

When reading the Gospels it is almost impossible to determine the tone Jesus used when speaking to the people. But I detect some humor in a few of the parables that probably made him smile when telling them.

Jesus told his followers, "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" I can imagine him smiling and giving a wink when he said "though you are evil!"

But like I said, it's very hard to know these things for sure.

06-21-2017, 11:36 AM
To denigrate or bash anyone's church in the Chapel is uncalled for . Peoples beliefs are their own . We are here to share the commonality of our belief . You are only trying to agitate . Take it to the pit .

Well I went to that oneness Pentecostal church for 20 years.
I ain't trying to agitate anyone with what I thought was an honest question.
That's about the response I've come to expect though.
Asking anything that makes people feel uncomfortable and that's what you'll get.

06-21-2017, 11:44 AM
Of course God has a sense of humor. I am not sure what makes him laugh though.

When reading the Gospels it is almost impossible to determine the tone Jesus used when speaking to the people. But I detect some humor in a few of the parables that probably made him smile when telling them.

Jesus told his followers, "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" I can imagine him smiling and giving a wink when he said "though you are evil!"

But like I said, it's very hard to know these things for sure.

Wouldn't that depend on your line of reasoning? Seems to me anyone with a winning lottery ticket would be smiling wide enough to count all their teeth. I'm confused why so many Christians are so sad looking all the time. Seems to me, one who felt they were headed to an eternity where you don't have to get up early for work every day, no sickness, no seeing children on a Shriner's hospital commercial living a mangled cancer ridden torment; seems to me anyone who knows they'd never see that again would be a lot happier than they are.

06-21-2017, 11:49 AM
To denigrate or bash anyone's church in the Chapel is uncalled for . Peoples beliefs are their own . We are here to share the commonality of our belief . You are only trying to agitate . Take it to the pit .

Wow, congratulation Boaz on becoming a Mod.

06-21-2017, 11:58 AM

The pit no longer has a place for a Religious Forum. It has been changed to news.

06-21-2017, 12:11 PM
Wouldn't that depend on your line of reasoning? Seems to me anyone with a winning lottery ticket would be smiling wide enough to count all their teeth. I'm confused why so many Christians are so sad looking all the time. Seems to me, one who felt they were headed to an eternity where you don't have to get up early for work every day, no sickness, no seeing children on a Shriner's hospital commercial living a mangled cancer ridden torment; seems to me anyone who knows they'd never see that again would be a lot happier than they are.

Becoming a Christian doesn't necessarily change someone's personality or temperament. Some people are naturally happy, some are not.

Just because a Christian knows that they will be with God in eternity, doesn't mean the day-to-day struggles of life don't effect them. It's OK to be sad if life is hard. Remember, "Jesus wept."

06-21-2017, 12:18 PM
Becoming a Christian doesn't necessarily change someone's personality or temperament. Some people are naturally happy, some are not.

Just because a Christian knows that they will be with God in eternity, doesn't mean the day-to-day struggles of life don't effect them. It's OK to be sad if life is hard. Remember, "Jesus wept."

Great post. If you have been saved your still a sinner every single day. We fall short and must ask for forgiveness. We also must forgive like CHRIST 70x7

06-21-2017, 06:21 PM
Wow, congratulation Boaz on becoming a Mod.

I'm not a mod . I have no authority .
Now you got anything else you need to say to me ?

06-21-2017, 06:29 PM
I vaguely recall from my distant past a Bible verse that went something like "And he who sits in the heavens laughs" that's bout all I remember.
One of my all time favorites "Let he who has never sinned throw the first stone"

06-21-2017, 06:36 PM
I'm not a mod . I have no authority .
Now you got anything else you need to say to me ?

You go with God brother

06-21-2017, 06:42 PM
I vaguely recall from my distant past a Bible verse that went something like "And he who sits in the heavens laughs" that's bout all I remember.
One of my all time favorites "Let he who has never sinned throw the first stone"

I heard a guy on the radio telling that story....."Jesus said let anyone who is without sin cast the first stone." All the sudden a rock goes flying across the crowd and hits the harlot upside the head. Jesus looks around and says..."Hey MOM!!! I'm trying to make a point here!!!!"

06-21-2017, 06:51 PM
Mary is not with out sin

06-21-2017, 06:53 PM
Boy y'all wouldn't know a joke if ....

And anyway, that's his momma. You really want to be the guy in line at judgement day and hear the Man say "What'd you say about my momma boy?"
I ain't calling her a sinner.

06-21-2017, 07:07 PM
Son, do a little research if your going to tell religious jokes.
You may not want to quit your day job just yet

06-21-2017, 07:11 PM
To denigrate or bash anyone's church in the Chapel is uncalled for . Peoples beliefs are their own . We are here to share the commonality of our belief . You are only trying to agitate . Take it to the pit .

I'm pretty disappointed to see this, I didn't see ANY bashing in the OP, just an honest question with honest observations. Sheesh,,,,,

06-21-2017, 07:14 PM
Son, do a little research if your going to tell religious jokes.
You may not want to quit your day job just yet

There it is. You and Boaz are case in point why I cannot tolerate organized religion. I bet ya'll really bring in the sheaves the way you talk to people.

06-21-2017, 07:17 PM
There it is. You and Boaz are case in point why I cannot tolerate organized religion. I bet ya'll really bring in the sheaves the way you talk to people.

Why are you so mad at the world brother

06-21-2017, 07:47 PM
Focus on me . Don't trouble bout DCP .
You got a problem with me I'm here . Your main problem is that your intolerant of GOD . That's your choice . It does not entitle you to hinder those that do .
To the best of my recollection you are a self professed atheist . I have given you GOD's offer of salvation in the pit at least on one occasion and moved on . I don't argue with self proclaimed atheists .

So what's your problem with me ?

06-21-2017, 08:10 PM
Locked, take it to PM's. I expect higher standard of conduct from members of the Chapel.
