View Full Version : For thought and meditation

06-21-2017, 06:55 AM
That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.

—1 John 1:3

Have you ever been having a conversation with someone when you overheard your name being mentioned across the room? Did you notice how suddenly you started listening?

When we speak of God’s name, He listens. Malachi 3:16 says, “Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on His name.”

The phrase “the Lord listened and heard” could be translated “to prick the ear, to bend down, so as not to miss a single word.”

The Lord loves it when we talk about Him together. That is what it means to fellowship. Acts 2:42 tells us that the early church “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship.” That word fellowship comes from the Greek word koinonia, which could be translated “fellowship,” “partnership,” or “communion.” And it even could be translated “to be generous.” So this word koinonia encompasses all those ideas. It is far more than socializing. It is where people get together to talk about the things of God.

Sometimes I will hear people use Jesus’ name as profanity. I’ll say, “Careful. He listens when you say His name.” Jesus listens when we say His name. He is paying attention. He also listens when His people speak of Him and fellowship around His name. He loves it when we talk about Him. He listens when we speak His name.

Fellowship is praying together. It is serving together. It is giving together. It is aging together. These are the fibers of fellowship. Fellowship with God and with His people go together. And if you find yourself out of fellowship with God, you will soon find yourself out of fellowship with other believers as well.

square butte
06-21-2017, 07:42 AM
Nothing better than fellowship - Thank you rl69

06-21-2017, 08:22 AM
Amen for a great message and start of the day.

06-22-2017, 05:38 PM
He also admonished us to "study to show thyself approved." Among all the religions of the world, ours is the only God who actually invites and encourages being questioned, but He does it so we might learn and thus, draw closer to Him. This is what separates the true Christians from the mockers, who question only for the purpose of inciting confusion. And it's also why we MUST "study to show [ourselves] approved," so that we don't ALLOW confusion to lead others to doubt or denial. We truly ARE "our brothers' keepers!"