View Full Version : For thought and meditation

06-20-2017, 06:42 AM
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer.

—Acts 2:42

I heard a story about a pastor who wasn’t getting much feedback about the sermon he preached. So after the service, he stood in the back of the church to shake hands with people and wait for someone to say something about it. But no one said a word. Finally one woman came by who always had something thoughtful to say, so he asked her, “What did you think of my sermon today? How was it?”

“Pastor,” she said, “your sermon reminded me of the peace and love of God.”

He was relieved to hear that. “Wow,” he said, “I’ve never had anyone actually say that to me before. Tell me, how did my message remind of you of the peace and love of God?”

“Well, like the peace of God, it passed all understanding. And like the love of God, it endured forever.”

Far too many preachers today can take the life-changing, power-packed message of the Word of God and somehow make it dull and uninteresting.

The early church, the church of the first century, was a Spirit-filled church. It was a strong, vibrant, healthy, living church. This early church had passion. They had excitement. They had commitment. They were living in a first-love relationship with Jesus Christ, and they had burning hearts—not a casual attitude. There was spiritual excitement in what they did. They applied themselves to what was taught from the Word of God.

As John Stott said, “The Spirit of God leads the people of God to submit to the Word of God.” They believed in the teaching and preaching of the Bible. This is a primary mission of the church today. And if you are a real believer who has been filled with the Holy Spirit, then you will love the Word of God.

square butte
06-20-2017, 07:21 AM
The above story has applied to our church lately . . . Thanks for the morning word rl69

Wayne Smith
06-20-2017, 07:59 AM
Not only that, it was the first seminary. They developed the theology that Paul preached. They developed the theology that Peter and James preached. It wasn't new, it was in the OT all along.

06-20-2017, 08:35 AM
It seems that too many preachers are interested only in keeping parishioners and not stepping on toes. They want you to feel good without calling out the teaching of the BIBLE. Many are full of the PC that is going around and they need to change course and call out the evils that surround you. IMHO....Paul

06-20-2017, 10:16 AM
Thanks for the much needed message, Amen.

06-20-2017, 04:47 PM
Can't help but smile at this one. Most members expect to be wowed every Sunday. But few remember that preachers are very much human, too, and sometimes, just plain get tired, and even a little jaded. Good ones keep a schedule and a pace that most marathon runners would envy! My own preacher is a sportsman and loves to hunt and fish, but seldom gets the time and opportunity to practice these wonderful practices. He puts the church and the people's needs ahead of his own, and I often see him show significant tiredness. This is really about all any good preacher CAN do! Being a preacher doesn't make them 10 ft. tall, bulletproof or immortal. Nor does it make them workers of miracles! They're leaders, plain and simple, and no leader is any better than the folks he leads. He CAN at least train them, but even that is limited to an hour a week, and the real message probably lasts no more than 30 minutes, if he finishes on time.

It takes a lot to be a real preacher! And stamina is one of their main requirements, though we, the ones who are led, never seem to realize or appreciate that. I will always have a great appreciation for any good preacher. They have a humongous job, and not the best of circumstances within which to perform it! At any given time, probably half the congregation may not be in the best of moods, because of the myriad of things that affect our moods. And yet, they have to plow through all this, and STILL edify and teach and inspire! Wow! What a HUGE job they have! Those who take it up probably don't realize all of what's really involved for them, but few avoid, or even try to, the many challenges they face daily.

You preachers truly have my deepest respect! You do one of the hardest tasks mankind can aspire to, and you do it under less than conducive circumstances so very often!!! How could I do anything BUT respect you? Thaks, from the bottom of my heart, for all you do, and try to do. It matters, and it probably matters more than either of us really knows or realize! Just thanks. It's really all I CAN say.

06-20-2017, 05:15 PM
Many don't want to hear the truth , many refuse to hear the truth . But the truth in this situation will truly set you free . GOD has expectations of us .