View Full Version : Fogged glasses

06-18-2017, 01:23 PM
Can't remember for the life of me (CRS) where I read this but wanted to share it 'cause it works. How many of us are plagued by fogged glasses or 'scope lenses? Take some soap on your fingertip--any kind, liquid is good--and rub on the lense. Let dry and polish with a clean soft cloth. Voila! Problem solved. You're welcome. GW

06-18-2017, 02:56 PM
If I can only remember this when I need it!

06-18-2017, 10:31 PM
I use shaving cream that has lanolin in it. Just a dab on both side right & left & then wipe off with a clean cloth til the lenses are clear again. Works for windshields in the Winter also. You can go in & out of the cold outdoors to the warm insides & not have to deal with the fogging. Ya do have to repeat after a few days to a week or so, if ya are cleaning your glasses with something that "cuts' the lanolin, but no issue with it...

PS - Works for binos, & scopes also. So your breath does not fog them.

PPS... Another tip for those of us who live in cold weather climes.. Use some spray "anti antiperspirant" on your feet before ya put on your socks & Winter boots, and your feet do not sweat so much & make your socks wet & make boots cold from the difference in temps between your feet & the cold ground. Just another tip to share. Right before Summer...LOL