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View Full Version : cleaning used shot?

Bullshop Junior
11-12-2005, 12:37 AM
Is there a way to clean used shot. We have two buckets full of used lead shot. I was thinking that I could let it sit in some diesel for about a week, and then wash the diesel off with hot water. Is there a better way? I am not going to by the stuff at sportsmans supply, to expensive if I can use the used stuff.
Thank you.

11-12-2005, 12:48 AM
I'd soak them in hot water and soap first because that is better to get dirt off then diesel, diesel just doesn't seem good at cleaning clay off.


Bullshop Junior
11-12-2005, 12:52 AM
I'd soak them in hot water and soap first because that is better to get dirt off then diesel, diesel just doesn't seem good at cleaning clay off.

Thank you.
I will have to try that one too.

11-21-2005, 09:09 PM
Daniel; I think I would round up an old piece of screen, tack it to a wooden frame, and wash a small amount of shot with the water hose while rubbing it back and forth with my hand. Lay it out on a cookie sheet and dry in oven(or with hair dryer) I have reloaded recycled shot before, usually get mixed sizes of pellets, not really a problem. What you will run into is open patterns, because the shot is already deformed, from previous trip down the barrel , thru the choke and impacting each other, they will shed velocity faster than new shot. If you are wanting some ptarmigan for the pot I'm sure they won't notice the difference, but you may lose a few yards of effective range. Reloading those shot shells sure is fun isn't it!