View Full Version : Salt and pepper shrimp

Lance Boyle
06-15-2017, 05:16 PM
Last year for my birthday we went out to a Chinese restaurant. Not your ordinary Chinese takeout joint but a sit down place where the local Chinese people dine. So the real deal. Anyways one of the dishes our party ordered was salt and pepper shrimp. Who doesn't love shrimp? Right?

Anyways I made it at home and it's as easy or easier than making scampi.

Shelled and deveined shrimp (although I'm sure it's probably more
authentic with heads and tails on but I like easy dining. While they're still wet just dredge in corn starch and shake excess off. Deep fry in wok or cast iron pan with oil. I used canola. Just a few minutes is enough to make them crispy. That's what you want. Light and crispy. Pull out and set aside. Pour off the oil or just use another pan. Wok on med low, melt a tbsp of butter, add about 2 tsp of minced garlic. Cook until it's lightly brown, add about a tsp black pepper (the medium coarseness would be best Not that dust pepper), add your salt, less is more you can fix a shortage On your plate. Give it ansecond to let the black pepper flavor your butter garlic sauce. Toss in your shrimp again to coat and warm. Plate over rice.

Omg good.

One serving last night was just right

7 large shrimp,
A few tbsp cornstarch to dredge in
A tbsp of butter
I used about 2 tsp garlic but a tbsp would still be right
1/2- to a whole tsp black pepper
About 1/8 tsp salt.

I served it over rice over a bed of Romaine.

I will definetly make it again. I think more pepper, garlic and butter is good but don't kill it with salt. My sister who introduced me to the dish said she once got a badly over salted serving once. Like I keep repeating it's easier to add later than take Extra out.

06-15-2017, 07:14 PM
Gonna try it next time I get some "shramp".

Thanks for sharing!

06-15-2017, 11:52 PM
Can I sub mosquitoes? They would be about U10 size shrimp... :holysheep lol

06-16-2017, 06:22 AM
Thanks ! I like shrimp anyway you cook em .

06-16-2017, 07:04 AM
Planning on trying this. Thanks for the tip!

Lance Boyle
06-16-2017, 02:20 PM
Mary you might have to remove the stinger/needles on them critters. In NNY we have mosquitoes, black flies, deer flies and a few half pound horse flies in the mix. Screened in porches are a thing in the Adirondaks.

Glad to share, I thought this was that good. You folks with crawdads and shrimp in your backyards have me envious.

06-16-2017, 11:55 PM
Black flies are horrible this year,mowed yesterday and came in and my white socks were full of blood spots from bites.

Geezer in NH
06-17-2017, 05:27 PM
I like the deer flies better than tourists. They arrive at the same time but the deerflies go away faster.

06-17-2017, 06:03 PM
The House Of Yummy is a Chinese chain in Florida, with restaurants in Orlando, Tampa, Sarasota, Ocala, and Gainesville.

They have an extremely varied menu, the food is freakin' DELICIOUS and the portions are large. You won't find any "typical" Chinese take-out dishes on the menu, this is anything BUT your typical Chinese restaurant, I don't miss a chance to go to one when we are in the Sunshine State.

This is where I had my first "Salt And Pepper" dish, Calmari. OMG this was to die for it was SO GOOD!!

http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb374/DougGuy/SaltAndPepperCalmari-640_zps4ahlc9za.jpg (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/DougGuy/media/SaltAndPepperCalmari-640_zps4ahlc9za.jpg.html)

Lance Boyle
06-18-2017, 04:52 PM
Oh that looks good. I love Calamari or the Chinese sautéed squids. I'm not afraid to eat tentacles.

Mary. I hear ya. I've been trout fishing where I got so continuously eaten/mauled by black
Flies I was nauseous and nearly swooning in the heat. I do avoid using bug spray but at a certain point I just have to do it.

I learned to not go camping in may or early June in the Adirondaks. It's beautiful through the cloud Of Black flies.

06-20-2017, 05:25 PM
The simpler the dish, the more I tend to like them. Have never had this one, but may just give it a try! Thanks!

06-22-2017, 08:11 PM
Mary b, was in nothern minn. once during deer fly season. they love the color red. had a red small toyota. they were around that car like bees on honey. the whole swarm of them chased that car until we got to 35 or 40 miles an hour then i out run them. my wife and i laughed about it but it was also scary. man can they fly fast. cant fish in short pants up there, have to have thick long pants on as they bite like nuts. how they get out to the middle of a big lake is beyond me, but they do as well as all the rest of the biting bugs.

06-23-2017, 07:40 PM
Grandad and I went to Minnesota to go walleye fishing for a few years, when I was a teen. One year we must have hit the peak of deer flies. We would walk down the path to where the rental boat was, and I would have a cloud of deer flies surrounding( and attacking!!) me, and Grandad would wonder what was bothering me because not a one would land on him!!! He said mosquitos would do the same, land, then leave. Bugs just didn't like him for some reason

06-23-2017, 08:43 PM
You can do the salt&pepper thing using thinly-sliced pork shoulder too--comes out really yummy and lots less $$ than shrimp or Calamari.