View Full Version : Umarex

06-15-2017, 12:12 AM
Well called Umarex because my Legends model 712 shoots high. Really high like about 3 feet high. The guy had no suggestions. Said I could send it back on my dime but chances would be since the gun functions ok they would figure it was working and send it back. No offer to exchange it. Only advice was use Kentucky Windage.

First and last gun I will ever buy from them. Their lackadaisical reply sealed that deal.

35 shooter
06-15-2017, 12:24 AM
Hope you can figure out what's up with your 712 and get it straightened out somehow.
That kind of attitude on the part of Umarex doesn't make their 3 year warranty on the Octane i was considering sound very good at all anymore.

06-15-2017, 01:08 AM
For the record their Storm and Steel guns had issues and they wouldn't cover them either from the complaints I have read.

06-15-2017, 08:17 AM
Yet one more nail in the coffin. They are on my list of makers of guns to never buy from.

Crossman seems to be model dependent, some are good, some suck. Or maybe it is factory line Friday, don't know.

I have been hearing rumblings and rumors that the S African "Kraal" lines have issues, short life spans. Such as the hot new Puncher breaker bullpup.

On the other side of the Coin, I have 2 Hatsan's now and would never regret aquiring a third. Good steel, good fit and finish, good customer service, awesome Turkish Walnut and once broken in, good shooters. I am breaking in a 1000x Striker with wood stock right now. Probably approaching 100 rounds through it and it is starting to group.

Yesterday's 5 shots were all right on the 1" bullseye circle. Each one touching the circle in a different spot. But group size is down half from what it was the week before.

Its coming, just need to be a little patient with it.

06-15-2017, 08:31 AM
Can you file down the rear sight blade?

When airguns are built to duplicate a real handgun the sight heights are often way off, requiring either the rear or front blade be altered.

You can try building up the front sight blade, if the sight is plastic use ABS glue/putty found at auto supply stores, if metal try JB Weld then paint to match.

Alternative to adjusting the sights is to rotate the barrel liner.
One of my 38T revolvers shot far to the right. I found a manual and it suggested rotating the barrel liner till point of impact was more centered.
Slim air gun barrel liners are seldom perfectly straight.
If bowed enough to affect POI re orientation in the jacket can move POI far enough to be within limits of sight adjustments.

If dead in line but high, rotate 180 degrees it may then hit dead in line but low, then adjust elevation or trim the front sight.

If the barrel liner is noticeably bent or warped they should replace it under warranty.

06-15-2017, 09:40 AM
If it shoots high, you want to shorten the front sight.

I'm only half dyslexic, it's no big deal to dial sight the wrong way, and I have done it plenty of times.
Hard to undo fileing the sights.

06-15-2017, 11:08 AM
Back when the Umarex Octane first went on the market I bought one based on all the marketing hype they had behind them. At the time there was little if any information out on them so I started my own Umarex Octane owners group in hopes of attracting folks who had some hands on knowledge regarding this specific model.

What I ended up attracting to our group were a lot of guys who thought I was the Umarex Octane expert. Nothing could have been farther from the truth but, they would sign onto our group so they could ask me for advise and tips. Over time I did manage to figure out this particular model of Umarex air gun and now I have a pretty fair grasp of how it and several other of the Umarex air gun models work.

Periodically we'll get a guy come on who is faced with a situation like the one described by the OP. The vast majority of the time these air gun symptoms can be fixed by very simple means. The hard part is tracing the cause of the problem. We too have found that the people at Umarex are the nit-pickiest bunch of folks when it comes to warranty issues. Replies and suggestions to some of the problems we've inquired about have given us the distinct impression that their customer service people are absolutely clueless about their own products.

In the case of the particular Legends Model 712 mentioned by the OP, if it's just a matter of it shooting three feet high, (didn't mention at what distance) I can think of a couple of possible causes and fixed right off the top of my head. One has already been suggested. The other would be to check for any burrs at the crown of the muzzle. If it's a BB shooter then even a microscopic burr sticking up from the bottom of the mouth of the bore will kick those BBs in an upward direction. I would forego altering the sights until I've checked to see if the crown is perfectly symmetrical.


MT Chambers
06-15-2017, 05:50 PM
If it shoots high, you want to shorten the front sight.

I'm only half dyslexic, it's no big deal to dial sight the wrong way, and I have done it plenty of times.
Hard to undo fileing the sights.

Sorry clodhopper but if you want it to shoot lower, you have to raise the front sight.

06-15-2017, 11:56 PM
I stand corrected, and thanks.

06-18-2017, 06:03 AM
The crown is fine I looked at that already. This isn't the only one shooting high I have seen other complaints in online reviews.

Little Oak
06-18-2017, 08:28 AM
My nephew bought the 45 Peacemaker lookalike but the pellets jammed in the chamber. Sent it back to the UK distributor who called right back saying that they couldn't find anything wrong BUT their guns are very pellet sensitive. They sent the gun and a trial pack of their pellets back by return FOC and it works great.

06-18-2017, 09:43 AM
I ordered one of the Umarex Colt SAA BB revolvers just the other day, it should be here by Tuesday.
From what I've seen on these I figure these guns are both pellet and BB brand sensitive because of the mild initial impulse of the valve system.
These guns get pretty decent, though not spectacular, velocity mainly due to the spring loaded seal between cylinder mouth and barrel breech. It takes less initial pressure to achieve the same velocity but if the alloy is not soft enough the skirt won't expand into the rifling.

I only got the smooth bore because I ran across it at around 30% off with free shipping.
According to several who have experimented with these the smooth bore will handle pellets with a fair degree of accuracy, if the pellet is well designed for balance and streamlining.
I'd noticed a smooth bore 760 rifle gave better accuracy when using pellets than when using BBs.
I also ordered some Gamo lead BBs. These also give better accuracy than the steel BB, though velocity is no where near that of the steel BB, but due to occasional defects these can get stuck in the bore.
I plan to drill a properly sized hole in a steel plate to check for over size or out of round BBs before using them.

In any case I plan to turn down a spare 1377 barrel to make a custom barrel liner for this gun, and explore methods of increasing valve flow to improve velocity.
I also have an idea of how to deal with the hammer rebounding to 1/4 cock position. I won't know if it will work till I examine the innards.

06-18-2017, 10:01 AM
My umarex octane is by far the worst shooting gun I own. A real ***. 8" patterns at 10yrds. I have $30 bb guns that are more accurate. Gp

Geezer in NH
06-18-2017, 02:00 PM
If it shoots high, you want to shorten the front sight.

I'm only half dyslexic, it's no big deal to dial sight the wrong way, and I have done it plenty of times.
Hard to undo fileing the sights.
Uh no. front sight goes opposite where you want impact

Rear sight goes in the same direction

06-25-2017, 11:03 PM
My umarex octane is by far the worst shooting gun I own. A real ***. 8" patterns at 10yrds. I have $30 bb guns that are more accurate. Gp

I've had the exact opposite experience. Mine shoots just over 1" at 25 yards. So far i have about 400 pellets thru it.

06-26-2017, 12:03 PM
I've had the exact opposite experience. Mine shoots just over 1" at 25 yards. So far i have about 400 pellets thru it.

It's a shame that a certain percentage of just about any air gun on the market will have it's share of lemons and its corresponding share of unhappy owners. My Octane will reliably take out feral pigeons out to 60 yards-plus. If I stay on top of it maintainance-wise it will shoot tight clusters repeatedly.

What tends to go bad on my Umarex Octane periodically are the Seals. With bad seals comes bad accuracy due to velocity fluctuations. There are many reasons for any air gun to perform poorly; this can include shooter error. I'm living proof of that. Most of these reasons are easy fixes. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, "It's finding the cause of the problems that's difficult."


06-26-2017, 01:07 PM
Got the Umarex Peacemaker and its a fantastic replica gun. it shoots everything I've put through it with better than expected accuracy but the lack of velocity with lead BBs and pellets is a bit disappointing. Still its a great backyard plinker at fairly close ranges, and though its been years since I last fired a Colt styled single action, and that only limited testfiring of my Ruger Single Six restoration, I found my point shooting skills were still fairly sharp.

One can't say enough about the realism of this replica.
I ordered a double shoulder of 8-9 ounce leather to try my hand at making a suitable western style gunbelt and holster for this gun.
I plan to make the holster to a generic size suited for both the Umarex and the Ruger and useful for my replica 1851 as well. I hope to get the profile right to accommodate my 38T and similar DA Revolvers as well.
Already cut out a pattern of my own design but will refine it before cutting leather.
With the price of .22 Magnum ammo I figure the Umarex will pay for itself as a trainer for rebuilding my fast draw and point shooting skills.