View Full Version : Penny for your thoughts

06-12-2017, 08:46 PM
Penny for your thoughts vs my two cents.
Which is worth more?
Two cents is easily divided
where a gift unites the giver and receiver.

Insted of trying to tell people what you think
Let's take the time to learn how they fill

06-12-2017, 09:16 PM
I'm glad I am here ! I'm glad today was a good day .

square butte
06-12-2017, 09:20 PM
Trip to the dentist today - No problems. To hot to sleep upstairs, so I am here instead.

06-13-2017, 06:20 PM
How do I feel? This is a mixed bag, much as John after he had eaten the "little book" of Rev 10:9-10, I feel joy because I know what the Lord has done for us, and I feel anger at the outright hostility toward such loving kindness. But joy seems to be dominant.


06-13-2017, 07:09 PM
I just walked in , fed the spoiled house dogs and the bird . Took the trash out , picked up a few odds and ends . Waiting for it to cool off and start mowing the yard . Sat down here and clicked on the forum . Saw Gary had posted here so here I am .

Reading these posts I'm thankful of all the friends here I get to fellowship with anytime I can . I thank you for making this Chapel a good place . You guys need to stop and think how amazing this group is . I thank Robert for providing it , no gun forum I am aware of has a place like this . Most of them think it would cause trouble ...I believe we have disproven that completely . Many guests come here , self proclaimed non believers , members who never post come often . They want to see what is happening here .

I often pray more will come to join us here in prayer , praise and encouragement . I have seen this group grow in our faith and friendship . It is a good thing .

06-13-2017, 07:11 PM
Let's see, how do I feel? Today I have the usual sence of dread I get when I have to work with the same bitter sweet joy that goes with it. I'm about to put in another 12 hours at the hospital. Every night I come in to a mess, every department is under staffed and terribly over worked. It seams like every day procedure and protocol are put higher and higher over patient care with the bottom line being the driving factor for every stupid plan the big wigs come up with. Just last week one of the guys I work with was suspended for posting on Facebook he cought a bat in the hospital. Every day I try my best to make the hard times my patients are having a bit better and that's all can do. Hopefully today I'll meet some interesting people and make their stay just a bit more bearable.

06-13-2017, 08:28 PM
In all things, good and the bad, I will rejoice in the Lord always!


06-13-2017, 08:35 PM

Tom W.
06-13-2017, 08:49 PM
I KNOW God knows us, and our conditions. I have complete fairh and relaxation in this. Tomorrow I am headed back up to the hospital for more chemotherapy, followed by a bag and pump to come home with, and Friday back up to remove the bag. Then I'll be listless for a week or so. However, the one med my Dr. Prescribed made me so dizzy and lightheaded that they told me not to take it. I feel pretty good today, dread tomorrow, but by maybe next Wednesday I'll be better. I know l'm not the only one on the forum with this disease, and I'll sure pray for all the others.

06-13-2017, 09:05 PM
Don't need the penny, please send it somewhere it is needed.

I'll give you my thoughts for free anyway.

Yesterday was a rough day, I did mortal combat and slew the dragon, twice.
Once was just getting the lawn mowed, that one was not too bad.

The other was harder. Our window AC unit we use to cool the living room/kitchen area had been getting week. On hot days It was not keeping up, quite. So we bought a new one, Amazon, 300$ to my door. Lg brand, 10,000 BTU's. Enough to cool the whole house really. But, it did not fit the window. Sigh.

It took some major work but I was able to remove some material, make it fit.

So today was a recharge battery's day. 4 naps, 2 short, 1 normal about an hour, and 1 closer to 2 hours. But I'm feeling pretty good. House is cool, new AC is quiet, has a remote that works from where I sit.

I am blessed, and blessed, and blessed.
Thank you Lord for another day on the cool rainy green side of the grass. It was was a quiet day, but a good one. Thank you for your peace. Thank you for all the many blessings. And especially thank you for the brothers I have found here.

To God be the glory. Amen

Have a good day brothers!

06-13-2017, 09:18 PM
I admire your attitude!!
You keep on keepin' on, and I'll keep on prayin' for 'ya!