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06-10-2017, 07:01 AM
So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth.

—Ephesians 4:25

I have a friend who is a doctor. Sometimes he has to tell people they have cancer, and it’s very difficult news to deliver. But there are also times when my friend can give them hope for a course of treatment. He tells his patients the truth, and he also tells them the solution.

In the same way, we don’t like to talk to people about Hell. We tell them Jesus loves them and has a plan for their lives. We tell them He will forgive their sins and will give them joy and peace.

But if they say, “I don’t really want to believe in Jesus. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty happy with my life. What happens to me when I die?” we don’t want to say the H-word. We don’t want to tell them about Hell. In reality, that is failing to give them the gospel truth.

Jeremiah 6:14 says this of false prophets who wouldn’t tell the people the truth: “They offer superficial treatments for my people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace.”

It would be like going to the hospital with a severe injury, and they give you a couple of aspirin and say, “You can go home. You’re good!” That’s crazy. You need help.

To promise Heaven and not warn of Hell, to offer forgiveness without repentance, to preach the gospel without the cross is a false message giving false hope.

If you really love people, you will tell them the truth about eternity. You won’t hold back. You will lovingly engage them with the gospel but also warn them of the consequences of what can happen if they don’t believe.

May God give us a burden like we’ve never had before for people who need Christ.

06-10-2017, 03:53 PM
Amen! But this is the exact opposite of what PC theology is teaching people today! And PC theology is literally seeking to supplant and infiltrate and overcome Christianity, I believe! Yes, that's a strong statement, but look where it's all headed, and make up your own mind about this. Unrelenting Truthfulness today, is a very rare thing. An awful lot of people don't know what actual truth is, or how to recognize it any more, it seems. And that's because they've never really, truly looked for truth, but only for convenience, and an "easy way out."

Only folks who actually SEEK truth CAN find it. And in a world where little seeks to motivate people to find it, and indeed, even says it doesn't exist or we can't understand it if we DID find it, it's a minor miracle that so many DO find as much of it as we can know! Truly, our Lord is a merciful and wondrous Lord indeed!

06-10-2017, 08:27 PM
Hell is a reality . Folks don't want to hear about that alternative . Thank you rl69 !

06-10-2017, 09:12 PM
Sure not a popular message to deliver, but like the doc, it's the truth!

06-10-2017, 09:24 PM
Yep .