View Full Version : Run over by a horse.

06-09-2017, 10:43 PM
On my way home tonight my wife called me to tell me to hurry. Our oldest son, 10, had been run over by my father in laws 1500 lb horse.
Except for some scrapes and bruises he seems to be fine.
One finger got stepped on for sure and he will lose the nail. I may have to drill it to relieve the pressure.
He is one scared and blessed little cowboy!
Praise be to God the Father and His Son Jesus for protecting my son in what could have been a very bad situation.

06-09-2017, 11:00 PM
Glad he's okay. Those large animals can be very dangerous.

06-10-2017, 08:56 AM
Kitchen stove, paper clip, needle nose pliers. Staighten the paper clip. Heat until it glows red. Set the depth with the needle nose pliers. Slide it into the nail. Hot clip will melt a hole, virtually no pressure, no pain. Then relief.

My dad discovered this after he woke the house up working on a thumbnail with a brand new hacksaw blade. I was the one he got to test it out on. Dropped a barrel on my left big toe.

And I did put blood on the ceiling. Ohhhh what a relief.

Sorry he got hurt.

D Crockett
06-10-2017, 09:03 AM
I am so glad your son is ok. and what GhostHawk said does work D Crockett

06-10-2017, 09:47 AM
We have had cows and horses for years and they are all dangerous....mrsbuckwheatpaul and I have been hurt by them all and to the hospital on numerous times for the both of us......I know the pain that your son has endured and I am truly glad that his injuries were no worse than they were.....

Father thank You for sparing modified5's son from serious injury. Please help him to not be afraid of horses and let him come to love them as much as we do yet respect them for their power and beauty. Father, You are the great healer and teacher and I pray that modified5's son will continue to improve and remove his fear. AMEN

06-10-2017, 10:14 AM
I'm really glad he wasn't hurt bad . As Paul said ..they are all dangerous .

06-10-2017, 10:31 AM
I think I've been injured more times by horses and cattle over the years, than anything else. This time of year, the local hospitals get more horse wreck victims than anything else. Glad he wasn't hurt worse.

06-10-2017, 10:35 AM
yes count you blessing that he came out relativity unhurt.. Might take a while for him to be comfortable around horses again ..

country gent
06-10-2017, 10:38 AM
Horse and cattle are big animals and their idea of "playing is dangerous to us little folks. Glad o hear hes going to be okay and recover. If youuse a small drill bit to relieve the pressure turn it by hand between thumb and finger. Seen a lot of guys set it in a drill press when the drill hits meat it grabs and sucks right thru the finger. Anotherr that works well is a small burr in a dremil tool or high speed die grinder. Also don't forget hogs they can really send you for a spill and beat you up

06-10-2017, 10:50 AM
He has been around horses literally his entire life. He has never come off, nor hurt before last night. He has never even had his foot stepped on.
I think due to this he had become a little over confident in his "abilities" to deal with them.
We keep saying he needs to come off to humble him a little.
This may have done it.
I don't think he is going to fear them, but he will respect them a little more.
The horse that did it is a 1500 lb lap dog. He is the biggest baby ever, but he is big.
He was amongst the 4 and they compete for attention when they herd up.
We think one of the other horses bit him and he reacted.
I think he tried to jump over my son to avoid him.
Our 6 yo son was there and witnessed the whole thing.
He was a trooper and helped his big brother walk up to the house since his left foot hurt.
As much as they pick and fight they truly love each other.
We will see if I need to reli be the pressure in his finger.
I think I will but he didn't want me to do anything last night and he said it wasn't too tender to the touch.
As an auto technician I have had to drill my nails so many times I have lost count.
I am still shaking my head at someone using a drill press!!
Thank you guys for your thoughts and prayers.
He is going to be a sore little man this morning and I am thankful to God that he can be.

06-10-2017, 03:33 PM
I'm with Paul. Thank the Lord he wasn't hurt. It COULD have been very serious. But it wasn't, and we need to thank God for that. And I understand what you mean about his being humbled by this. It strikes me as how the Lord sometimes deals with us, letting us face adversities so we don't "get a big head" and think we're invincible and omniscient. My eldest uncle was an old FL cowboy back when FL had more real, working cowboys than TX did, and he and his 3 sons were consistently humble and respected the potential ANY large animal has. Working with horses is a cooperative endeavor. You work WITH them, and will NEVER direct them like little electronic robots. They have a definite mind of their own, and when you forget that, you're "cruisin' for a bruisin'!"

I'm not much of a horseman, but my main strength is that I KNOW this. Sure keeps me out of a lot of trouble! Keeps me mindful of what MIGHT happen if I do this or that, and I make my decisions accordingly. Horses are great so long as there's mutual respect between them and the rider. I still remember in my youngest days, folks having mules to plow with. They were also used heavily in logging. And folks got what most would think of as being inordinately fond of their mules, once they came to an understanding with each other. For me, watching horse and rider or mule and muleskinner work is a wonder! Because it IS a wonder!