View Full Version : Do you have to agree with someone to love them ?

06-09-2017, 06:58 PM
You know ...I have had a bad week so far as idiotic disruptions and 'stuff' I didn't plan on happening . BUT ! So what's new ? Maybe it's only my personal problem but realistically ..don't think so . Life is a mess here ..huh ?

When GOD is on your mind and you allow The Holy Sprit to guide life gets easier ..THAT IS A FACT . Letting go and giving him control is the hard part . Personally I think it's learned (or not) through experience . Just my opinion .

I see/hear people argue scripture , interpretation . Can lead to hard feelings . Why ? Though I may not agree I understand GOD is working differently in each life . BUT it is not mine to hate them . I am told over and over by my Lord to love them all . Am I right or wrong ?

Preacher Jim
06-09-2017, 08:18 PM
If you did would we be friends?

06-09-2017, 08:47 PM
LOL ! Jim you nailed it brother . And I do love you my friend .

06-09-2017, 09:15 PM
No, case in point my shooting partner.

I love the man, he is my twin brother from a different mother in so many ways.
But I do disagree with him on a lot of the decisions he has made. And as a result have bailed him out when he got in trouble. Just 2 days ago he was here repaying me 50$ that he borrowed when he was in a tight spot and needed his meds.

He showed up with 3 twenty dollar bills, so only got 40 back. I should have taken the 3rd twenty and called it interest. But I did not, because I love him.

It does however cause conflict.

Do you think Jesus agreed with everyone? I don't. But I know he loved them. Forgave them.

06-09-2017, 09:25 PM
It's not guaranteed to be easy . Heck it's a trial at times ...it's overcoming yourself . We probably all go through a different thought process but the result should be the same ?

06-09-2017, 09:37 PM
Jesus did not agree with everyone ...but he delivered his father's message to them .

06-09-2017, 10:01 PM
Boaz, to answer the question, I think that when we truly love, it is at times imperative that we disagree. Additionally, argumentation, in my opinion, is futile, lay out the truth, and let it alone. To the best of my knowledge, Jesus never engaged in argumentative behavior, if I am mistaken, simply enlighten me.

thanks, claude

Tom W.
06-09-2017, 10:04 PM
A pastor once told me to hate the sin but love the sinner.

06-09-2017, 10:14 PM
Since biblical love is primarily and act of will, you can love anyone--even an enemy. Loving means doing the best thing for someone.

Friendship is another issue altogether. We can only disagree so much and want to remain friends.

06-09-2017, 10:55 PM
I'll answer your question with a question. Can you point to an example where it's biblically ok to hate (or not love) people/person?
Agreement or even being agreeable isn't part of the equation.

06-09-2017, 11:26 PM
Hate is a poison. I know.

06-10-2017, 05:49 AM
Romans 16:17, Phl 3:17. What do these scriptures mean?

I say yes indeed I can love someone and be friends while disagreeing on doctoral difference. I don't think (I) can be friends with someone who has no desire to follow Christ to their understanding. I can love them, but from more of a distance.

06-10-2017, 07:07 AM
Boaz, to answer the question, I think that when we truly love, it is at times imperative that we disagree. Additionally, argumentation, in my opinion, is futile, lay out the truth, and let it alone. To the best of my knowledge, Jesus never engaged in argumentative behavior, if I am mistaken, simply enlighten me.

thanks, claude

I agree to disagree often Claude ! Jesus did not argue ...who could argue with him . Even during his trial they could not deny the truth of his words .

Pilate said;

Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him.

06-10-2017, 07:11 AM
Romans 16:17, Phl 3:17. What do these scriptures mean?

I say yes indeed I can love someone and be friends while disagreeing on doctoral difference. I don't think (I) can be friends with someone who has no desire to follow Christ to their understanding. I can love them, but from more of a distance.

I understand what your saying but are not these the very people we are suppose to be seeking out ? Hard to help them from a distance I think .

06-10-2017, 08:01 AM
I guess I'm confusing how one may define love. If your defining love as love of mankind, ie doing good to all, yes. Jesus never pushed himself on anyone. He actually was more of an attraction rather than promotion person. We are to carry the word "be ready to explain our faith", but we don't pull anyone to a Christ. Who knows when the spirit will move to convict anyone? To be a friend "brotherly love" I can't have with someone who don't believe. I don't say believe the same way I do.
1 John 4:7 If we say we are of God do we have a choice but to love one another?

06-10-2017, 08:20 AM
Thundarstick, What if you could tell a person was about to come over and smack you one? We know Christ said turn the other cheek.

If you look at that person in your mind, with love. Can you see where his pain/anger/frustration comes from?

Can you forgive him "before" he hits you? Then turn the other cheek?

Look deep, look at root causes.

Hate, anger, fear are like acid. Hold them in your heart and they will burn you, constantly. Does that constant pain drive you? Cause you to say and do things you should not do? That you know better to do?

To break the cycle you have to love first, then forgive. Then take the blow. Then invite the second. Then and only then you have a chance to help.

And none of it works long term if you can not get rid of the pain/anger/frustration which is burning holes in their heart.

It starts with Love, and forgiveness.

06-10-2017, 08:22 AM
I guess I'm confusing how one may define love. If your defining love as love of mankind, ie doing good to all, yes. Jesus never pushed himself on anyone. He actually was more of an attraction rather than promotion person. We are to carry the word "be ready to explain our faith", but we don't pull anyone to a Christ. Who knows when the spirit will move to convict anyone? To be a friend "brotherly love" I can't have with someone who don't believe. I don't say believe the same way I do.
1 John 4:7 If we say we are of God do we have a choice but to love one another?

Until recently, I was a nonbeliever. My two best friends are Christians. We "love" each other like brothers. One asked me help his wife with his guns and shooting stuff should he pass, even though he had many Christian friends he could have turned to. This same man had tears in his eyes when I told him I had accepted Christ and God.

I do not know why you cannot love or be a friend to a nonbeliever. You may wish to ask God for wisdom to evaluate your beliefs.

I can tell all of you this. Many Christians do more to drive nonbelievers away than to encourage them to find Christ. I was very lucky to have found two men who were real Christians even to a nonbeliever

06-10-2017, 08:35 AM
A lot of the New Testament was written in Greek, a much more descriptive and definitive language then our English. God's greater plan saw to it that Alexander the Great conquered most of the civilized world, thus spreading the Greek language, and making it almost universal. Thus in speaking and reading, God planned for the "Word" to be easily available to all.


I don't have to "like" everyone, but I must "love" everyone! Notice the different forms of "love."

Paul, Barnabus and Peter certainly did not agree with each other all the time, but no doubt they truly loved each other. God used their differences to promote and further the cause of Christianity.

I have learned not to argue about God's Word. The truth will always win out. One sows, another reaps. Speak the Word in truth, sincerity and caring love for your fellow man and woman, then let the "Word" do its work.

The "Word" is like a soft, gentle moving stream flowing over a rock. Given time, the water can wear away the hardest rock.

We are to give the "Word" and the good news of the Gospel, and the conviction of the Holy Ghost will do the rest. If a person accepts the calling and conviction of the Holy Ghost, it is entirely up to them. They have a choice.

Water can at take a long time to eat through a very hard rock, and far less time to erode a softer rock.

06-10-2017, 08:56 AM
I guess I'm confusing how one may define love. If your defining love as love of mankind, ie doing good to all, yes. Jesus never pushed himself on anyone. He actually was more of an attraction rather than promotion person. We are to carry the word "be ready to explain our faith", but we don't pull anyone to a Christ. Who knows when the spirit will move to convict anyone? To be a friend "brotherly love" I can't have with someone who don't believe. I don't say believe the same way I do.
1 John 4:7 If we say we are of God do we have a choice but to love one another?

1 John 4;7 is I believe referring to the commonality we as believers as to our faith . This Chapel is a great example . But I would give Christ's second great commandment ;

Matthew 2;36-40
6 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Love thy neighbor covers a lot of ground and covers everyone ?

06-10-2017, 10:40 AM
GoastHawk, you seem to imply one should take a beat down, even if you see it coming? Explain please.

I think I'm being mis-understood. I hate no one, but I chose to not have unbelievers as my best friends, not that I don't love them.

Example. My neighbor 1 runs a bar for a living. I don't approve of what he does, but treet him the same as I would anyone else. I noticed his yard getting very long a few weeks ago and while talking to the other neighbour 2 and found out his mower was on the fritz n and that he had mowed his yard the last time it was mowed n but was mad at him because he hasn't been doing repairs on his mower and said "I'm not mowing it again". So after working 12 hours the next day, I took my mower and my fuel over and spent the next 2.5 hours mowing his yard. Because he's my neighbor! But, I don't have this man as my good friend, yet if this isn't an example of showing God's love, tell me what is?

06-10-2017, 11:02 AM
I heard it asked one time. "Can you love your enemy and kill him? "

Romans 12:17-21 Does vs 18 suggest that we may not be able to to live peaceably with everyone?

Just more thoughts.

06-10-2017, 03:24 PM
Charlie, your OP asks a question that is pressing in our time. PC theology has decreed that we never disagree, and that if we do, we're supposed to hold our piece and just nod and move on. But that's impossible! Literally impossible! No two people think alike. Our spouses don't, and nobody in the "outside world" does either. PC theology is THE worst group of advice man has ever been given!

Contrast that with what Christ advised us to do. He told us to be honest with each other, and where there might be disagreements that were significant enough, to go to a 3rd party and reconcile them, or to pray and work it out. Now THAT works!!! And what was once a rift, then becomes a unity, if we'll just DO what Christ advised us to do.

I have friends I often disagree with, but they're the dearest friends I have. We have enough RESPECT for each other to recognize our differences without being disagreeable, and enough respect for the simple truth to know neither of us is perfet, and if we simply listen, we MIGHT actually learn something new that might be vital and useful to us. No, our disagreements aren't the "spice" that makes our friendships work, but they're crucial to know for sure that we can trust each other.

It's said that if a man has just ONE single friend whom he can call at 3:00 a.m. to get him out of jail, he's a lucky man! I have over 20 such friends, and I count myself VERY richly blessed! I am humbled at it all. And yet, it's our complete, total honesty with each other, combined with a respect for our similarities AND our differences, that makes these the most valued friends I'll ever know.

It's also said that if you want to HAVE a friend, you have to BE a friend. There's a lot of wisdom and truth in that one!