View Full Version : For thought and meditation

06-07-2017, 06:55 AM
Then Peter replied, "I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism."

—Acts 10:34

Some fifty years ago there was a pastor named Charles, known by his friends as Chuck, who felt God had called him to teach the Bible in an understandable way. He became the pastor of a small church in Orange County, California, known as Calvary Chapel.

The counterculture revolution was in full swing, and kids were collectively losing their minds. Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll was the mantra of the day. Parents thought an entire generation was lost.

Chuck looked at these hippies and, for the most part, didn’t want that much to do with them. But his wife, Kay, one of the unsung heroes of the Jesus Movement, had a real heart for these kids, and she prayed for them.

Then one day their daughter brought home a living, breathing hippie. It turns out this hippie was a Christian, and he talked about how his friends were coming to faith in Christ. Chuck and Kay wanted to open up Calvary Chapel to these hippies, and Chuck shared this with his board of elders.

The elders, however, didn’t want hippies in the church because their bare feet would soil the new carpet. So the next Sunday morning, Chuck was at the front door with a basin of water and a rag, ready to wash the hippies’ feet so they could come to church.

Chuck won that battle. The hippies started coming in, and this became part of a modern revival known as the Jesus Movement, the impact of which continues to this day. Chuck Smith was willing to overcome personal prejudice and say, “Yes, Lord.”

Is there someone in your life who is different from you, someone you don’t necessarily want to reach out to? Are you willing to overcome personal prejudice? Are you willing to say, “Yes, Lord”?

06-07-2017, 07:19 AM
A needed lesson for me, Amen and thank God for grace and mercy.

square butte
06-07-2017, 07:34 AM
Great lesson - I always need a bit more of that one

Wayne Smith
06-07-2017, 08:13 AM
I had never heard that story. Of course I know of Chuck and Calvary Chapel, but as a living, vibrant Church. Thank you for posting it.

06-07-2017, 08:23 AM
Amen and Amen

06-07-2017, 01:33 PM
What a wonderful story and such a great lesson! Indeed, in our modern, harried world, it's SO easy to let our prejudices rule our behavior and decisions. But our mind is NOT the Lord's. It was never meant that ANY soul be lost, and Christ stands ready to receive ANYONE who will come to Him, no matter what their social status, physical condition, wealth, or anything else might be. It's US who show our prejudices when we turn away from the needy, whoever and wherever they may be. Christ walked among sinners of all sorts and types, and never let it "rub off on him." It's our job to let what's inside US to "rub off" on those we meet who are in need. If we'd just stop and really think, instead of merely reacting to others, we'd probably notice all sorts of opportunities we encounter nearly daily. That's just IF we'll stop and think. That's hard to do, and doesn't come naturally to us. But it's what I believe Christ expects of us nevertheless. After all, we weren't put here to follow our own wills, but His. And if we merely react, we're only following our own instincts and prejudices, and not the Lord's will. It sure is hard being human and Christian, but .... it's better than any other option we have, isn't it?