View Full Version : Washed in the Water

06-05-2017, 10:36 PM
One of my seminary professors, teaching on the Gospel of John, offered the opinion that in the fourth Gospel, there is water everywhere, but no baptism. In the very beginning, there is but an indirect reference to John the Baptist having seen the dove descend on Jesus; there is no explicit baptism scene. This is not to imply that baptism is unimportant, only that we may have to look a little deeper.

Ritual washing was widely practiced by the observant Jews of Jesus time. In an age before the advent of the Germ Theory of Disease, it could be easily observed that contact with certain kinds of sickness would cause a new case to be transmitted, and that contact with filth could also cause illness. Now we understand that disease can be caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites, and that personal hygiene is the cornerstone of good health. For the Jews of ancient Palestine, ritual washing was the means of eradicating the invisible evil. They intended to remove the dirt that harbored the disease. Which is all fine, if the disease is of the body; but what if it is a disease of the soul? That is another question entirely.

When I was a young boy, we used to play a game called “cooties.” Cooties were an invisible germ that held properties never fully described, although it was assumed that an infection of Cooties could lead to all manner of bad things. Girls were widely known to be carriers of cooties, and a touch, or worst of all a kiss from one could drive a boy to frantically cleaning it off with anything available, sometimes a shirt sleeve. So what if there really were cooties? What if people had some invisible thing that needed to be cleaned off? And what if instead of cooties, we called it sin? Jesus tells us that to be cleansed of this we will need to be washed by water and the spirit. In baptism, we have both.


06-06-2017, 12:15 AM
Great post, thanks!

06-06-2017, 02:01 AM
Acts 1:8, Holy Spirit; 1 John 1:7, the blood of Christ;.

As I have always said, baptism is obedience, and an outward expression of our standing with Christ as believers, but on the day of judgment, I do not want a drop of water from my baptism to dilute the blood of Christ which covers me, cleanses me from sin, and saves me from the wrath of God against all un-godliness. (Titus 3:4-7, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:1-8).

Twelve times in the fourth chapter of Romans a word is used which means "imputed righteousness". In other words, when we accept Christ as Savoir and Lord, Christ not only takes away our sin, He imparts His righteousness to us!

Can this be accomplished by our works (e.g., baptism, church membership, tithing, etc.,)? No, only by God's grace and love towards us, made possible by Christ's substitutionary death on the Cross for us as helpless sinners. (for a better explanation of the concept of imputed righteousness, see R.C. Sproul.)


06-06-2017, 05:09 AM
Thank you Wayne !

06-06-2017, 05:53 AM
Good thoughts.

Works? James 2:14-20 seems to clear that up for me. Foolishness with man is wisdom with God while, the wisdom of God makes fools of men! Would I count myself a fool for Christ sake?

06-06-2017, 07:38 AM
Lots to think about there.

06-06-2017, 07:44 AM
Wayne, Thanks for your post....it is a good life's lesson about following our faith and honoring GOD. Paul

06-07-2017, 02:44 PM
Baptism is an overt act of compliance and commitment. It is far more important and significant than most of us probably realize. I'll never forget the feeling I had at 13 on coming up from the water. I knew I was different, but had no idea HOW I knew that. We often depend TOO much on explaining our perceptions. But all of science begins with a discovery, and a question. Answers only come AFTER all that! And similarly, so it goes in all of life. We find or feel or perceive something, and THEN begin to wonder what it is, how we knew it to be real, and what it all means.

God already has ALL the answers. We have to pick them up one at a time as we walk our road in life, and can NEVER know what He does. But .... we can know ENOUGH, if only we're just observant enough to admit when we DO sense something, whether we can explain it and its origins, or not. It's accepting this that I believe is our first necessary act of Faith in coming to Light. We just have to hear the Lord's whispers in our ears, and let them have their natural and inevitable effect on our souls, and simply accept them despite our inability to explain them or know whence they come, at least at first.

God has given us EVERYTHING we need to come to Him. Those who deny Him have MUCH that they must deny in order to continue their disbelief. All of the heavens and the earth cry out that He exists, is real, is loving, and so wondrous that we can't even really imagine His totality. Truly, He humbles me every time I think of how wonderful and loving He's been to me in my time here. I am SO thankful to Him, and for Him! What a wonderful Lord we serve!

06-07-2017, 08:31 PM
To me ...only to me . As to my understanding...(MY UNDERTSTANDING ) . The 2 requirements of Jesus Christ were baptism with water and the last supper or communion . I rarely go this far putting down what I 'believe' in a theological sense . I do not try to influence beyond reading GOD's word . Find GOD on his ground for yourself . BUT I do know those 2 things he asked of us as a commitment .

06-07-2017, 08:58 PM
Baptisim is an outward sign to the world that we has died to sin, been buried, and have risen to newness of life in Christ Jesus. One of the three things Christ instucted us to do as belivers. Follow Jesus example of Baptisim, Last supper (communion), and fasting. He did not say if you fast but WHEN you fast.