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View Full Version : I will never buy anything from Lyman again

11-11-2005, 12:27 PM
I have broken 2 450 Lubrisizers this week.
They will not help me out on the parts and the jerk I spoke to on the phone was the most arrogant jerk I have ever spoke to in my life.

45 2.1
11-11-2005, 01:12 PM
I have broken 2 450 Lubrisizers this week.
They will not help me out on the parts and the jerk I spoke to on the phone was the most arrogant jerk I have ever spoke to in my life.

What do you want for the two as is?

11-11-2005, 01:25 PM
The old model 45 is better...!

11-11-2005, 01:33 PM
What do you want for the two as is?
A day late and a dollar short AGAIN!


11-11-2005, 02:06 PM
What do you want for the two as is?
I ordered the parts to fix one because I need it.
I am going to keep the other one for parts.

11-12-2005, 12:15 AM
I gotta ask? How did you break two of them? My Lyman lubrisizer is thirty years old, and no problems. If you get a mouthy punk from any company, get hold of the Thomas Catalog, either at your local library, or on line. You will there find the phone number of the CEO, and the director of marketing. Call them, and things generally start going your way pretty quickly. They don't like calls from irate customers. Just be sure you are right, then go ahead. That is basically how the ******* at Walmart got fired this week, letting his parakeet ass over ride his alligator mouth.

11-12-2005, 12:23 AM
And folks wonder why this list is troll free and relatively well behaved.

You see, we ex-Shooters likes us an occasional troll -- lots of good fiber content, lots of vitamins and the shotgunning off of all the various body parts is right amusing as well.

Oh Jay, ain't you about due to come 'round again?

Your cometary orbit period is about 3 months long and things is all quiet and boring ....

Oh Jay, Ric's bored & having to beat up on poor unsuspecting Wally Worlders ....

Starmetal Joe's been sleeping on Honcho rocks .....

And I'm all pissed off at LEE .....

Oh Jay, where are you ????



11-12-2005, 12:33 AM
I shooten.

Will that work? ... felix

11-12-2005, 12:57 AM
No, you gotta threaten to beat Joe's ass first before you say that.

Let's see, what other little key phrases does he like to use ... mebbe so

and when he gets excited his english breaks down into what, getto?

Damn, Felix -- they are going to get us for spot-lighting and salt-baiting trolls out of season again.

(I hates paying them fines, I really do)

This time we are using a little bit of billy-goat-gruff for bait, I think.

