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View Full Version : LOML's response to a snake

Wayne Smith
06-01-2017, 09:01 AM
My wife came in from working in the flower garden. "You'll never guess what I saw". What? I asked. "A black snake, I sure hope he stays around, he went down a vole hole!"

Yup, she was serious. Not all women are afraid.

06-01-2017, 09:16 AM
and very few work in a garden anymore!

06-01-2017, 09:30 AM
Yep, they will surprise you. Mine showed me a snake she found in the driveway at the farm, it had been run over by me, without seeing it, in the early morning dark. But she went out and unlocked the gate right near the snake, for us to leave for breakfast, in the dark that morning. This was a bad actor a big for type copperhead about 5 ft long and big around as a hard ball. Did not phase her either, unlike the rattler in our bedroom one night, that broke her of leaving the back door open when she went out to smoke at night. :-) Something about having a rattling snake coiled up on her bedroom floor that really jacks a woman up. Afraid that had she been home alone we would have had holes everywhere after 16 rounds bounced off that concrete slab. If you ever have this happen, go get a big plastic mixing bowl, big square thin flat oject, drop bowl over snake, slide flat object under bowl, pick up the lot and toss everything into the yard. Sure saves a lot of wear and tear on the walls, ceiling and furniture.

06-01-2017, 09:32 AM
My wife reamed out a laborer for killing a garter snake when they removed our old sidewalk. He thought he was doing her a favor by getting ride of it.

06-01-2017, 01:12 PM
My wife doesn't mind the garden snakes around here, AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT CLOSE TO THE HOUSE!!!!. Out in the yard, pasture, ect. she is fine, but she has about a 100ft zone around the house that is verboten for any snake.

06-01-2017, 01:26 PM
We have some good gals. Have seen mine carry or shoo more than one out of the back porch.

06-01-2017, 03:04 PM
SWMBO called me outside a few days ago to check out a snake. She wasn't freaked; just wanted me to see it. It was a whip shake so we considered it a welcome visitor to control rodents. The snake seemed more curious about us than afraid of us. It looked at us for a minute and climbed into a large honeysuckle covered trellis that is home to lots of birds and lizards.

06-01-2017, 05:57 PM
Most folks today operate out of their emotions, and often, it's simply because they don't KNOW much. Your wife obviously understands the world around her, and how it works, much better than many among us do these days. Kudos to her! And it's not just women who operate out of their emotions as a first-strike option, either! You've got a really good one, Wayne! Keep that gal happy!

06-01-2017, 08:53 PM
After Katrina came through down here mine surprised me as well. I volunteer with the Local EOC and spent the entire storm working the shelters while my wife stayed at the house. We ended up losing the house to downed trees and wind. I drove into the driveway and caught a glimpse of her with a pair of my boots on tramping around the yard with the shotgun shooting water moccasins. Had already set up a kitchen in the barn that was still standing and had spaghetti on warm. Now that's a woman! Haha... sometimes she scares me though. ;)

06-02-2017, 01:23 PM
Sigmund Freud. Said the snake is primarily a phallic symbol representing the penis and sexual drive. Funny this guy thought that cocaine was good to treat people with. And he was a big user himself. My old college days reading about him.

06-02-2017, 07:20 PM
The spiritual phallic nature of snakes goes way back well beyond Freud and spans the globe throughout ancient civilizations. I think some things are just in our DNA and derived from generations of survival instincts. Snakes being one of them. Fear of the dark another.

In my case, I don't know where that fear of a woman with a shotgun comes from.... ;)

06-03-2017, 12:06 AM
Saw my big bullsnake today! I had built a raised bed for the strawberries and the gophers were digging under it trying to get in(I put 1/2 inch hole hardware cloth on the bottom!). As I walked back to water the blueberries he slithered down one of the gopher holes. So maybe I will have fewer gophers in the yard this year!

Texas by God
06-03-2017, 09:59 AM
Bull snakes are cool. They are not afraid of you. Many get killed by ignorant people who shoot first without thinking. Rattlers, Copperheads, and Chicken snakes get killed in our yard. All others are welcome as far as I'm concerned. The pigs have pretty much wiped out the Cottonmouths here and good riddance to them. If only the pigs would die too.
Best, Thomas.

06-05-2017, 09:57 PM
We love snakes around these parts;helpful ones anyhow;I pay kids we know to release any milk snakes they find in my yard. Yes the kids around her still play out side and catch snakes and milk snakes are my number one ally in my war on the voles

06-06-2017, 01:31 PM
around here we have seen a lot of snakes smashed on the road. I have seen three corn snakes which look a lot like a copperhead but are not poisonous,

06-07-2017, 12:49 PM
When I was a federal park ranger, my job was to kill any rattlesnakes found in visitor areas. I'm scared to death of snakes and had to dispatch dozens with just a shovel. Luckily, there are only garter snakes around my house, which I leave alone. Most places I hike and explore in the woods are also too high of elevation for rattlesnakes. But, there are plenty within an hour of here and down by the Snake river, ironically...