View Full Version : Jesus paid it all

05-31-2017, 06:36 PM
Indeed he did . He suffered and died to save us . A debit we could not pay he gave his precious blood to redeem us . Why ? Because of a love we can not understand . As Jesus yielded up he called out It is finished ! Our salvation bought .

Thru GOD's grace and the paying of our debit by Jesus Christ the offer of salvation and eternal life is offered .


06-01-2017, 07:01 AM
I could not imagine enduring the humiliation and pain that Jesus suffered for us! Loved the song and I sing His praise for what he did for me.....a sinner.....Thank You Jesus!

06-01-2017, 07:10 AM
He is Risen Indeed!

None of us could do what he has done.

06-01-2017, 07:30 AM
Amen to all the above. One thing that makes me shudder is can you imagine being a Father sending your Son to a death like that for a people who largely ignore and often despise Him? I am grateful for a love like that but it is beyond my ability to understand. For God to love me that much I have no alternative but to worship Him and do my best to serve Him and his Kingdom.

06-01-2017, 09:18 AM
Jesus paid it all and secured salvation for those the Father gave Him.

06-01-2017, 05:13 PM
Good post and comments, all. The most humbling thing is that we CAN'T, just as stated above, have earned one bit of what He did for us. He GAVE it to us, freely and of His own will. And all just to save the most willful of all the creatures He created! How could one be anything BUT humble when he realizes that? What a wondrous and loving God we serve!

06-01-2017, 05:16 PM
Amen, That He did. I am grateful that He is my Lord and Savior and pray everyday that He forgives my daily trespasses.

06-02-2017, 06:52 AM
Amen,thanks to Jesus

06-02-2017, 04:36 PM
I think the hardest thing for new Christians to learn to accept, is that on coming to Light, any and all past sins instantly go "poof," and simply don't exist any more, or at least don't count against us any more. In many cases, it's those very sins that LED us to Christt anyway! So it makes sense, once you look at it properly, that those sins of the past are done away with forever. It doesn't make sense at first, because we look at it with human eyes, and not through the eyes of our Lord. I have a dear friend now who's fighting cancer, and in chemo, and he came to Christ very late in life. And he keeps ruing the "old days" when he was in his sins. He was never really "bad," as most would see it these days. But he was sinful and willful in the extreme. And he gave God many chances to take him Home, but like me, God left him "on the vine" to ripen. And thank God he HAS ripened, and ripened wondrously. He now does things for folks who can ill afford things, like fixing their cars and mowers and golf carts, and all sorts of other things. He loves to fish, and gives most of them to folks he knows like them, and are old enough that they can't get out any more. He's trying to atone for his past ways, I believe. And when he recently worried that he was nearing the end, he became morose about his past. I had to talk strongly to him, and remind him that those former sins are now as far as the east is from the west. This helped, but he still wanted to "hold onto" them. He's a wonderful guy, and I feel privileged to count him among my best friends. But I can't help but wonder if he'll ever be able to put the guilt he feels down. I keep trying to get him to realize the full wonder and grace of salvation. He just keeps looking at it through "human" eyes, and not the way God sees it. I guess I'll have to work on it some more, but I just thank God for him as a real and very close friend.

Being a Christian doesn't mean we come to wisdom overnight or in the twinkling of an eye. We STILL have to grow, because we're still human, and as such, so very fallible and gullable. I will always be humbled by the way our Lord allows us to grow and come to understand things that have mystified us for most of our lives. Truly, we worship a wonderful and loving and gracious Lord.