View Full Version : .22 Hornet Neck sizing problem

05-29-2017, 04:06 PM
I have not loaded any .22 Hornet in a long while. The other day I broke out my dies and decided to load a few. The first issue I had was when I went to de-prime the de priming pin kept pushing up out of the top of the die. I tightened down on the lock nut but after several successful cases the same thing happened again. I have the 3 Die set of Lee btw. when I got ready to place the bullets in the case to seat them I found the neck ID was not expanded enough to slide the bullet into the case snug. When I held the bullet on and seated it they seemed to go in fine but I had some cases that I had gotten from an estate that were already resized and those cases necks were sized to where you could slide the bullet in about a quater way before seating them.
So the question is my decapping pin just worn out and that's why its A Sliding out of the top of the die and B is this why the neck is not being flared to accomadate the bullet? Or should I go out and buy another decapping/sizing die? Excuse me if I didn't use the correct terminology. Please answer in laymans terms too. lol

05-30-2017, 01:50 AM
I have found that not all primer flash holes are the same size, meaning some are to small for the decapping to fit into.
In my case, it was the S&B Hornet brass. I use a 'tool' purchased decades ago to open up the flash hole and to de-burr the inside of the flash hole.
Another option would be to use a drill bit, size unknown to me at this time, to enlarge the flash hole.
As to 'B', look into getting the appropriate M die for your Hornet brass. Think Lyman or NOE here.