View Full Version : Wide stock blank source for double flintlock projects

05-28-2017, 04:10 PM
I am currently building a double barrel 16 gauge flintlock and ran into trouble trying to find blanks that were wide enough (3"at least). I lucked up and bought one from a member over on American Longrifle forum.

I am planning to build more of these guns and was wondering if anyone new of a steady source for wide blanks. Will

05-28-2017, 10:04 PM
If you can not find the wide blanks you need you can always glue narrow blanks together. I did this a few years ago on a 45 caliber long range slug gun using some "lace wood". I used short dowels between the pieces, about 8 or 9 if I remember and used epoxy for the adhesive. So far no issues with the joint and it is pretty much invisible along the top of the stock. Just make sure the faces to be glued are very flat.

05-29-2017, 11:37 PM
I believe tigerhunt.com can take care of your needs.

05-30-2017, 07:53 AM
Try looking for hardwood dealers in your area and then spread out from there. Give them a call and let them know what you are looking for - species walnut, maple, cherry, etc. and explain your needs for the 3" minimum thickness. If buying rough cut planks - I would suggest that you purchase at least 14/4 stock - usually hardwood is sold by the thickness - 4/4 - i.e. 4 1/4" = 1", 8/4 = 2", 12/4 = 3", etc. You could buy rough cut planks, surface them with a surface planer and then band saw your blanks from the planks once you see the grain pattern, etc.

When I had my cabinet/millwork shop, I often purchased "lots" of various species for inventory and use as needed. Walnut, Cherry, Maple that would make good gunstock blanks were set aside and I would surface plane them and then cut into stock blanks for muzzleloading rifles - both half stock and full stock.

If you have any custom cabinet shops in your area, check with them as well and perhaps they can steer you to a supplier that can furnish what you need. I understand the need for the thick blank for flintlock doubles - if you are going to be building doubles, when you do find planks that will work for cutting stock blanks - don't pass them up if they are properly air dried or kiln dried and don't show evidence of checking, splits, etc. Thick stock is harder to kiln dry and for that reason, I always preferred properly air dried material. I have a few blanks left (thick enough for single barrel rifles) that I have had for over 40 years so they are all stable as far as builds go - hopefully I will be able to use them up sometime in the next few years!

A 3" + stock blank can be "pricey" but then so can a custom built double fainter. You might try Pecatonica and see if they ever get 12/4 + material that they could cut you a few blanks out of. Another suggestion would be to put a classified in Muzzle Blasts and see if anyone might have a blank setting around?

Good luck - and when you get your build done, I hope you'll post some pictures. A lot of work but when finished, it will be worth all the sweat and labor!

05-30-2017, 01:12 PM
I did email tigerhunt and he has some wide ones available.

I will definetly post the build here when I'm done. It might even be done before this years dove season, but that is a big "might".

I'm hooked on these doubles and already have locks and barrels for the next one!

05-30-2017, 10:57 PM
Don't remember where now but one time while looking for musical instrument stock some of the dealers in reclaimed lumber had the heavy wood beams from barns and etc.
Antique wood may be a search word also.
Some of the wood is actually from logs recovered from the bottom of rivers and then sawn.
We're talking logs from the days when they 'herded'(log drive?) logs down river to mills etc.
Also check with local wood processing, ie sawmills.
Local mill was going to saw logs to my specs. but friend bought one of the portable mills.
Logging of the property I rent a house on had walnut rejected by the buyers, crooked(stock shaped) etc.
I have a small pile of short logs and etc I'm going to try and get my fried to saw up for me.
Good luck and it's not happeneing if there aren't pictures!:razz:

05-31-2017, 05:37 AM
I scored a 20 inch walnut log and crotch two months ago. I have to have my guy cut them up but unfortunately it will be 3-4 years before I can turn them into wood chips. I've got some nice cherry slabs drying right now from back in November, but again, will be a while before they are dry. I'm set for the future I guess!

mazo kid
05-31-2017, 02:21 PM
I know that Pecatonica grows and saws their own walnut. They might have some 3" blanks cut and dried. I have walnut that is air dried for over 12 years but it is just a tad over 2-1/2" thick. PM coming.

05-31-2017, 03:34 PM
http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s452/livebattery/10GFlintlockShotgun008.jpg (http://s1052.photobucket.com/user/livebattery/media/10GFlintlockShotgun008.jpg.html) This is one I built during the 80s.I used a Branch off a Pear Tree that I had under my bench for several years.Hard Wood to work but takes on a good finish.

05-31-2017, 06:15 PM
cherry is hard wood to work with. I don't want to ever use it for another stock. Friend of mine has some walnut buried in a storage shed he said he would give me. I don't know the thickness because we haven't uncovered it. I have an ex in Chocowinity and have to do the heavy work for her, so I am in there regularly, if there is something you can use in the pile. You need to seal the ends on green blanks so they don't split as they dry.

05-31-2017, 06:21 PM
http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s452/livebattery/10GFlintlockShotgun007.jpg (http://s1052.photobucket.com/user/livebattery/media/10GFlintlockShotgun007.jpg.html) another view.The barrels are a pair of Breach loading ones given to me by a friend,I squared off the Breaches and fitted sleeves,I threaded the barrels and made and fitted Plugs,The Top Tang is made from Angle Steel,The Locks are made up from castings produced by E J Blackley and Son,I made and fitted the internals,Springs,Tumblers, Bridles,Sears etc,the Furniture Butt Plate,Trigger Guard, Ramrod Thimbles are made from mild Steel Plate.The project took me about four Months to complete and bring to shooting specs,The Barrels where proofed at the Birmingham Gun Barrel Proof House.

06-01-2017, 01:02 AM
http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s452/livebattery/10GFlintlockShotgun003.jpg (http://s1052.photobucket.com/user/livebattery/media/10GFlintlockShotgun003.jpg.html)Another View.

06-02-2017, 10:04 AM
If you still need help,,, PM me. My DIL is the prez of her fathers business. Chambers Flintlocks. I can see what she knows of where to get such stocks.