View Full Version : Sometimes you just get lucky .. 40 lbs lead $10.00

05-27-2017, 03:04 PM
so in 1 week I had an older gentleman call me and ask If I knew anyone that would dispose of old ammo ..
of course... volunteered myself .. he shows up with almost 200 rds of 45 acp 230 gr loaded rds.
Tells me its Lyman #2 he cast years ago and did not want to mess with it anymore
How much I ask Free just get rid of it
of 6 lbs of free lead and primed cases Yea

Then another customer shows up with 4 lbs of free stick on weights

Then yesterday another fellow calls and says he has a bag of cast iron seals (pure lead hand packed joints)
31 lbs for $10.00

so I one week I got 40 lbs of lead for $10.00

05-27-2017, 03:12 PM
I'm in the wrong line of work. Nice haul.


05-27-2017, 03:35 PM
It's comin in faster than you can shoot it back out..... nice!

05-28-2017, 09:21 AM
Good going smoke. If the old fellow cast years ago, did you ask if he needed to " clean up" his old stock pile of lead n Lino ?
Keep up the good finds. Gives us all hope that lead will fall in our laps some day !


05-28-2017, 10:33 AM
Gives us all hope that lead will fall in our laps some day !


Yes, but not from too far up, that stuff is heavy! :bigsmyl2:

mold maker
05-28-2017, 11:26 AM
In one trip Friday, I got a bucket almost full of WWs and 2 lbs of dentist Xray lead. Since I already had to make the trip, even the gas was free.
Kinda repays some of the empty trips I've made.

05-28-2017, 04:10 PM
Yes, but not from too far up, that stuff is heavy! :bigsmyl2:
Yes, and not MOLTEN Either !!

Nice catch mold maker. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while I'm told.
I hate to see a blind squirrel try jumping tree to tree as they do !!

05-30-2017, 10:36 PM
Every score is a good score! And every little bit helps the ole stash.

05-31-2017, 03:08 AM
Sounds like a great deal, never can have enough cheap lead.

mold maker
05-31-2017, 10:57 AM
It' s also a habit that you can't break. I already have way more lead than I'll ever use, but the nagging voice in the back of my mind wont let me stop.
I scan every intersection, cast a questioning eye at every possible source, and wonder what I may have missed.
Just like those who survived the depression, I learned as a teen to repurpose everything possible.
I guess I'll pass on with a question for the undertaker, "Know where I can get some lead?"

06-01-2017, 11:37 AM
Luck is right. This spring I just happened to spot a dropped antler in the bean field by my house. A BIG antler, 4 points, scored 74. I'd had that buck on camera all summer, but he didn't show during the rifle season. He's already back on the camera this spring and there's corn in that field. He doesn't know it but I just retired, gonna have lots more time for muzzle loader, archery and rifle seasons this year. Showed the antler to a guy at work who collects them and he freaked out. Ended up with him setting my last seasons buck up for Europeon mount and 150 lbs of lead sinkers, and linotype. Melted down the sinkers for 115 lbs of 10 Bhn lead and still have about 40 lbs of linotype. If I don't get that buck this year I'll sure be on the lookout for his drops!

Harry O
06-02-2017, 06:16 PM
I just picked up today a brick of lead (24lbs weight) for $3.00 at a garage sale. My fingernail scratched it. Tested it when I got home and it is softer than Bhn 5 (that is as far down as my tester goes). Looks to me like it is pure lead.

Unfortunately, the cost of wheelweights at garage and estate sales has gone up. It used to be the same cost as pure lead, but it must have sold too quick. The prices lately have been as much as $2.00 per pound. I don't need it at that price right now. However, I just got word that my dentist has "upgraded" from lead lined x-ray film to digital images. I won't be getting any more x-ray lead for free. I used to get 25-30lbs from him per year. It really casts well, too.

I know a guy that inspects sewer projects while they are being built. As a side business, he casts lead fishing sinkers. I once asked him how he got his lead. He said that every once in a while, they pull OLD lead pipes that have been abandoned while laying down new pipe. He cuts it up and puts it in the back of his pickup and it disappears from there.

06-07-2017, 08:20 AM
$3 at a Barn/Garage Sale. Was BSing with the guy, mentioned my wife and I look for Pyrex and Pewter, he mentioned he had "Antique Pewter", I said No, looking for Junk pewter to melt with lead, for reloading. Said he thinks he got some lead, this is what he digs out from under the bench, thinks his father used it as weights for something.

http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee95/dmystix/20170605_141902_zpsdb5ejr0u_1.jpg (http://s232.photobucket.com/user/dmystix/media/20170605_141902_zpsdb5ejr0u_1.jpg.html)

06-15-2017, 01:28 AM
This was what i got poured out last weekend around 400# of lead pipe 197597