View Full Version : For thought and meditation

05-27-2017, 07:39 AM
Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will thank you forever and ever, praising your greatness from generation to generation.

—Psalm 79:13

I was speaking with a Christian man who had recently had a surgery done. He could have died in the process of it, and the experience had made an impact on his life. He told me that he worked in sales, but he was beginning to reevaluate his life. He said, “You know, I’m beginning to wonder if I should be doing this anymore. I’m wondering what I should do with my life.”

I think sometimes when people have experiences like this, they may think, “I need to quit what I’m doing and go on the mission field or be in full-time ministry.” Maybe the Lord would lead you to do that. Then again, maybe He would have you stay exactly right where you are and glorify Him there.

This man had become more aware of the fact that God spared his life and put him on this earth for a reason. I told him, “God put you here to glorify Him. That is why you’re here. And there will come a point in your life when you will realize that life is more about significance than it is about success.”

This idea may come as a revelation to some people, because they think they are here to find personal happiness. Actually, that is not why they exist. And if they chase after personal happiness, they never will find it. We are here to glorify God.

That is why every one of us has been placed on this earth: to bring glory to the God who made us. Jesus said, “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit” (John 15:8 NKJV).

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, make sure that you can glorify God while you are doing it. That is the reason you are here.

05-27-2017, 07:45 AM
Amen for a great lesson.

05-27-2017, 11:42 AM
Thank you rl69 . The seemingly forgotten truth . We are here to serve him , multiply his flock . To know him that he might know us . To praise and glorify him , all is owed to him .

05-27-2017, 04:10 PM
A great lesson and one that is often overlooked. Thanks for the Bible study lesson brother! Paul

05-27-2017, 08:32 PM
We know he wants us to serve, both him and his flock. "Feed my Sheep"

The hard part is knowing exactly how it is he wants us to do this. And I think sometimes he just steps in, lends a hand, and then waits to see if a person will set to with a will.

What seem's clearest to me is that when I am moving in a direction the Lord favors it is like walking downhill. It is easy going, and the path is straight forward and easy to see.

Going against his will or in a way he does not really approve of the path quickly seems to run uphill, and gets lost, runs into snags, problems and tribulations.

When I first surrendered all worldly concerns to the Lord, all paths were made straight for a time. Peace like a river flowed, and I am talking Mississippi over a cliff flow not some piddling little stream.

I know soon enough when I have done wrong. Not that different than when we were kids and you heard Dad thunder. "Who's done what with my _ _ _ _?"

Did not take too many episodes of that to learn at that point it was better to stand up straight, fess up, bend over, and take it like a man.

I think in some ways it is not so different with the Lord.
He may thunder, and sound angry. But always because he loves us. He does not wish to see us perish. Step up with humble heart, beg forgiveness, admit your wrongs, and try to do better.

We all fail, stumble and fall, all of us. But we try to do better.

05-27-2017, 09:00 PM
Yep . We fail . You get up and go again .

05-27-2017, 10:52 PM
A great reminder we need to hear as it's so counter culture.

smoked turkey
05-27-2017, 11:20 PM
Yes another great thought from God's Word. Now to the application for each of us.

05-29-2017, 04:11 PM
Wow! What a great lesson for this day! The problem I think we have these days, is that Christ whispers in our ears, and if we're not prepared to hear Him, we often miss His messages. Satan, on the other hand, shouts from the highest pinacles, trying to lure any he can into following him, and the temporary passions and "fun" he has to offer. And the thoughtless, the not-well-considered and the outright profane, succumb. Satan never cares what is is that lures people to follow him. He just wants MORE SOULS! That's all. And HOW he gets them doesn't matter. He'll promise you the world, but what you get, in the end, is emptiness, hollowness and despair. With Christ, you get Light, satisfaction that runs so deep it can't be separated from you, and salvation through redemption, due to the blood He sacrificed in your and my stead!

This OUGHT to be a very easy choice, if it weren't for our willful nature, and our penchant to follow OUR wills rather than HIS! What a wonderful Gift God has prepared for us! And all we have to do is simply reach our hands and accept it! Is our God a wondrous and majestic and loving God, or what?