View Full Version : Have you read the entire bible ?

05-24-2017, 08:48 PM
A simple question . Have you read the bible in it's entirety ? I have a purpose , it causes me pause . Just give an honest answer ..have you read the whole bible ?

05-24-2017, 08:51 PM
Yep. Sure have and continue to read scripture every day. Never owned a bible until I was 50 years old. It stayed dusty for a while and now I can't go a day without reading the inspired word of God.

05-24-2017, 08:58 PM
Sir, don't confuse religion with the teachings of our Lord.

05-24-2017, 09:01 PM
Yes, many times over cover to cover.

05-24-2017, 09:09 PM
yes i have

Ken in Iowa
05-24-2017, 09:12 PM

interested in your purpose.

05-24-2017, 09:22 PM
Probably, but never stem to stern

05-24-2017, 09:27 PM
Yes. Cover to cover. Twice. Just sections of it after that, but I did go through it from end to end a couple of times to get the feel of where everything was.

05-24-2017, 10:12 PM
So ! Where were we ?

Preacher Jim
05-24-2017, 10:18 PM
I have and found it to be the greatest of truths. Only God could use crooked stick to draw a straight line to the savior. Then show us how to live as part of His family.

05-24-2017, 10:20 PM
Yes. Some parts are more important to the Christian Church than others.

As always, rather than just reading and re-reading the Bible I recommend consulting good scholarly commentaries to get the most from the time spent. I know many here think that God will miraculously provide understanding. But God has given the Church teachers to help us understand what the Bible is saying (according to Paul). Some of the best of these teachers have written commentaries after lifetimes of study. To ignore these offerings is to miss out on what God has provided.

05-24-2017, 10:33 PM
In my youth - yes, now I just re-look at selected passages.

05-24-2017, 10:40 PM
Yes my Brother. 10 times cover to cover and many more in my studies. Right now am working on my 11th time straight through. I am not bragging. I am giving God the Glory and the Praise.
BTW read 3 chapters per day and read it in just less than a year. Read 10 Chapters per day and read in in about 3 months.

Bro. Albert

05-24-2017, 10:45 PM
No. I aint even read all the new testament yet.

05-24-2017, 11:14 PM
Why not consider where you are posting???
This is not the place to mouth-off
I was glad to see rude obnoxious posting in this sub-forum
Why not use some common sense and respect here

Der Gebirgsjager
05-24-2017, 11:22 PM
The entire book, cover to cover, twice. Selected readings as needed. Isn't it odd how two people can read the same exact thing and arrive at different interpretations, and be convinced of their interpretation enough to bitterly argue about it? But...it is so.

05-24-2017, 11:25 PM
Yes, but it has been a long time, too long.

05-24-2017, 11:33 PM
One would assume, or at least hope, that all members of the Body of Christ are a Mutual Admiration Society.

05-24-2017, 11:49 PM
One would assume, or at least hope, that all members of the Body of Christ are a Mutual Admiration Society.

Im not sure bout that one jmort. I dont follow a specific doctrine. There is some that would say im not saved, and some that say im luke warm, and some say im doing good. I know some folks that go to revivals a lot, and never miss church. I dont go to revivals cause I aint got no interest, and I miss church about 2 times a month. I currently go to a methodist church, and I am a trustee there, but not a member. I dont believe in some of the doctrine. I dont say its wrong, but I dont blindly swallow it cause the higher ups say it comes from God. Basically I dont judge my relationship with God by what the church or others say it should be, nor do I let others head my moral compass. I try to please God the best I know how, not the way the church body expects me to.

05-25-2017, 12:36 AM
I have several times. It was hardest getting through Numbers. Revelations has been my favorite since my dad's passing (for several reasons).

Tom W.
05-25-2017, 01:05 AM
Honestly? Yes. Several times. One church I used to attend had a contest of sorts, complete with a schedule, to help the members read through in a year. Some ladies did it in less than a month. It took me about three months to do it. Numbers was difficult, as everything was repetitive, and a lot of times I'd start reading and in short order I'd fall asleep. I bought a Bible a few years ago that was written like the original KJV and have yet to get out of the Old Testament. That is a difficult text to read.

05-25-2017, 01:49 AM
Had to read it for confirmation and have read it two other times.
But to muddy the waters even more, I've read the Bible as "WE" know it. But I doubt anyone has ever read the entire Bible as God intended it to be.

05-25-2017, 03:05 AM
Does it count if my wife and I traded off reading it aloud to each other? If so, yes, one time cover to cover.

05-25-2017, 05:56 AM
Thread cleaned up - Please continue on.

Take care,

05-25-2017, 06:03 AM
Thank you .

05-25-2017, 06:41 AM
Yes sir
corbinace yes it counts maby even more :)

05-25-2017, 07:19 AM
No, I have read chunks of it. I have waded all the way through parts of it.

But I have never sat down to read it.

Charlie if you do it I will.

Anyone else?

05-25-2017, 07:28 AM
Yes I have read it through.

05-25-2017, 07:30 AM
Yes. Many times.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Pine Baron
05-25-2017, 07:32 AM
I've read it cover to cover twice. Once when my father challenged me ("You can read James Bond after you read the Bible.") and then again later for the content. Of course bits and pieces occasionally. I think it's time for a refresher course.

Wayne Smith
05-25-2017, 07:37 AM
To be honest, I have tried and failed many times, the reading programs seemed random and without purpose and I couldn't get through. Then I picked up a One Year Chronological Bible and read it through in two months. Since then I've read that one through twice more. It makes sense to me, but then I read history as a hobby. Getting it in chronological or historical order just made sense.

05-25-2017, 08:42 AM
Yes, many times over. I make it my habit to start over when finished and begin again.

And I study various sections as the Holy Ghost leads me. The Psalms are a constant source of comfort, wisdom and praise to the Lord in my life. I also try to read Psalm aloud every day in my house, as a blessing.

05-25-2017, 08:49 AM
Years ago in my youth, now I go back as the Spirit moves me!

05-25-2017, 02:51 PM
Thread cleaned up - Please continue on.

Take care,

I guess I missed something after my reply?

05-25-2017, 03:29 PM
Nah , not really .

05-25-2017, 05:46 PM
In all honesty, I'm not really sure. I've started out to read it though a number of times, but always got rather disappointed. Mostly, I've just read the parts that interested me and that I could relate to, and that I was seeking deeper understanding of. I just found goal oriented reading much more fulfilling than just reading it through like one might do with a novel. It just never really worked for me to read it like a novel, and seemed to my rather dull head like an exercise in futility to read without a purpose and a goal. So .... though I haven't heard anything quoted, nor read anything that was new to me, I can't really answer your question without being unsure. So I guess my answer has to be a "maybe???"

My greatest and deepest understandings, though, have always seemed to come from commentary, like C. S. Lewis and G. K. Chesterton, and a few others. They are probably what I'd call "biblical scholars," and can point out things to me that my simple reading through the words would never have revealed to me. And I don't honestly know if my method is the best or the worst, or somewhere in the middle, but I seldom get "lost" in questions like that, and just try things until I find something (or someone in the case of authors) that works for ME. After all, reading it and mulling over what it says, IS one of the most personal things we can do. And I find it fascinating how 10 people can read the same passage and come up with 10 different interpretations of what it means. I've found something good in almost all the interpretations I've heard, too, providing only they were genuine analyses and not just spouting off "the usual" sectarian interpretations.

IMO, I think the Bible is a book that has, in each passage, many meanings, and I am pretty sure none of us really "gets" them all. But it's our job and our pleasure to try. What would life be without a genuine unending quest?

05-25-2017, 05:55 PM
IMO, I think the Bible is a book that has, in each passage, many meanings, and I am pretty sure none of us really "gets" them all. But it's our job and our pleasure to try. What would life be without a genuine unending quest?

This is not correct. Each passage of the Bible has only one meaning. The meaning (interpretation) is what the original author intended to convey to the original audience. Once you arrive at the proper interpretation, you can make many, many applications. The only exceptions are certain prophecies. But even then, biblical authors must explain the secondary meanings for us to be sure.

05-25-2017, 05:58 PM
I have read many sections, just not the complete Bible. Since I got a Amazon tablet and downloaded the KNJV application. It has been my bible. With the big text and backlite screen its easy to read.

05-25-2017, 06:12 PM
Yes, once, overdue for it again. NT several times.

Snow ninja
05-25-2017, 06:45 PM
Yes, read through cover to cover once... Wanted to get my own interpretation on it. Got what I needed out of it at least. Don't know if I'd do it again in order like that.

05-25-2017, 06:53 PM
This is not correct. Each passage of the Bible has only one meaning. The meaning (interpretation) is what the original author intended to convey to the original audience. Once you arrive at the proper interpretation, you can make many, many applications. The only exceptions are certain prophecies. But even then, biblical authors must explain the secondary meanings for us to be sure.

I believe you could be wrong , scripture can be malleable in situational circumstances . A hard subject to discuss as each 'situation' is unique . I understand the limit of your thought but I am allowed latitude in my church to within reasonable parameters to apply or discover meaning for myself . Scripture is multifaceted , giving the seeker awareness of encouragement or solutions . Just an ...agree to disagree situation . But I do understand your belief . Thanks !

05-25-2017, 07:49 PM
I believe you could be wrong , scripture can be malleable in situational circumstances . A hard subject to discuss as each 'situation' is unique . I understand the limit of your thought but I am allowed latitude in my church to within reasonable parameters to apply or discover meaning for myself . Scripture is multifaceted , giving the seeker awareness of encouragement or solutions . Just an ...agree to disagree situation . But I do understand your belief . Thanks !

What I stated is the standard principal to properly interpret scripture that is taught in universities and seminaries and practiced by serious scholars. If you don't adhere to this you can get all kinds of crazy interpretations. If you understand why the author was writing and to whom, you should arrive at the same (or pretty close) understanding as anyone else using sound hermeneutical practices.

Look at it this way, if I write a letter to someone I have one message for each idea I present. If a reader wants to and discover his own "hidden meanings", he will not receive my message--the reader will be making up his own.

Each passage of scripture has only one interpretation, but countless applications can be made to a contemporary person's life.

05-25-2017, 08:23 PM
I understand , we may agree more than I perceived . I see so many that are dependent on as you describe the original intent of delivery to a specified situation or cause . GOD's word as given to us is all encompassing in it's guidance and prospective . GOD does not leave us blowing in the wind . I quote your last sentence ;

Each passage of scripture has only one interpretation, but countless applications can be made to a contemporary person's life.

I believe we agree . Thank you

05-25-2017, 08:37 PM
Have read multiple times. Currently teach Sunday School to jr High. A good challenge to keep them interested -- topic this quarter is 10 commandments. Started current session beginning of April, currently on #6. I believe it is essential to have an understand of the OT to interpret the NT. The OT has so many illustrations! Still learning!!! Learning by reading, learning from the well schooled, learning from the not so well schooled and learning from those new to it!

05-25-2017, 08:50 PM
The old testament is the foundation for the new testament . Churches that only teach the new covenant fail their members . You must understand what has come before to understand what is now .

How can you understand that Christ is trying to change

the world he lived in if you don't understand that world ?

Dang it ..I'm preaching , sorry .

Just think , talk to GOD . Give it time . He will work in your life .

05-25-2017, 08:50 PM
the first time I tried to read cover to cover I was around 8 I hit a road block in the he begots the nexed time I was in my early teens I struggled trew the measurements of Noah's ark but had to go when I hit the ark of the covent in my early twenties Job did me in in my mid 40 I finally made it all the way threw the key fr me was i started in acts in was a much easer read by the time I made it to the Old Testament reading had become second nature I strongly recommend starting in the new testement

05-25-2017, 08:55 PM
Ha now that's funny I guess we were typing at the same time

I guess it worked for me becuse I did understand the past I forget not everyone was raised in the church

05-25-2017, 08:56 PM
Never straight through cover to cover. And it is Time. I have the time, (really what doesn't) but i have extra free time. And it might actually do me some good. Thank you sir for the impetus!

05-25-2017, 08:58 PM
Your message of the good news is taught first rl69 . Not wrong but we have to understand the old testament to appreciate that message . You did well .

05-25-2017, 09:03 PM
Does it count if my wife and I traded off reading it aloud to each other? If so, yes, one time cover to cover.

This is awesome! I have read 2 chapters out loud with my wife most weekday mornings since 1997. Part of my ministry to her plus it causes great conversation. I do have to admit that after the first couple of times through, Numbers & Leviticus don't get read anymore.

05-25-2017, 11:25 PM
I usually read the complete Bible about every 10 months. I change translations each time and about every 4th or 5th time I will use a chronological version. It is a great way to start your day. Right now I am reading through a version called The Jewish Study Bible that my wife gave me for Christmas. It is taking a little more time and thought, but is is worth it.

05-26-2017, 01:43 AM
Yes, I read it through once. Finished in 1986. I used to read some every day, hadn't missed a day in over 5 years. Now I only read once a week or so except for the "Verse of the day" stuff on the internet. I believe that God reveals himself through the Word. And through the intimacy of prayer. Without gaining our knowledge of God through the Word, we are apt to make up attributes of God that are not true. If we worship a God that we conceive in our own mind it is akin to idol worship. Therefore I believe that it is imperative that we gain our knowledge of God through his word. And continue to refresh and reinforce that truth throughout our lives. Perhaps so many "Christians" do not really know God is because they do not read his word enough.

05-29-2017, 10:50 AM
I could never get into it until I got the NLT version. Now I'm about a third of the way through (Job) and like reading it a couple times a week.

05-29-2017, 02:50 PM
This is not correct. Each passage of the Bible has only one meaning. The meaning (interpretation) is what the original author intended to convey to the original audience. Once you arrive at the proper interpretation, you can make many, many applications. The only exceptions are certain prophecies. But even then, biblical authors must explain the secondary meanings for us to be sure.

Point well taken, Ick, but I've found many passages have other meanings IN ADDITION to the main thrust of the primary message. This is a wondrous circumstance, when so many, many passages illuminate and clarify and expand on other passages! Only a true God could have left us this kind of book to guide us! Context is also sometimes left out when someone WANTS to find a certain meaning. It's just "human," I think, to read into whatever we read some meaning that we WANT to find, and are too lazy or inept to look up more diligently. I think this causes many unnecessary and dysfunctional arguments among believers. We seem to find ways to argue over the most precious things! It's as though we're addicted to arguing, and to whatever we WANT to believe at times, and that's not, in my reading of the Book, what we're supposed to do.

Often, when reading one passage, I'll think of another similar one, and I'll set about comparing the differences in the shades of meanings and applications, and what makes them alike, and what makes them similar. This is the "meat" I've longed for, and had such a hard time finding. I doubt anyone, if they lived to be 200, would EVER soak up all the meanings in the Book. I don't believe we're cut out to do that, really. And I think one of the reasons we're advised to "study to show thyself approved" is simply because if we stay busy doing that, we're MUCH less likely and apt to err, or sin. Most of our problems, I think, come from NOT using the most excellent advice and instruction in the Book. Just MHO, of course, and YMMV. But it's what I've found, if anyone is interested.

05-29-2017, 11:42 PM
Ichisrulz is speaking about exegetical interpretation and Blackwater eisegetical interpretation. Eisegetical is is not wrong unless it discounts the exegetical.

Wayne Smith
05-30-2017, 07:46 AM
You might define the terms. I know them, but would have to look up the formal definitions. Gotta go to work instead.

05-30-2017, 08:18 AM
Ichisrulz is speaking about exegetical interpretation and Blackwater eisegetical interpretation. Eisegetical is is not wrong unless it discounts the exegetical.

I think BW is talking about comparing different passages of scripture with one another and also application of scriptural principles. This happens when you read the Bible. But the number one guiding idea is that the biblical author had one meaning he wanted to convey.

Examples of these other "meanings" he has found would be helpful in fully understanding what he is getting at.

05-30-2017, 05:53 PM
All points well taken here. And I think Craig has the essence of the appearance of a difference between us. Semantics DO make a VERY large difference in what we hear, vs. what message is sent sometimes. But it's good, friendly and serious discussions like this that can overcome such apparent differences. I love this place because we CAN discuss our differences in a very much Christian manner! Places where we can do this are pretty rare these days. Thanks to No. 1 again for providing us with this section of the board! I've learned something from everyone who posts here regularly. And if we're not continually learning, we're inevitably shrinking in our knowledge and understanding of the Word, and our mission.

A Commander doesn't send our Navy Seals out without ensuring they ALL have a good and correct understanding of their mission, and the priorities involved, and the dangers they may face. So, we need to equip ourselves in the same sort of manner if we're to defeat Satan's influences in our lives. And division among us Christians causes the Evil One to laugh and dance and sing! I think I just heard him droop! What a good day this is!

05-30-2017, 06:48 PM
Ichisrulz is speaking about exegetical interpretation and Blackwater eisegetical interpretation. Eisegetical is is not wrong unless it discounts the exegetical.

Eisegetical interpretation is always incorrect. Eisegesis is not proper application either since in order to apply something to your life you need to understand it first. Rather than explain this in my own words, I will give the following link.


05-30-2017, 06:50 PM
All points well taken here. And I think Craig has the essence of the appearance of a difference between us. Semantics DO make a VERY large difference in what we hear, vs. what message is sent sometimes. But it's good, friendly and serious discussions like this that can overcome such apparent differences. I love this place because we CAN discuss our differences in a very much Christian manner! Places where we can do this are pretty rare these days. Thanks to No. 1 again for providing us with this section of the board! I've learned something from everyone who posts here regularly. And if we're not continually learning, we're inevitably shrinking in our knowledge and understanding of the Word, and our mission.

A Commander doesn't send our Navy Seals out without ensuring they ALL have a good and correct understanding of their mission, and the priorities involved, and the dangers they may face. So, we need to equip ourselves in the same sort of manner if we're to defeat Satan's influences in our lives. And division among us Christians causes the Evil One to laugh and dance and sing! I think I just heard him droop! What a good day this is!

Are you saying you use and eisegetical approach to the Bible?

05-30-2017, 11:23 PM
Eisegetical interpretation is always incorrect. Eisegesis is not proper application either since in order to apply something to your life you need to understand it first. Rather than explain this in my own words, I will give the following link.


As I mentioned before, if the eisegesis dismisses the exegetical meaning and context, you're right, they stand in direct opposition to each other. What I meant by my comment was to read a Scripture, understanding the context the writer intended the hearer to understand, then bringing it forward to find an application for current culture that brings "no harm" to the Word or "cause of Christ" isn't bad interpretation. Off the top of my head, can't give a good example but hope you understand my meaning. But I reiterate, if anyone reads and interprets the Bible eisegetically it is wrong.

05-31-2017, 01:43 AM
Ive read through cover to cover about three times, and the whole book at least five times. I read daily to keep my bible study guys in veses to check out, and study through a few chapters an references about once a week. Gonna start a read through again with the goal of tracking some prophetic timelines this summer, should be fun...

05-31-2017, 02:12 AM
I'm pretty sure I've read every word of it at one time or another yet every time I pick it up I find something new that calls to me.

Just sitting down determined to read the book from cover to cover can only give you a small fraction of what's in there. The frame of mind you are in when you pick it up is the most important thing, that governs how you understand what you are seeing and how it applies to you in your present circumstances. The words don't change, the mind of the reader changes.

Wayne Smith
05-31-2017, 07:42 AM
Ive read through cover to cover about three times, and the whole book at least five times. I read daily to keep my bible study guys in veses to check out, and study through a few chapters an references about once a week. Gonna start a read through again with the goal of tracking some prophetic timelines this summer, should be fun...

When you do that keep one probable fact in your mind. The entire New Testament, including Revelation, was most likely finished prior to 70AD. The Temple was destroyed in 70AD and it was a watershed event for both Judaism and Christianity, which was still largely Jewish at that time. We find that earthquake event unmentioned in the New Testament! It is possible that the predictions of John were fulfilled, or largely so, at that time. We do not have the historical context to understand this being so far away in time and culture.

05-31-2017, 08:09 AM
As I mentioned before, if the eisegesis dismisses the exegetical meaning and context, you're right, they stand in direct opposition to each other. What I meant by my comment was to read a Scripture, understanding the context the writer intended the hearer to understand, then bringing it forward to find an application for current culture that brings "no harm" to the Word or "cause of Christ" isn't bad interpretation. Off the top of my head, can't give a good example but hope you understand my meaning. But I reiterate, if anyone reads and interprets the Bible eisegetically it is wrong.

What you are describing is application not eisegetical interpretation.

05-31-2017, 09:36 PM
Having gone back and read this thread, I'll say one thing: It sure does help to START with the literal meaning of the scriptures in the circumstances that existed as they were recorded! THAT pretty well HAS to be the basis for ALL further understanding of and interrelatedness we find subsequent to that. So it's really the foundation of it all. Without it tying down everything, anything subsequent to that would be meaningless, drifting and "squishy", and thus, could do us little if any good. So again, your point is very well taken.

Whew! Getting into the finer points sure makes us search our verbal abilities, doesn't it?

05-31-2017, 09:55 PM
What you are describing is application not eisegetical interpretation.

Ultimately, you are right. I spent the day thinking through this and it did come down to application in every instance.