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View Full Version : Different kind of TV commercial

11-10-2005, 07:47 PM
Just saw a commercial on TV (Fox News Channel) that really struck me as unusual. It was apparently paid for by the Iraqi Kurds. The message was simple, it just said, "Thank You America For Saving Us."

Has the US ever been thanked publically for what we've done as a nation? It sure struck me as unusual; it didn't ask for money, it didn't criticize anyone, and it didn't say "vote for me."

I'm impressed.

11-10-2005, 08:00 PM
Grumbie Grumble, Sir

Maybe the Kurds should have said "Thank you Republicans, for saving us" because the Demoncrats sure as are trying to hang Bush with lying about WMDS when all along the actual Demoncrats senators that read the same intelligence data and agreed to go to war (like Kennedy and Shumer) are the ones instigating this whole affair. This along with their chomped up scheme to try to hang Bush through that CIA leak phony plot they dreamed up.

All they have done is bash Bush, bash the Republican party, bash Bush, bash the Republican party, when their goddamn job is to be serving and helping the people of this country.

Now before you Democrats get on my ass let me say I'm not talking about you, the what I call the democrat people, no sir, I'm talking about the ones in the Senate, the House, well Washington D.C. . Enough is enough. We're all American citizens that as a whole make up this great country. Let's start pulling together.


11-10-2005, 08:30 PM
Joe, being a cynical American, that was kinda my first thought too, that it was some sort of back door ad by FOPs (friends of the prez). But the credits at the end of the commercial were all to some sort of Kurdish group. Not to say they aren't sponsored by some conservative outfit, but it really seemed to be an honest thanks to America as a whole, not to Repubs or anything else.

Don't pop my bubble -- I like thinking that someone, somewhere, appreciates what this country does for the world. <GGG>