View Full Version : For thought and meditation

05-23-2017, 06:38 AM
Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?"—Acts 2:37 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=1eba4d01be&e=3dd732485b)Peter was going for broke. Standing with the Eleven on the Day of Pentecost, he said to the crowd, “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/x-apple-data-detectors://5)).

Talk about taking a risk. They could have killed Peter for saying that. I wonder if Peter thought, “Okay, maybe I cowered before the opinion of someone I didn’t even know by that fire in the courtyard, but those days are gone. I have new power now. I have the Holy Spirit permeating my life. And I’m going to tell the truth.”

To show you that his message was the right one, look at their reaction: “Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?’” (verse 37). This could be translated, “They were pierced to the heart.” This phrase appears only here in the New Testament, and it means “to pierce” or “stab.” Thus, it depicts something sudden and unexpected. It was the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

We all have been stabbed in the back, but have you ever been stabbed in the heart? It’s when someone says something to you that isn’t easy to hear. The reason it hurt is because they were right. It feels like a horrible thing, but it is a good thing. Don’t think of it as a sword killing you; think of it as a scalpel in the hand of a surgeon who’s saving your life and cutting the cancer out.

At Pentecost, the people were stabbed in the heart by the scalpel of the Holy Spirit. There was a sense inside that they needed to get right with God.

Pine Baron
05-23-2017, 07:22 AM
Thank you, rl. Everyday, brother, everyday.

05-23-2017, 03:42 PM
Great post, RL. And one of the things that I think struck the crowd that day, or at least have imagined may have been at work was, that the crowd was so dumbstruck by the simple observable Truth of what Peter said, that they literally COULDN'T act. May be just my imagination, but that's at least one of the factors that I think was at work.

I saw Andy Stanley, having recorded it Sunday, and he had a great point about non-believers. Part of what he spoke of is how non-believers simply don't WANT to believe, and how when challenged, they simply double down on their disbelief, rather than accept the simple Truth of Christ's existence and sacrifice and divinity. But that crowd on that day, were simply dumbrounded, to the point of inaction. That's a powerful picture the Lord arranged for us to have, is it not? What a wonderful Lord we serve!

05-23-2017, 05:27 PM
rl69 thanks for the daily Bible Study....ours is on summer break.....keep up the great work brother....Paul

05-23-2017, 07:25 PM
I remember when I was 7 years old . My mom and dad had to go out of town . My uncle Pat had been stabbed several times and half beaten to death . He was a union rep and hadn't given work to a couple of 'travelers' . They waited for him in the hall parking lot and stabbed him multiple times then kicked him till they figured he was dead .
Uncle Pat was in the hospital in Oklahoma City , a long drive back then with the old cars and bad roads . They had asked family with the same blood type to do direct transfusions (Blood transfusions were still a tricky deal back in the 50's).

Mom told me and my sister we could go or stay home (my sister was and is 6 years older than me) . She went and I stayed . Mom was a pretty nervous about me being home alone (Lord knows she should have been) but she allowed it .

It was Sunday , I asked if I could go and ride my bicycle to church ! It was a good ways but she considered and said yes . WOW ! I was on my own ! Rode to church happy ! I knew the drill , was raised in church . Went to Sunday school , went to the sanctuary after for the message . Brother Earl was the pastor , he seemed old man to me and a little ....firm . Many asked where my folks were and sympathized their concerns , as a child it was really awkward , I couldn't answer all their questions . Brother Earl gave his sermon ...it was on salvation . I was alone , my family was not there ...I listened .

He gave the invitation . I remember feeling numb , I remember feeling helpless and I remember the sprit of GOD filling me . I walked down the aisle looking on each side not understanding why many were not going ...I was the only one . I could not understand they did not feel what I was feeling . Brother Earl held his arms out and took me , cried with me ....he understood . I was baptized the next Sunday . My testimonial .

05-25-2017, 06:35 PM
I like that phrase of how Peter was "going for broke." Indeed, Peter was probably THE most passionate of all the apostles. I have a sense that's a strong portion of the reason Christ made him "chief" among them? Passionate men, like Peter, David, Solomon and others, have always tended to be the kind God chose to do His work here on this plane. Passionate men err greatly, oftentimes, when they err at all. But they always do everything with a passion that sustains them through things a less passionate person would likely shrink from. God knows who to pick and why. And yet, Peter would be called a "humble fisherman" by most both in his own day and now in ours. God seems to seek out passion, and pass over indifference. I think there's a real lesson in that for us all.

Talked with a lady today at our Seniors' dinner at church who has just completed chemo and radiation for cancer. She has a real passion for the Lord, and I know whatever Christ decides in her case, she'll fare extremely well. Her faith under duress is truly inspiring and elating! Today, we tend to take care of what demands it, and don't even know our neighbors any more. That's a shame, because there are SO many stories all around us, that we never really know or hear of, because we're so caught up in this or that thing that only amounts to us serving our own wills. Folks who gather together to worship, fellowship and simply share their lives with each other, really have something going for them that the indifferent will never know, so long as they remain indifferent and aloof from those around them. Did Christ give us the highest quality instruction and advice, or what?